Karl Antz <karl@antz.dk> wrote:
> bare til alm. information - når jeg starteer fra et system på en anden
> partition på samme disk er der ingen problemer ... endnu da ...
Morten Reippuert er et geni - skønt det geniale lige her ligger mere i
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"Reader Tip on Configuring USB Ports for Audio Devices (Apple utility) -
A reader replied to a Powerbook G4 owner's iMic/iTunes Noise post/tip in
Monday's news with another suggestion:
" Toby C should check out the Apple supplied "Audio / Midi Setup"
utility. It's normally located in the Utilities folder in the
Applications folder. I think he'll find that the left USB port on his
PowerBook is set to 8-bit 2-channel rather than 16-bit 2-channel.
Resetting it to 16-bit 2-channel should "fix" the problem he's
I discovered this because I use a (wonderful) USB sound output device
(Stereo-Link.com) on my dual G4 tower, and the sound went "scratchy" on
me one day. The only thing that I could do to fix it (at the time), was
to move the Stereo-Link to another USB port. Then it "went bad" on this
port one day too. This repeated itself for each port I moved it to. When
I finally read about this somewhere, I discovered the "real" problem,
and the fix.
He'll need to plug in his iMic to each USB port, at which point it will
show up in the "Audio Midi Setup" application, where he can check the
settings. Apparently a different setting is stored for every USB port,
and every different device that's plugged into every USB port. This
setting sometimes gets set to 8-bit (though I haven't figured out which
applications are responsible, I think that VLC or maybe MPlayer does it
in my case).
Bill S. "
I don't own an iMic but I ran the Audio/Midi Setup utility on my PB G4
and both ports were set to 16bit/2-channel by default, but I asked Toby
to check his configuration."
Og jeg vil skyde på at det i mit tilfælde var mPlayer der havde sat
soundstick-porten til 1ch-16bit ...
Hvoraf man kan lære at det for det meste er prgrammer og ikke systemet
der laver ravage
hilsen ka'l
Karl Antz
Albaniensgade 4,1th
2300 København S