Så er C. Hoagland på banen igen, denne gang med en ansat, og stadig ansat,
person fra Nasa ( Keith Laney), der forklarer om en del problemer med de
nuværende Mars billeder. Interressant billede analyse..
Billeder i TIFF format:
---snip derfra---
Our conclusion, based on a number of facts we will lay out below, is that
the image Keith has is a genuine, or at least "close to a genuine," Mars
Odyssey 2001 THEMIS IR image. What is currently posted on the THEMIS web
site, and what was apparently posted on the 24th of July 2002 when the vast
majority of interested parties downloaded it, is a highly modified, highly
degraded image of unknown origin.
In other words; a highly diluted fake. A deception, deliberately perpetrated
on the American people by "someone."
Indeed, if you read the abstract of Dr. Christensen's own recent paper on
the THEMIS results, "New Observations of Mars from the Odyssey Thermal
Emission Imaging System," he makes it quite clear that the instrument is
more than capable of achieving excellent "ground penetration." To quote from
the abstract:
"Regional 100-m mapping has revealed the presence of channel systems in
ancient crater terrains not detected by Viking and not mapped by the
high-resolution camera on Mars Global Surveyor."