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importing a looping flash file into a new ~
Fra : Hsiang Yao

Dato : 03-05-01 10:34

Hi everyone...

I'd like to know if, and when yes, how I can put an looping allready
finished flash animation into a new one, without being forced to give him
single frames, for better understanding here is what I'd like to do:

I want to just have a little animation running all the time in a corner of a
new flash movie, as long as the user has this new movie opened, is that
possible? Would be very kind to receive an answer by some of you

Thanks in Advance!


Michael Peo (10-05-2001)
Fra : Michael Peo

Dato : 10-05-01 00:49

Load you finished *.swf into an emty MC, ore into a level using the
LoadMovie command.


"Hsiang Yao" <hsiyao@firemail.de> wrote in message
> Hi everyone...
> I'd like to know if, and when yes, how I can put an looping allready
> finished flash animation into a new one, without being forced to give him
> single frames, for better understanding here is what I'd like to do:
> I want to just have a little animation running all the time in a corner of
> new flash movie, as long as the user has this new movie opened, is that
> possible? Would be very kind to receive an answer by some of you
> Thanks in Advance!
> HsiYa

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