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Web Design Course
Fra : Rob Dewell

Dato : 24-04-01 22:40


I am interested in furthering my knowledge in Web Design and I have found a
course which covers HTML, VBScript, JavaScript, ASP, MTS, E-Commerce, XML,
SQL Server, Dreamweaver and Flash. It's a three week intensive course which
costs £1500 at www.itcareerconsultancy.com.

As I am new to this I wondered if anyone had any further advise of opinion's
which would help me in my learning and what they though of this course.

I am also reading a book called 'The Complete Reference - Web Design' by
Thomas A. Powell.

I had purchased a book from Dorling Kindersley called 'Building A Website'
which can be found at
http://ukstore.dk.com/shop/shared/product.asp?ISBN=0751309907. Since
reading this booklet I have produced my own web site at
http://www.geocities.com/pettswoodcricket. This site which I designed using
MS FrontPage 2000 has over 3000 hyperlinks and 150 pages but is simple in
it's design so I am looking to learn more.

Any additional advise you may have will be grateful.

Kind Regards
Robert Dewell

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