Jeg vil gøre opmærksom på at jeg på:
har fundet en emacs, der fuldt ud understøtter danske tegn, som bruger
cmd-tasten som meta-tast, hvor alt-tasten fungerer som den skal og som
ikke kræver X11.
For os der fra gammel tid er vant til emacs er det en lettelse.
Og for yderligere oplysning kan jeg bringe følgende ReadMe.txt:
Time-stamp: <2003-12-15 17:06:08 franconi>
README for Enhanced Carbon Emacs (version
CVS version: 2003-11-14
This emacs is based on the standard emacs-21.3.50 CVS distribution,
enhanced with many packages, including a fully customisable LaTeX
editing environment based on AucTeX, RefTeX and other packages. There
is no need to have X11 installed; MacOS X Panther (10.3) is required.
From emacs, you can launch directly any latex process or any mac
application (like MacDvi, MacGhostView, Acrobat Reader, TexShop,
OzTeX, etc) on files or regions you are working on.
To make a full install just copy the Emacs application from the disk
image to your /Applications folder; this distribution of emacs is
fully self-contained in the app.
The documentation of the included packages, together with a couple of
emacs tutorials, can be found in the emacs-docs/ folder in the disk
image. If you are upgrading from a previous version of emacs (e.g.,
mac-emacs 1.4 or ec-emacs 2.1), delete first the old Emacs and
mac-emacs applications.
To start playing with the enhanced carbon emacs, open a .tex file;
from the command menu (or with C-c C-c) select "latex" and, if the
compilation is successful, then "view".
- This version of emacs requires MacOS X Panther (10.3).
- No X11 is required.
- In order to use the LaTeX enhancements, emacs requires a working
installation of teTeX and ghostview; t4ht is required to convert
latex files to hmtl. In order to install teTeX, ghostview and t4ht
check the web page at
- The Emacs application accepts files drag-and-dropped onto its icon
or within a window buffer; three buttons mice with the scroll wheel
do work.
- In order to personalise the LaTeX command menu and the applications
to be used with LaTeX (e.g., the dvi, postscript, and pdf viewers),
the printers and the default paper format, copy the "dot-emacs.el"
file, found in the "emacs-docs" folder, into your ".emacs" file
located in your home folder. If you don't already have a ".emacs"
file in your home folder, then just copy the "dot-emacs.el" file as
the ".emacs" file in your home folder.
- If the provided dot-emacs.el is copied in your personal ~/.emacs
file, auto-magically the emacs bundled with MacOS X (in /usr/bin)
and the fink installed emacs (in /sw/bin) will become enhanced as
- SYNCHRONICITY: by latexing with the srcltx option checked from the
Prefs menu, and previewing with MacDviX (or other srcltx aware
previewers), the previewer can automatically invoke back emacs at
the clicked position (click-and-go). If you use MacDviX, you may
have to change the calleditor.script file to contain the line:
/Applications/ +$1 "$2"
You can find a version of the file calleditor.script in the
- To launch carbon emacs from a shell, just copy the executable file
to any folder where binaries are recognised by the shell.
- To have full multi-lingual (latex-aware) spelling checking
capabilities, just install "ispell" from fink. By now, fink provides
automatic installation of American, British, French, Italian and
German dictionaries; other languages should be installed by hand.
- The FAQ on the basic (non-enhanced) carbon emacs can be found at
There you can find suggestions on how to handle fonts and diacritics
from carbon emacs.
- TROUBLES WITH PATHS: If latex binaries are not recognised from
within emacs, then launch the "set-environment" application found in
the "emacs-docs" folder. This will create a path-problem-solving
"environment.plist" file in the ".MacOSX" sub-folder of your home
folder. You have to log out and log in again to let emacs see the
effect of the new environment.
- ADVANCED USERS: the directory
contains all the files necessary to recreate an enhanced emacs; it
has been successfully tested with any emacs 21 on both Darwin (with
X11 or Carbon) and Linux (with X11) boxes.
Basically, you have to copy the content of the directory
somewhere in your machine, copy the dot-emacs.el file in ~/.emacs
and edit the value of the load-local-site-start variable at the
beginning of the ~/.emacs file to the new site-lisp location. In the
file INSTALL you can find also instructions to create a dumped image
with most of the packages pre-loaded.
- KNOWN PROBLEMS: Not all the enhancements (mainly about plain tex and
pdftex) posted by users have been considered in this version of
emacs, mainly because I haven't found time to solve them. The next
release will be a major one, and it will include all the
enhancements suggested.
CHANGES 2.1 -->
- Changed version numbering scheme
- Compatibility with Panther
- Emacs CVS version of 2003-11-14
- Emacs can now be moved away from /Applications
- Package updates and bug fixes
CHANGES 2.0 --> 2.1
- Runs in MacOS X 10.2.2
- Added the set-environment application to fix paths
- New window dimension
- Added flyspell and outline modes
- Fixes in the dot-emacs.el file and in the command menu
CHANGES 1.4 --> 2.0
- Latest versions of emacs and latex packages
- 3 buttons mice do work
- Added conversion to html with tex4ht
- Emacs application now completely independent
- Hopefully more robust to find tetex and gs binaries
- Works in Jaguar
CHANGES 1.3 --> 1.4
- New versions of latex packages
- New installer
- Added documentation
- Reconfigured LaTeX menus
- Universal version of site-lisp files
- Emacs bundle can be launched alone
- Added the srcltx option to work with MacDviX (click-and-go)
- Hopefully more robust to find tetex and gs binaries
Per Erik Rønne