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Munksgaard familie i Snejbjerg
Fra : CFS2280

Dato : 13-01-04 12:59

I have been doing some research here in Sweden about my grandfathers
but when it came to my great grandfather it became difficult as I did
not have
any information about him but the little things my grandfather had
told me.

I knew that he had emigrated from Denmark but that was more or less
all I knew.
I started with looking up my grandfathers birth and and then I went on
to look for
information about his father. It was not easy, but i finally found him
in a parish in
Stockholm. I found the date of marriage and even the date when he
died. I could
never find the date of immigration to Sweden though.

His name was Hans Christian/Kristen Pedersen Munksgaard and he was
born in,
as it was written in the church-book, Snebjug. As I do not have my
notes with me
here in Stockholm I cannot give you the exact dates.

He married a Swedish girl and they had 3 children. The oldest was a
girl, named
Eleonora, then a boy named Vincent, born in 1902 and then my
Cronje, born in 1904. They where all born in Stockholm.

Hans Kristen was a tailor and did well in business. The family lived
in a large apartment
in the old part of Stockholm. They had a nanny and several servants.
It was a wealthy family.
Unfortunately something happened and Hans Kristen died. Maybe the
had gone bad and that was the reason for the dead of Hans Kristen. My
grandfather was still
a small boy, only 8 years old. Hans Kristen's wife did not have the
capacity to run the business
and in the end the two stores and the large studio had to be sold and
the family had to move to a small apartment in another part of Stockholm.

Two years after the dead of Hans Kristen, the wife died and my
grandfather ended up as a foster-child in Öland. In those times the children
where put with the family who asked for the
smallest amount of money.

My grandfather spoke very little about his father and in some way I
had a feeling
that it was a forbidden subject. I have often wondered about my roots.
I guess that I have
relatives in Denmark and I have always ben curious to find out.

Maybe this information can help someone looking for members of the
family, and I hope
that if someone have any information about the Munksgaard family they
will contact me.

Best regards

Annika Munksgaard


Arne Feldborg (13-01-2004)
Fra : Arne Feldborg

Dato : 13-01-04 18:59

"CFS2280" <cfs2280@vip.cybercity.dk> skrev Tue, 13 Jan 2004 12:59:18

> His name was Hans Christian/Kristen Pedersen Munksgaard and he was
>born in,
> as it was written in the church-book, Snebjug. As I do not have my
>notes with me
> here in Stockholm I cannot give you the exact dates.
If you do have more exact data - then write again when jo are able to
send those.!

He is most likely from the village Snejbjerg (abt. 3 km west of the city
Herning i Jutland), and have one or another relation to the farm named
Munkgaard (located south-east of Snejbjerg).

I know the area well, but I need at least an aprox. birthyear or the
year for his death and his age at that time. And whatever information
you may have.

> had gone bad and that was the reason for the dead of Hans Kristen. My
>grandfather was still
> a small boy, only 8 years old. Hans Kristen's wife did not have the
>capacity to run the business
> and in the end the two stores and the large studio had to be sold and
>the family had to move to a small apartment in another part of Stockholm.
Werry interesting story, but i dosn't help much i order to find his

> that if someone have any information about the Munksgaard family they
>will contact me.
There are no such family, but several families use the name Munkgaard as
a midle-name.

mvh, A:\Feldborg

Folketælllinger Hammerum og Bølling herreder, kirkebøger Hammerum herred

Hugh Watkins (13-01-2004)
Fra : Hugh Watkins

Dato : 13-01-04 19:37

"Arne Feldborg" <feldborg@haunstrup.dk> wrote in message news:6bb800pmkdmjneeosaqgbvl1n24vcsjd51@news2.tele.dk...
> "CFS2280" <cfs2280@vip.cybercity.dk> skrev Tue, 13 Jan 2004 12:59:18
> +0100
> > His name was Hans Christian/Kristen Pedersen Munksgaard and he was
> >born in,
> > as it was written in the church-book, Snebjug. As I do not have my
> >notes with me
> > here in Stockholm I cannot give you the exact dates.
> >
> If you do have more exact data - then write again when jo are able to
> send those.!
> He is most likely from the village Snejbjerg (abt. 3 km west of the city
> Herning i Jutland), and have one or another relation to the farm named
> Munkgaard (located south-east of Snejbjerg).
> I know the area well, but I need at least an aprox. birthyear or the
> year for his death and his age at that time. And whatever information
> you may have.
> > had gone bad and that was the reason for the dead of Hans Kristen. My
> >grandfather was still
> > a small boy, only 8 years old. Hans Kristen's wife did not have the
> >capacity to run the business
> > and in the end the two stores and the large studio had to be sold and
> >the family had to move to a small apartment in another part of Stockholm.
> >
> Werry interesting story, but i dosn't help much i order to find his
> birth.
> > that if someone have any information about the Munksgaard family they
> >will contact me.
> >
> There are no such family, but several families use the name Munkgaard as
> a midle-name.

dont believe it

is the Danish white and yellow pages

Viser nu 1-25 af 475 resultater (19) sider
Søgt på:Munksgaard

Søgt i:Person

the middle names show first

then on page 4 an engineer and a couple of famers Munksgaard, A, civilingeniør

Sønderengen 111, 2870 DyssegårdTlf:

Munksgaard, Aage, gårdejer

Bækager 3, 6630 RøddingTlf:

Munksgaard, Aage, gårdejer

Stadionvej 8, 7673 HarboøreTlf:

and several hundred more

Viser nu 1-25 af 64 resultater (3) sider
Søgt på:munkgaard


Hugh W

PS a famous academic publishing house

complicates google searches


Resultat af søgning: year 2002 - 2003 - -change
men and women called >> 'munksgaard' 422 - 428 - + 6


Danish genealogy - dansk genealogi

Arne Feldborg (13-01-2004)
Fra : Arne Feldborg

Dato : 13-01-04 20:12

"Hugh Watkins" <hugh_watkins@msn.com> skrev Tue, 13 Jan 2004 18:36:35

>> There are no such family, but several families use the name Munkgaard as
>> a midle-name.
>dont believe it

>Viser nu 1-25 af 475 resultater (19) sider
>Søgt på:Munksgaard
You are living in the year 2004 - I gues?

Our friend, who are in question here, are born abt. 1860 - 1880.
And his familyname *is* Pedersen - NOT Munkgaard.

As living i Denmark for several years, and as a genealogist working vith
Denmark, you chould know the danish naming traditions better than that.

And most of all you chould know the problems about lastnames, patronyms
and nicknames in the later 1800's - and you chould know the results of
the naminglaw of 1905.

But first of all:
My point to the man, who asked the question, was that you cannot ask
people to use there sparetime to find a nedle in a haystack - if you
don't even tell them what the nedle look like.!

Sorry for my bad english - but it's still much better than your danish.!

mvh, A:\Feldborg

Folketælllinger Hammerum og Bølling herreder, kirkebøger Hammerum herred

Arne Feldborg (13-01-2004)
Fra : Arne Feldborg

Dato : 13-01-04 20:36

"Hugh Watkins" <hugh_watkins@msn.com> skrev Tue, 13 Jan 2004 18:36:35

>Viser nu 1-25 af 475 resultater (19) sider
>Søgt på:Munksgaard
Insted of loking in the nowadays phonebooks why don't you gå trugh all
the churchbooks and all the cesuses for the relevant period.?

And don't you think that I did that, before I answered the question.?

mvh, A:\Feldborg

Folketælllinger Hammerum og Bølling herreder, kirkebøger Hammerum herred

Hugh Watkins (14-01-2004)
Fra : Hugh Watkins

Dato : 14-01-04 09:45

> I knew that he had emigrated from Denmark but that was more or less
> all I knew.
> I started with looking up my grandfathers birth and and then I went on
> to look for
> information about his father. It was not easy, but i finally found him
> in a parish in
> Stockholm. I found the date of marriage and even the date when he
> died. I could
> never find the date of immigration to Sweden though.
> His name was Hans Christian/Kristen Pedersen Munksgaard and he was
> born in,
> as it was written in the church-book, Snebjug. As I do not have my
> notes with me
> here in Stockholm I cannot give you the exact dates.
> He married a Swedish girl and they had 3 children. The oldest was a
> girl, named
> Eleonora, then a boy named Vincent, born in 1902 and then my
> grandfather,
> Cronje, born in 1904. They where all born in Stockholm.>
> Hans Kristen was a tailor and did well in business. The family lived
> in a large apartment

Hej Annika

there are a few grumpy old men on the internet - just ignore
the sources he has searched are very incompletely transcribed

-gaard in Danish family names means "of the farm called . .. "

about 400 monksgaard alive today suggests a common start to the name about 200 years ago

In the Journal of the Guild of One-Name studies there was a statistical study of how a name grows from generation to generation. I
have only made a guestimate here.

-gaard names may be an owner, a lessee or an employee or servant at or near the farm

my FAQ in english on Danish names http://www.rootsweb.com/~dnkcen/FAQ/names.html

this is culled from many excellent sources in Danish

one database of place names is http://krabsen.dk/

Stednavn (placename)
Amt (modern county)
Herred (hundred)
Gammelt amt (old county)
Bemærkning (remarks)

Munkgaard Snejbjerg Ringkøbing - Hammerum Ringkøbing FT 1801

source = census of 1801


search munk% gives a lot more place names with that root

å is the modern aa

StednavnSognAmtKommuneHerredGammelt amtBemærkning
MunkgaardSnejbjergRingkøbingHammerumRingkøbingFT 1801
MunkgårdSnejbjergRingkøbingHerningHammerumRingkøbingGård, hus eller bebyggelse

MunkegårdHorneNordjyllandsØster HorneRibeManuelt/NJA
MunkegårdeMaglebyFynsSydlangelandLangelands SønderSvendborgBebyggelse.
MunkegaardeTikøbFrederiksborgLynge-KronborgFrederiksborgFT 1801
MunkegårdeTikøbFrederiksborgHelsingørLynge-KronborgFrederiksborgBebyggelse. Ejerlav eller dele heraf.

MunkegårdÅkerBornholmsAakirkebyBornholms SønderBornholmBebyggelse.

only in recent years has spelling become standardised
the Danes have a committee watching over spelling ( a cheap imitation of the Italian or French Academies) http://www.dsn.dk Dansk

research http://www.hum.ku.dk/navnef/index.htm

modern place namesd http://levende.kms.dk/su/sunavn.htm



I would expect your ancestors to have mixed the spellings


All persons in the household
ringkoebing, Vandfuld, Vandborg, , , Søndermunksgaard, 26, FT-1834
Following fields are shown:
Name, Age, Marital status, Position in household, Occupation , Birth place
Anders Chr: Jensen Munksgaard, 36, Gift, , Gaardmand,
Ane Sophie Christensdatter, 41, Gift, , hans Kone,
Jens Munksgaard, 5, Ugift, , deres Barn,
Margrethe Munksgaard, 3, Ugift, , deres Barn,
Ane Bergithe Munksgaard, 1, Ugift, , deres Barn,
Margrethe Nielsdatter, 78, Enke, , Aftægtskone,
Jens Munksgaard Møller, 11, Ugift, , Pleiesøn og forsørges af Huusfaderen,
Christen Jensen, 27, Ugift, , Tjenestekarl,
Christiane Sørensdatter, 27, Ugift, , Tjenestepige,

absolutely no guarantee these are your people

53 records foundt. Max. 100 records will be shown
search munksgaard

All persons in the household
ringkoebing, Hjerm, Asp, Lindebye, , Lindebye, 4. Familie, FT 1787
Following fields are shown:
Name, Age, Marital status, Position in household, Occupation , Birth place
Morten Simonsen, 32, gift, Hosbonde, Bonde og Gaardbeboer,
Ane Marie Lauridsdatter Munksgaard, 48, gift, Madmoder, ,
Mette Simonsdatter, 21, ugift, Hans Søster, ,
Maren Frederiksdatter, 60, enke, Hans Stifmoder, ,

Comments: Navnet Munksgaard kan være Munkegaard

All persons in the household
ringkoebing, Hjerm, Fovsing, , , Store Stadsbierg, 1. Familie, FT 1787
Following fields are shown:
Name, Age, Marital status, Position in household, Occupation , Birth place
Peder Madssen, 47, gift, Hosbonde, Bonde og Gaardbeboer,
Birgitte Lauridsdatter Munksgaard, 40, gift, Madmoder, ,
Morten Pedersen, 16, ugift, Hendes Barn af første Egteskab, ,
Laurids Pedersen, 12, ugift, Hendes Barn af første Egteskab, ,
Sidsel Pedersdatter, 7, ugift, Hendes Barn af første Egteskab, ,
Jens Nielssen, 34, ugift, tieneste Folk, ,
Maren Pedersdatter, 30, ugift, tieneste Folk, ,
Ane Offersdatter, 75, enke, Konens afdøde mands moder, ,

there are without doubt many more to be found


some migrants http://www.emiarch.dk/search.php3?l=en
this source is also incomplete you need to use ships lists in USA

Navn: Munksgaard, Niels Chr. AndersenStilling: Landarbejder
Alder: 19Bestemmelsessted: Blue Earth City, Minn.
Kontrakt nr.: 15400Forevisningsdato: 3/8/1898
Fødested: ?Fødesogn: ?
Sidste oph.sogn: TransSidste oph. amt: Ringkøbing
Sidste oph.sted: Trans, RingkjøbingBestemmelses land: USA
Bestemmelses by: Blue EarthBestemmelses stat: Minnesota
Skibsnavn: Hekla
Bemærkninger: ANM:IDkode: D9701M0803

Navn: Munksgaard, Jens Johannes PedersenStilling: Landarbejder
Alder: 21Bestemmelsessted: Boston
Kontrakt nr.: 73700Forevisningsdato: 3/18/1904
Fødested: SnejbjergFødesogn: Snejbjerg
Sidste oph.sogn: ØdumSidste oph. amt: Randers
Sidste oph.sted: ØdumBestemmelses land: USA
Bestemmelses by: BostonBestemmelses stat: Massachusetts
Skibsnavn: United States
IDkode: D0304M0911

Navn: Munksgaard, Vilhelm Stilling: Maskinarbejder
Alder: 25 Bestemmelsessted: Filadelfia
Kontrakt nr.: 78300 Forevisningsdato: 3/8/1906
Fødested: Agersund Fødesogn: Næsborg
Sidste oph.sogn: Næsborg Sidste oph. amt: Aalborg
Sidste oph.sted: Agersund Bestemmelses land: USA
Bestemmelses by: Philadelphia Bestemmelses stat: Pennsylvania
Skibsnavn: Oscar II
Bemærkninger: ANM: Oscar II. IDkode: D0507M0707


some Ellis Island ships lists have next of kin too
you might find out where he set out from
a danish aunty may be ?


your name predates the name laws which suggests a slightly higher status than mere peasants.

it would be interesting to know who founded Munksgaard forlag - the publishing house

Hugh W

Hugh Watkins (14-01-2004)
Fra : Hugh Watkins

Dato : 14-01-04 10:19

"Hugh Watkins" <hugh_watkins@msn.com> wrote >
> it would be interesting to know who founded Munksgaard forlag - the publishing house

in 1917

Hugh W

================ searches ===========================


Saugman, Per: Munksgaard, i: Per Saugman: Noget med bøger. 1995, s. 117-[133], ill. - Erindringer om Munksgaards Forlag og Boghandel
ca. 1967-1995.

Gyldendal, grundlagt i 1770 af Søren Gyldendal.


Blackwell Publishing Ltd was formed by the merger of Blackwell Publishers and Blackwell Science in July 2001. Munksgaard in
Copenhagen which had been a relatively autonomous subsidiary of Blackwell Science was also integrated with the UK business

Munksgaard (Copenhagen) was founded in 1917.

In 1963, it was acquired by BSP, B H Blackwell and Blackwell & Mott. Later BSP became sole owner. The bookseller side was sold to
the management in the 1970's. The publishing continued to grow led by an international journals list with particular strength in
dentistry, dermatology, immunology and transplantation. In 1998, the educational, software, high school, trade and general
publishing business were sold off, followed by the subscription agency in 2000 and the Danish language medical textbook programme in
2001. With the company now focusing on its journal list under Lise Baltzer, it moved to smaller offices in central Copenhagen July

Sir Basil Blackwell

(Henry Blackwell)
publisher, bookseller
Born: 1889
Birthplace: Oxford, Oxfordshire, England

After studying at Oxford, he entered the family bookselling business. He expanded the focus of the business and began publishing,
founding the Shakespeare Head Press in 1921. When he assumed chairmanship of the firm in 1924, he incorporated publishing as an
integral part of the family's bookselling business.

Died: 1984

=========== did the farm belong to this family? ================


Munk, Christen, - 1579, til Taabdrup - 514, 515
Munk, Christen, -1612, til Gjessinggaard - 515
Munk, Ebbe, 1551-1622, til Fjellebro - 516, 517
Munk, Erik (Nielsen), -1594 - 517, 518, 519
Munk, Hans, f 1712, s. Munch (ovfr. S. 508) - 519
Munk, Hans, 1770-1848, Læge - 519, 520
Munk, Ide, -1586 - 520, 521
Munk, Iver, -1539, Biskop - 521, 522, 523
Munk, Jens, 1579-1628, Ishavsfarer - 523, 524, 525
Munk, Jørgen, -1577 - 525
Munk, Kirstine, 1598-1658, Christian IV's Hustru - 525, 526, 527, 528, 529, 530, 531
Munk, Laurids, -1702, Officer - 531
Munk, Ludvig, 1537-1602, til Nørlund - 532, 533
Munk, Mogens, -1410, Rigsraad - 533
Munk, Mogens, -1558, til Volstrup, Landsdommer, Rigsraad - 534, 535, 536
Munk, Niels Jensen, -o. 1365, Kansler - 536
Munk, Oluf, -1569, Biskop, Rigsraad - 536, 537, 538
Munk, Palne Jensen, -o. 1365, Marsk - 538, 539
Munk, Peder, -1340-, (...) sig til Holbækgaard i Jylland - 539
Munk, Peder, 1534-1623, til Estvadgaard, Rigsmarsk - 539, 540, 541, 542

Arne Feldborg (15-01-2004)
Fra : Arne Feldborg

Dato : 15-01-04 08:27

"Hugh Watkins" <hugh_watkins@msn.com> skrev Wed, 14 Jan 2004 08:45:09

>there are a few grumpy old men on the internet - just ignore
>the sources he has searched are very incompletely transcribed
Dear Hugh. Please, please, please stop that nonsens.

Jeg kan forsikre dig for, at jeg kender de navne, de familier og den her
egn langt bedre end du nogen sinde vil komme til at kende din egen

Jeg kan også forsikre dig for at jeg kunne liste både de samme og langt
flere og mere præcise oplysninger - uden at skulle ty til 3. og 4.
håndskilder og tvivlsomme søgninger i amerikanske databaser.

Når jeg ikke gør det, så er det dels af den grund jeg nævnte allerede i
mit første indlæg, og dels af den grund at der i de mest oplagte
familier ikke findes nogen Hans Christian (eller for den sags skyld bare
en Hans) i den relevante alder.

Af det oprindelige spørgsmål fremgik at spørgeren havde yderligere
oplysninger til rådighed. Jeg ser derfor ingen grund til at gå ud i
noget der kun kan blive rent gætværk, før vi får disse oplysninger på

Jeg har en fornemmelse af hvor det bærer henad, men det afhænger meget
af hvilke yderligere oplysninger spørgeren kan komme med.

>about 400 monksgaard alive today suggests a common start to the name about 200 years ago
Nej, nej og atter nej.!

Det kan jeg sige med 100% sikkerhed det ikke er - det endda langt fra.
Og for at gøre ondt værre, så bruges de forskellige stavemåder i flæng
også indenfor de enkelte familier.

Og med dit kendskab til danske navnetraditioner burde du vide bedre end
at påstå noget sådant.

>In the Journal of the Guild of One-Name studies there was a statistical study of how a name grows from generation to generation. I
>have only made a guestimate here.
Her er det fakta - ikke statistik - vi har brug for.

mvh, A:\Feldborg

Folketælllinger Hammerum og Bølling herreder, kirkebøger Hammerum herred

Hugh Watkins (14-01-2004)
Fra : Hugh Watkins

Dato : 14-01-04 10:06

Snejbjerg ?
Herning, - 2.2 miles from Snejbjerg

StednavnSognAmtKommuneHerredGammelt amtBemærkning
Snejbjerg BjergeSnejbjergRingkøbingHerningHammerumRingkøbingSe Bjerre i Studsgård


back to MunkgaardSnejbjergRingkøbingHammerumRingkøbingFT 1801


click on Ringkøbing

a pretty desolate part of Jutland
subsistance agriculture

23 records foundt. http://ddd.dda.dk/asp/dddform_uk.asp

munk% as name

Ringkjøbing as county

Snejbjerg parish

it always pays to repeat research

68 years on Janury 7th 2004

I am old but not grumpy

your next job is parish registers


or if you cannot wait until the images are on line

order film from utah


PLACE search Snejbjerg

Hugh W


Data from DDD

Amt : Ringkøbing


23 records foundt. Max. 100 records will be shown

Source: FT-1880
Name: Anders Pedersen MunkegaardSex: M
Age: 18Marital status: Ugift
Birth place: Sneiberg, Ringkjøbing amt
Parish: SnejbjergDistrict: Hammerum
County: RingkøbingPlace name: Snejbjerg by(1) / 12
Household-/family no: 152Title no/address: Lundmølle, et hus
Source entry no: C2778Record no.: 794

Source: FT-1870
Name: Anders Pedersen Munksgaard
Age: 8Marital status: Ugift
Birth place: Sneiberg [Ringk. amt]
Parish: SnejbjergDistrict: Hammerum
County: RingkøbingPlace name: Sneiberg
Household-/family no: 158Title no/address: Et huus
Source entry no: C1247Record no.: 842

Source: FT-1880
Name: Ane Marie Pedersen MunkegaardSex: K
Age: 0Marital status: Ugift
Birth place: Sneiberg, Ringkjøbing amt
Parish: SnejbjergDistrict: Hammerum
County: RingkøbingPlace name: Snejbjerg by(1) / 12
Household-/family no: 152Title no/address: Lundmølle, et hus
Source entry no: C2778Record no.: 800

Source: FT-1880
Name: Christen Pedersen MunkegaardSex: M
Age: 7Marital status: Ugift
Birth place: Sneiberg, Ringkjøbing amt
Parish: SnejbjergDistrict: Hammerum
County: RingkøbingPlace name: Snejbjerg by(1) / 12
Household-/family no: 152Title no/address: Lundmølle, et hus
Source entry no: C2778Record no.: 797

Source: FT-1860
Name: Jacob K... Pedersen Munkgd. !!Sex: M
Age: 1Marital status: Ugift
Birth place: Her i sognet [Snejbjerg, Ringk. amt]
Parish: SnejbjergDistrict: Hammerum
County: RingkøbingPlace name: Hovedskolens distrikt
Household-/family no: 27Title no/address: Tanderup, 1 huus
Source entry no: C1246Record no.: 170
Comments: !! Tvivl om mellemnavnet, muligvis Kirk

Source: FT-1890
Name: Jens Johansen MunkgaarSex: M
Age: 6Marital status: Ugift
Occupation: FattigforsørgelseBirth place: Sneiberg, Ringkjøbing amt
Parish: SnejbjergDistrict: Hammerum
County: RingkøbingPlace name: Snejbjerg fattiggaard
Household-/family no: 198Title no/address: 3
Source entry no: C2779Record no.: 970
Comments: !! N.B. Var opført nederst på den følgende side

Source: FT-1870
Name: Johane Pedersen Munksgaard
Age: 0Marital status: Ugift
Birth place: Sneiberg [Ringk. amt]
Parish: SnejbjergDistrict: Hammerum
County: RingkøbingPlace name: Sneiberg
Household-/family no: 158Title no/address: Et huus
Source entry no: C1247Record no.: 844

Source: FT-1880
Name: Johanne Pedersen MunkegaardSex: K
Age: 10Marital status: Ugift
Birth place: Sneiberg, Ringkjøbing amt
Parish: SnejbjergDistrict: Hammerum
County: RingkøbingPlace name: Snejbjerg by(1) / 12
Household-/family no: 152Title no/address: Lundmølle, et hus
Source entry no: C2778Record no.: 796

Source: FT-1890
Name: Johannes Pedersen MunkgaarSex: M
Age: 8Marital status: Ugift
Occupation: FattigforsørgelseBirth place: Sneiberg, Ringkjøbing amt
Parish: SnejbjergDistrict: Hammerum
County: RingkøbingPlace name: Snejbjerg fattiggaard
Household-/family no: 198Title no/address: 3
Source entry no: C2779Record no.: 969

Source: FT-1880
Name: Kirsten Magrette MunkegaardSex: K
Age: 3Marital status: Ugift
Birth place: Sneiberg, Ringkjøbing amt
Parish: SnejbjergDistrict: Hammerum
County: RingkøbingPlace name: Snejbjerg by(1) / 12
Household-/family no: 152Title no/address: Lundmølle, et hus
Source entry no: C2778Record no.: 798

Source: FT-1860
Name: Mette Pedersen Munkgd.Sex: K
Age: 3Marital status: Ugift
Birth place: Her i sognet [Snejbjerg, Ringk. amt]
Parish: SnejbjergDistrict: Hammerum
County: RingkøbingPlace name: Hovedskolens distrikt
Household-/family no: 27Title no/address: Tanderup, 1 huus
Source entry no: C1246Record no.: 169

Source: FT-1870
Name: Mette Pedersen Munksgaard
Age: 12Marital status: Ugift
Birth place: Sneiberg [Ringk. amt]
Parish: SnejbjergDistrict: Hammerum
County: RingkøbingPlace name: Sneiberg
Household-/family no: 158Title no/address: Et huus
Source entry no: C1247Record no.: 841

Source: FT-1890
Name: Mette Pedersen MunksgaardSex: K
Age: 32Marital status: Gift
Birth place: Snejbjærg, Ringkjøbing amt
Parish: SnejbjergDistrict: Hammerum
County: RingkøbingPlace name: Voldsgaard Mark
Household-/family no: 290Title no/address: 9
Source entry no: C2779Record no.: 1430

Source: FT-1880
Name: Mogens Peder Pedersen MunkegaardSex: M
Age: 2Marital status: Ugift
Birth place: Sneiberg, Ringkjøbing amt
Parish: SnejbjergDistrict: Hammerum
County: RingkøbingPlace name: Snejbjerg by(1) / 12
Household-/family no: 152Title no/address: Lundmølle, et hus
Source entry no: C2778Record no.: 799

Source: FT-1880
Name: Niels Christian Pedersen MunkegaardSex: M
Age: 13Marital status: Ugift
Birth place: Sneiberg, Ringkjøbing amt
Parish: SnejbjergDistrict: Hammerum
County: RingkøbingPlace name: Snejbjerg by(1) / 12
Household-/family no: 152Title no/address: Lundmølle, et hus
Source entry no: C2778Record no.: 795

Source: FT-1870
Name: Niels Christian Pedersen Munksgaard
Age: 3Marital status: Ugift
Birth place: Sneiberg [Ringk. amt]
Parish: SnejbjergDistrict: Hammerum
County: RingkøbingPlace name: Sneiberg
Household-/family no: 158Title no/address: Et huus
Source entry no: C1247Record no.: 843

Source: FT-1870
Name: Niels Munkgaard
Age: 2Marital status: Ugift
Birth place: Sneiberg [Ringk. amt]
Parish: SnejbjergDistrict: Hammerum
County: RingkøbingPlace name: Sneiberg
Household-/family no: 145Title no/address: Munkgaard, en gaard
Source entry no: C1247Record no.: 762

Source: FT-1870
Name: Niels Munkgaard Pedersen
Age: 7Marital status: Ugift
Birth place: Sneiberg [Ringk. amt]
Parish: SnejbjergDistrict: Hammerum
County: RingkøbingPlace name: Sneiberg
Household-/family no: 125Title no/address: En gaard
Source entry no: C1247Record no.: 658

Source: FT-1880
Name: Niels Munkgaard SørensenSex: M
Age: 9Marital status: Gift
Birth place: Sneibjerg [Ringk. amt]
Parish: SnejbjergDistrict: Hammerum
County: RingkøbingPlace name: Næstholdt og Ørskov / 10
Household-/family no: 236Title no/address: Ørskov by, en gaard
Source entry no: C2778Record no.: 1276

Source: FT-1890
Name: Niels Munkgaard SørrensenSex: M
Age: 19Marital status: Ugift
Birth place: Snejbjerg, Ringkjøbing amt
Parish: SnejbjergDistrict: Hammerum
County: RingkøbingPlace name: Ørskov
Household-/family no: 95Title no/address: 3
Source entry no: C2779Record no.: 475

Source: FT-1880
Name: Peder Andersen MunkegaardSex: M
Age: 49Marital status: Gift
Birth place: Herning
Parish: SnejbjergDistrict: Hammerum
County: RingkøbingPlace name: Snejbjerg by(1) / 12
Household-/family no: 152Title no/address: Lundmølle, et hus
Source entry no: C2778Record no.: 792

Source: FT-1870
Name: Peder Andersen Munksgaard
Age: 39Marital status: Gift
Occupation: DagleierBirth place: Herning [Ringk. amt]
Parish: SnejbjergDistrict: Hammerum
County: RingkøbingPlace name: Sneiberg
Household-/family no: 158Title no/address: Et huus
Source entry no: C1247Record no.: 839

Source: FT-1890
Name: Peder Munksgaard JensenSex: M
Age: 0Marital status: Ugift
Birth place: Snejbjærg, Ringkjøbing amt
Parish: SnejbjergDistrict: Hammerum
County: RingkøbingPlace name: Voldsgaard Mark
Household-/family no: 290Title no/address: 9
Source entry no: C2779Record no.: 1435
Comments: Født 8 okt. 1889


Danish genealogy - dansk genealogi

Hugh Watkins (14-01-2004)
Fra : Hugh Watkins

Dato : 14-01-04 10:14

"Hugh Watkins" <hugh_watkins@msn.com> wrote > your next job is parish registers
> http://www.arkivalieronline.dk
> http://www.arkivalieronline.dk/kirkeboeger/Kirkeboeger.aspx
> or if you cannot wait until the images are on line
> order film from utah
> http://www.familysearch.org
> http://www.familysearch.org/Eng/Library/FHLC/frameset_fhlc.asp
> PLACE search Snejbjerg

copies of these films are also kept in Danish archives

the originals and much more are kept in LAV

Mikrofilmet fra manuskript i Landsarkivet, Viborg.


and fiche from here http://www.sa.dk/saf/default.htm

C519 is the parish reference number


Hugh W

FAQ on Danish archives http://www.rootsweb.com/~dnkcen/FAQ/index.html

> ===============================================

Kirkebøger, 1750-1915

Den Danske Folkekirke. Snejbjerg sogn (Ringkøbing) (Main Author)

Mikrofilmet fra manuskript i Landsarkivet, Viborg.
Filmet sammen med Tjørring sogn.
Omfatter kirkebøger fra Snejbjerg sogn i Hammerum herred.
Contains church records from Snejbjerg parish in Hammerum district.

Denmark, Ringkøbing, Snejbjerg - Church records

Manuscript (On Film)


Salt Lake City : Filmet for the Genealogical Society of Utah ved Arthur G. Hassø, 1951 og 1965

6 mikrofilmruller ; 35 mm.

Film Notes
Note - Location [Film]
Fødte og Døbte 1750-1816 v. 1-2 - FHL INTL Film [ 51985 ]
Fødte og Døbte 1816-1869 v. 3-6 - FHL INTL Film [ 51986 ]
Fødte og Døbte 1870-1900 v. 1-3 - FHL INTL Film [ 423755 ]
Fødte og Døbte 1901-1915 v. 4-5 - FHL INTL Film [ 423756 ]
Konfirmerede 1755-1816 v. 1-2 - FHL INTL Film [ 51985 ]
Konfirmerede 1816-1821, 1825-1869 v. 3-6 - FHL INTL Film [ 51986 ]
Konfirmerede 1870-1900 v. 1-3 - FHL INTL Film [ 423755 ]
Konfirmerede 1901-1915 v. 4-5 - FHL INTL Film [ 423756 ]
Ukonfirmerte 1813 v. 13 - FHL INTL Film [ 51987 ]
Trolovede 1832-1844 v. 2 - FHL INTL Film [ 51985 ]
Copulerede 1750-1815 v. 1-2 - FHL INTL Film [ 51985 ]
Copulerede 1816-1869 v. 3-6 - FHL INTL Film [ 51986 ]
Copulerede 1870-1901 v. 1-3 - FHL INTL Film [ 423755 ]
Copulerede 1901-1915 v. 4-5 - FHL INTL Film [ 423756 ]
Døde og Begravede 1750-1816 v. 1-2 - FHL INTL Film [ 51985 ]
Døde og Begravede 1816-1869 v. 3-6 - FHL INTL Film [ 51986 ]
Døde og Begravede 1870-1900 v. 1-3 - FHL INTL Film [ 423755 ]
Døde og Begravede 1901-1915 v. 4-5 - FHL INTL Film [ 423756 ]
Til- og Afgangslister 1825-1848 v. 4-5 - FHL INTL Film [ 51986 ]
Absolverede 1752-1766 v. 1 - FHL INTL Film [ 51985 ]
Vaccinerede 1855-1860 v. 2 - FHL INTL Film [ 51985 ]
Vaccinerede 1825-1844 v. 14 - FHL INTL Film [ 51987 ]
Gudstjenestebog 1815-1821 v. 2 - FHL INTL Film [ 51985 ]
Liberdaticus 1775-1814 v. 12 - FHL INTL Film [ 51987 ]
Liberdaticus 1825-1889 v. 9-11 - FHL INTL Film [ 423758 ]
Register 1825-1848, 1852-1869 v. 4-6 - FHL INTL Film [ 51986 ]

© 2002 Intellectual Reserve, Inc. All rights reserved.

Hugh Watkins (14-01-2004)
Fra : Hugh Watkins

Dato : 14-01-04 10:35

sorry keep finding more stuff

I would study these very carefully

TIL- OG AFGANGSLISTER Tilgangsliste 1848-1862 - FHL INTL Fiche [ 6123326 Fiche 1 ]
Tilgangsliste 1863-1875 Afgangsliste 1848-1852 - FHL INTL Fiche [ 6123326 Fiche 2 ]
Afgangsliste 1852-1869 - FHL INTL Fiche [ 6123326 Fiche 3 ]
Afgangsliste 1869-1875 - FHL INTL Fiche [ 6123326 Fiche 4 ]

got an FAQ planned but not yet written

these lists record people moving to and from the parish

Danish working class people were obliged to have an internal passport, SKUDSMÅLBOG:, to be shown to the parish priest, or the
police in a market town
when they moved to change their jobs


that law lasted until 1921


the employers wrote references in it
a few survive in archives especially lokalarkiv and family collections - in USA too

Hugh W


Danish genealogy - dansk genealogi

====================== on fiche mikrokort in Danish ==========

Kirkebøger, 1816-1891

Den Danske Folkekirke. Snejbjerg sogn (Ringkøbing) (Main Author)
Udgiverselskabet ved Landsarkivet for Nørrejylland (Added Author)

Mikrofilmet i Landsarkivet for Nørrejylland, Viborg.
Omfatter kirkebøger (kontraministerialbøger) af Snejbjerg sogn i Hammerum herred, Ringkøbing amt, Danmark. Disse bøger blev ført af
Contains church records (Kontraministerialbøger) for Snejbjerg parish in Hammerum district, Ringkøbing county, Denmark. These
records were kept by the parish clerk.

Denmark, Ringkøbing, Snejbjerg - Church records

Manuscript (On Fiche)


Viborg : Udgiverselskabet ved Landsarkivet for Nørrejylland, 1991

39 mikrokort.

Film Notes
Note - Location [Film]
FØDTE OG DØBTE Mandkøn 1816-1824 Kvindekøn 1816-1824 KONFIRMEREDE Drenge 1816-1821 Piger 1816-1820 - FHL INTL Fiche [ 6123320 Fiche
1 ]
Piger 1820-1821 COPULEREDE 1816-1824 TIL- OG AFGANGSLISTER Tilgangsliste 1816-1824 Afgangsliste 1817-1824 DØDE OG BEGRAVEDE Mandkøn
1816-1824 Kvindekøn 1816-1824 - FHL INTL Fiche [ 6123320 Fiche 2 ]
FØDTE OG DØBTE Mandkøn 1825-1835 Kvindekøn 1825-1834 - FHL INTL Fiche [ 6123321 Fiche 1 ]
Kvindekøn 1834-1835 KONFIRMEREDE Drenge 1825-1835 Piger 1825-1835 COPULEREDE 1825-1835 DØDE OG BEGRAVEDE Mandkøn 1825-1835 Kvindekøn
1825-1830 - FHL INTL Fiche [ 6123321 Fiche 2 ]
Kvindekøn 1830-1835 TIL- OG AFGANGSLISTER Tilgangsliste 1825-1835 Afgangsliste 1825-1835 ALMINDELIGT JEVNFØRELSES REGISTER 1825-1826
A-C - FHL INTL Fiche [ 6123321 Fiche 3 ]
ALMINDELIGT JEVNFØRELSES REGISTER 1826-? D-W og supp. - FHL INTL Fiche [ 6123321 Fiche 4 ]
FØDTE OG DØBTE Mandkøn 1836-1851 - FHL INTL Fiche [ 6123322 Fiche 1 ]
Mandkøn 1851 Kvindekøn 1836-1851 - FHL INTL Fiche [ 6123322 Fiche 2 ]
KONFIRMEREDE Drenge 1836-1851 Piger 1836-1851 COPULEREDE 1836-1841 - FHL INTL Fiche [ 6123322 Fiche 3 ]
COPULEREDE 1841-1851 DØDE OG BEGRAVEDE Mandkøn 1836-1851 Kvindekøn 1836-1851 TIL- OG AFGANGSLISTER Tilgangsliste 1836 - FHL INTL
Fiche [ 6123322 Fiche 4 ]
Tilgangsliste 1836-1848 Afgangsliste 1836-1839 - FHL INTL Fiche [ 6123322 Fiche 5 ]
Afgangsliste 1840-1848 ALMINDELIGT JEVNFØRELSES REGISTER A-C - FHL INTL Fiche [ 6123322 Fiche 6 ]
FØDTE OG DØBTE Mandkøn 1852-1863 - FHL INTL Fiche [ 6123323 Fiche 1 ]
Mandkøn 1863-1869 Kvindekøn 1852-1859 - FHL INTL Fiche [ 6123323 Fiche 2 ]
Kvindekøn 1860-1869 KONFIRMEREDE Drenge 1852-1864 - FHL INTL Fiche [ 6123323 Fiche 3 ]
Drenge 1865-1869 Piger 1852-1869 COPULEREDE 1852-1861 - FHL INTL Fiche [ 6123323 Fiche 4 ]
COPULEREDE 1861-1869 DØDE OG BEGRAVEDE Mandkøn 1852-1869 Kvindekøn 1852-1863 - FHL INTL Fiche [ 6123323 Fiche 5 ]
Kvindekøn 1863-1869 ALMINDELIGT JEVNFØRELSES REGISTER A-W - FHL INTL Fiche [ 6123323 Fiche 6 ]
FØDTE OG DØBTE Mandkøn 1870-1878 - FHL INTL Fiche [ 6123324 Fiche 1 ]
Mandkøn 1878-1882 Kvindekøn 1870-1873 - FHL INTL Fiche [ 6123324 Fiche 2 ]
Kvindekøn 1873-1881 - FHL INTL Fiche [ 6123324 Fiche 3 ]
Kvindekøn 1881-1882 KONFIRMEREDE Drenge 1870-1881 - FHL INTL Fiche [ 6123324 Fiche 4 ]
Drenge 1881 Piger 1870-1881 COPULEREDE 1870-1876 - FHL INTL Fiche [ 6123324 Fiche 5 ]
COPULEREDE 1876-1882 DØDE OG BEGRAVEDE Mandkøn 1870-1882 Kvindekøn 1870-1873 - FHL INTL Fiche [ 6123324 Fiche 6 ]
Kvindekøn 1873-1882 - FHL INTL Fiche [ 6123324 Fiche 7 ]
FØDTE OG DØBTE Mandkøn 1882-1887 - FHL INTL Fiche [ 6123325 Fiche 1 ]
Mandkøn 1887-1891 Kvindekøn 1882-1883 - FHL INTL Fiche [ 6123325 Fiche 2 ]
Kvindekøn 1883-1888 - FHL INTL Fiche [ 6123325 Fiche 3 ]
Kvindekøn 1888-1891 KONFIRMEREDE Drenge 1882-1886 - FHL INTL Fiche [ 6123325 Fiche 4 ]
Drenge 1886-1891 Piger 1882-1889 - FHL INTL Fiche [ 6123325 Fiche 5 ]
Piger 1889-1891 COPULEREDE 1882-1891 DØDE OG BEGRAVEDE Mandkøn 1882-1885 - FHL INTL Fiche [ 6123325 Fiche 6 ]
Mandkøn 1885-1891 Kvindekøn 1882-1891 - FHL INTL Fiche [ 6123325 Fiche 7 ]
TIL- OG AFGANGSLISTER Tilgangsliste 1848-1862 - FHL INTL Fiche [ 6123326 Fiche 1 ]
Tilgangsliste 1863-1875 Afgangsliste 1848-1852 - FHL INTL Fiche [ 6123326 Fiche 2 ]
Afgangsliste 1852-1869 - FHL INTL Fiche [ 6123326 Fiche 3 ]
Afgangsliste 1869-1875 - FHL INTL Fiche [ 6123326 Fiche 4 ]

© 2002 Intellectual Reserve, Inc. All rights reserved.



Arne Feldborg (15-01-2004)
Fra : Arne Feldborg

Dato : 15-01-04 08:42

"Hugh Watkins" <hugh_watkins@msn.com> skrev Wed, 14 Jan 2004 09:05:34

>StednavnSognAmtKommuneHerredGammelt amtBemærkning
>Snejbjerg BjergeSnejbjergRingkøbingHerningHammerumRingkøbingSe Bjerre i Studsgård
And what relation does Bjerre have to this matter?

>23 records foundt. http://ddd.dda.dk/asp/dddform_uk.asp
If you are i that area, then why not use:

>munk% as name
What about the Munchgaard's :?

>your next job is parish registers
How manny parish registers from Ringkøbing Amt did you find there.?

>or if you cannot wait until the images are on line
>order film from utah
Or if you cannot wait until Utah to send the films:

mvh, A:\Feldborg

Folketælllinger Hammerum og Bølling herreder, kirkebøger Hammerum herred

Arne Feldborg (19-01-2004)
Fra : Arne Feldborg

Dato : 19-01-04 01:21

"CFS2280" <cfs2280@vip.cybercity.dk> skrev Tue, 13 Jan 2004 12:59:18

Cc: "CFS2280" <cfs2280@vip.cybercity.dk>

> His name was Hans Christian/Kristen Pedersen Munksgaard and he was
> born in,
> as it was written in the church-book, Snebjug. As I do not have my
> notes with me
> here in Stockholm I cannot give you the exact dates.
Sorry for the noise. I have now had the time to take a closer look at
it, and here are some facts:

If the name is Munksgaard (notice the 's') Pedersen, and if he was born
in Snejbjerg, he must be out of a very big and well known family who
nowadays is named Munksgaard (without Pedersen).

Though living in Snejbjerg for many many years this family had no
relation whatsoever to the farm Munkgaard in Snejbjerg, nor did they
have any relation to other families in this area called Munkgaard /
Munchgaard / Munksgaard / etc.

In fact the familyfather Peder Andersen Munksgaard was christened 29
aug1830 in Herning - and as the one and only out of 10 children with
that name.

And the reason why he was called that was that his fathers sister was
married to a man called Monchegaard (a teacher in Hodsager).
Actually the boy was named Peder Andersen Mongsgaard, later on he
changed the spelling to Peder Andersen Munksgaard. And his children of
course got the name Pedersen Munksgaard.

Our friend Peder Andersen Munksgaard was married in 1856 and lived on a
small farm in Krogstrup (abt ½ km soutwest of Snejbjerg). In january
1864 he joined the army and went to the war in Slesvig for some months.
After that he sold the place in Krogstrup and moved to another small
farm in Lundmølle (abt. 1½ km. northeast of Snejbjerg) where he lived
until he died in 1886.

He was married twice and got 13 children. And one of those ougth to be
your ancestor. As I see it, it is the only posibility if he did came
from Snejbjerg.

Unfortunately there are no one of the 13 children who is named Hans

But 2 of the sons did actualy leave Denmark, and they were both named

Niels Chistian Pedersen Munksgaard born in Snejbjerg 30 jun 1866.
He went to America in 1890 and married a Swedish lady named Anna Jensen.

They had 5 children, Katie Eleonora, Nellie Mathilda, Harry Carlo,
Chester Harrold, and Hilmer Fridtjof, born in the period 1891 to 1899.
As far as I know they are all born in the USA.

Christen Pedersen Munksgaard born in Snejbjerg 13 nov 1872.
He married a danish girl Anine Nielsen and they left for Norway. They
had at least one son named Petter Munksgaard born 21 jul 1893.

Unfortunately I do not have any further information about what became of
this family.

> He married a Swedish girl and they had 3 children. The oldest was a
> girl, named
> Eleonora, then a boy named Vincent, born in 1902 and then my
> grandfather, Cronje, born in 1904. They where all born in Stockholm.
Could it be one of the above, who came to Sweden around the year 1900,
and at that time called himself Hans Christen Munksgaard, or is it
possible that you are wrong about his first name.?

In that case I have some more information about his siblings and the
whole family as well. You are welcome to contact me in e-mail:
Arne Feldborg <feldborg@haunstrup.dk>

mvh, A:\Feldborg

Folketælllinger Hammerum og Bølling herreder, kirkebøger Hammerum herred

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