Serenity Systems International udsender snart eComStation 1.2
eComStation 1.1 produkterne er ikke længere til salg
eComStation Entry 1.2 - engelsk.
Forventet release 16. august
Nyt: Der vil også komme en studieversion.
eComStation Application Pack 1.2
Kun mindre ændringer. Men den vil herefter også være tilgængelig for
andre end eComStation-brugere. Dette giver bl.a. mulighed for en Warp
4 bruger at få en opdateret Lotus SmartSuite.
Så er der lidt om Serenity Virtual Station (SVISTA) - den lader jeg
stå på engelsk.
SVISTA is a virtual machine application with will compete with
Microsoft's Virtual PC(tm) and VMWare(r) desktop product. With Virtual
PC support for OS/2 ending this year, SVISTA will be the only VM with
support for OS/2 as either a host or guest. SVISTA will support more
platforms for less cost to the user. SVISTA will also be sold as part
of Terminal Services products running on Windows with Citrix, and on
Linux. The OS/2 host version of SVISTA will be included in the
eComStation Application Pack 1.2.
Software Subscription Services
Så relanceres "Software Subscription Services" (tidligere kendt som
"Upgrade Protection")
* Engelsk version af eComStation 1.2: 16. aug. 2004
* Tysk version skulle følge kort efter - forventet inden 31. august
* Software Subscription Services er frigivet
* Serenity Virtual Station forventes i GA-udgave sidste i 3. kvt.
Berggreen Service
Software Sales & Distribution in
Denmark, Norway, Sweden, Finland, Poland, Germany and Austria