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Help needed !!! (pascal program)
Fra : Maarten

Dato : 18-04-01 22:49

Can anyone help me with this program i'm trying to make !?
The idea of the program is to simulatie the throwing of a die.
Can anyone help me?
Thanks !!

Kan iemand mij helpen met het maken van een programma !?
Het idee is om een programma te maken wat het gooien van een dobbelsteen
Alvast bedankt !!

N. Johnson (19-04-2001)
Fra : N. Johnson

Dato : 19-04-01 00:45

"Maarten" <mvddonk@wish.nl> wrote in message
> Can anyone help me with this program i'm trying to make !?
> The idea of the program is to simulatie the throwing of a die.
> Can anyone help me?
> Thanks !!

for i:=1 to 12 do i
if (i=12) or (i=2) or (i=3) then you are full of crap
you may want want someone to do your work for you;

Although I'm simple-minded, your post is too simple to have a serious reply.

> -------------------DUTCH-------------------
> Kan iemand mij helpen met het maken van een programma !?
> Het idee is om een programma te maken wat het gooien van een dobbelsteen
> simuleerd.
> Alvast bedankt !!
> -------------------DUTCH-------------------

Jud McCranie (19-04-2001)
Fra : Jud McCranie

Dato : 19-04-01 02:52

"Maarten" <mvddonk@wish.nl> wrote:

>Can anyone help me with this program i'm trying to make !?
>The idea of the program is to simulatie the throwing of a die.
>Can anyone help me?

Do you want to show a graphic simulation of throwing a die, or
just generate numbers?

CFB Software (19-04-2001)
Fra : CFB Software

Dato : 19-04-01 05:58

Randomize; // Call once only to initialise
DieThrow := Random(5) + 1;

Each execution of this statement will assign a random number in the range 1
to 6 to DieThrow if that is what you are trying to do,

Chris Burrows
CFB Software

"Maarten" <mvddonk@wish.nl> wrote in message
> Can anyone help me with this program i'm trying to make !?
> The idea of the program is to simulatie the throwing of a die.
> Can anyone help me?
> Thanks !!
> -------------------DUTCH-------------------
> Kan iemand mij helpen met het maken van een programma !?
> Het idee is om een programma te maken wat het gooien van een dobbelsteen
> simuleerd.
> Alvast bedankt !!
> -------------------DUTCH-------------------

M.H. Avegaart (19-04-2001)
Fra : M.H. Avegaart

Dato : 19-04-01 08:39

Last time I checked dice had 6 sides (at least the most common ones), so the
code should be:

DieThrow := Random(6) + 1;

"CFB Software" <info@cfbsoftware.com.au> schreef in bericht
> Randomize; // Call once only to initialise
> ....
> ....
> DieThrow := Random(5) + 1;
> Each execution of this statement will assign a random number in the range
> to 6 to DieThrow if that is what you are trying to do,
> Chris Burrows
> CFB Software
> http://www.cfbsoftware.com.au
> "Maarten" <mvddonk@wish.nl> wrote in message
> news:987631802.275373@news.l3.wish.net...
> > Can anyone help me with this program i'm trying to make !?
> > The idea of the program is to simulatie the throwing of a die.
> > Can anyone help me?
> > Thanks !!
> >
> > -------------------DUTCH-------------------
> > Kan iemand mij helpen met het maken van een programma !?
> > Het idee is om een programma te maken wat het gooien van een dobbelsteen
> > simuleerd.
> > Alvast bedankt !!
> > -------------------DUTCH-------------------
> >
> >

James Roberts (19-04-2001)
Fra : James Roberts

Dato : 19-04-01 13:04

Wouldn't the results of Random(5) be 0 through 5? If so, then
Random(5)+1 would yield 1 through 6.

Bill Braun

"M.H. Avegaart" wrote:
> Last time I checked dice had 6 sides (at least the most common ones), so the
> code should be:
> DieThrow := Random(6) + 1;
> "CFB Software" <info@cfbsoftware.com.au> schreef in bericht
> news:3ade7bdb@news.iprimus.com.au...
> > Randomize; // Call once only to initialise
> > ....
> > ....
> > DieThrow := Random(5) + 1;
> >
> > Each execution of this statement will assign a random number in the range
> 1
> > to 6 to DieThrow if that is what you are trying to do,
> >
> > Chris Burrows
> > CFB Software
> > http://www.cfbsoftware.com.au
> >
> > "Maarten" <mvddonk@wish.nl> wrote in message
> > news:987631802.275373@news.l3.wish.net...
> > > Can anyone help me with this program i'm trying to make !?
> > > The idea of the program is to simulatie the throwing of a die.
> > > Can anyone help me?
> > > Thanks !!
> > >
> > > -------------------DUTCH-------------------
> > > Kan iemand mij helpen met het maken van een programma !?
> > > Het idee is om een programma te maken wat het gooien van een dobbelsteen
> > > simuleerd.
> > > Alvast bedankt !!
> > > -------------------DUTCH-------------------
> > >
> > >
> >
> >

Christian Iversen (19-04-2001)
Fra : Christian Iversen

Dato : 19-04-01 13:54

> Wouldn't the results of Random(5) be 0 through 5? If so, then
> Random(5)+1 would yield 1 through 6.


Random(x) gives you x possibilities, starting from zero. This is always a
nice way to remember it.. =)

So, for 6 sides, use Random(6)+1, to start at 1.

M.V.H, Christian Iversen

David C. Ullrich (19-04-2001)
Fra : David C. Ullrich

Dato : 19-04-01 16:00

On Thu, 19 Apr 2001 08:03:53 -0400, James Roberts <me@privacy.net>

>Wouldn't the results of Random(5) be 0 through 5?

Type the word "random" in the IDE. Put the cursor on
that word. Now hit the F1 key.

CFB Software (20-04-2001)
Fra : CFB Software

Dato : 20-04-01 01:27


Thanks for your defence but I'm afraid M.H. Avegaart is correct. Random(n)
returns the result 0 .. n - 1. The problem wasn't quite as simple as some
seemed to think.

Chris Burrows
CFB Software

"James Roberts" <me@privacy.net> wrote in message
> Wouldn't the results of Random(5) be 0 through 5? If so, then
> Random(5)+1 would yield 1 through 6.
> Bill Braun
> "M.H. Avegaart" wrote:
> >
> > Last time I checked dice had 6 sides (at least the most common ones), so
> > code should be:
> >
> > DieThrow := Random(6) + 1;
> >
> > "CFB Software" <info@cfbsoftware.com.au> schreef in bericht
> > news:3ade7bdb@news.iprimus.com.au...
> > > Randomize; // Call once only to initialise
> > > ....
> > > ....
> > > DieThrow := Random(5) + 1;
> > >
> > > Each execution of this statement will assign a random number in the
> > 1
> > > to 6 to DieThrow if that is what you are trying to do,
> > >
> > > Chris Burrows
> > > CFB Software
> > > http://www.cfbsoftware.com.au
> > >
> > > "Maarten" <mvddonk@wish.nl> wrote in message
> > > news:987631802.275373@news.l3.wish.net...
> > > > Can anyone help me with this program i'm trying to make !?
> > > > The idea of the program is to simulatie the throwing of a die.
> > > > Can anyone help me?
> > > > Thanks !!
> > > >
> > > > -------------------DUTCH-------------------
> > > > Kan iemand mij helpen met het maken van een programma !?
> > > > Het idee is om een programma te maken wat het gooien van een
> > > > simuleerd.
> > > > Alvast bedankt !!
> > > > -------------------DUTCH-------------------
> > > >
> > > >
> > >
> > >

CFB Software (20-04-2001)
Fra : CFB Software

Dato : 20-04-01 01:10

Oops - thanks for pointing that out! Forgot to follow my own rule of
actually compiling the code and running it before publishing it - no matter
how simple it might seem.

Chris Burrows
CFB Software

"M.H. Avegaart" <avegaartNOSPAM@mccomm.nl> wrote in message
> Last time I checked dice had 6 sides (at least the most common ones), so
> code should be:
> DieThrow := Random(6) + 1;
> "CFB Software" <info@cfbsoftware.com.au> schreef in bericht
> news:3ade7bdb@news.iprimus.com.au...
> > Randomize; // Call once only to initialise
> > ....
> > ....
> > DieThrow := Random(5) + 1;
> >
> > Each execution of this statement will assign a random number in the
> 1
> > to 6 to DieThrow if that is what you are trying to do,
> >
> > Chris Burrows
> > CFB Software
> > http://www.cfbsoftware.com.au
> >
> > "Maarten" <mvddonk@wish.nl> wrote in message
> > news:987631802.275373@news.l3.wish.net...
> > > Can anyone help me with this program i'm trying to make !?
> > > The idea of the program is to simulatie the throwing of a die.
> > > Can anyone help me?
> > > Thanks !!
> > >
> > > -------------------DUTCH-------------------
> > > Kan iemand mij helpen met het maken van een programma !?
> > > Het idee is om een programma te maken wat het gooien van een
> > > simuleerd.
> > > Alvast bedankt !!
> > > -------------------DUTCH-------------------
> > >
> > >
> >
> >

Dr John Stockton (19-04-2001)
Fra : Dr John Stockton

Dato : 19-04-01 13:05

JRS: In article <3ade7bdb@news.iprimus.com.au>, seen in news:comp.lang.
pascal.delphi.misc, CFB Software <info@cfbsoftware.com.au> wrote at Thu,
19 Apr 2001 14:27:43 :-

>"Maarten" <mvddonk@wish.nl> wrote in message
>> Can anyone help me with this program i'm trying to make !?
>> The idea of the program is to simulatie the throwing of a die.

>Randomize; // Call once only to initialise
>DieThrow := Random(5) + 1;
>Each execution of this statement will assign a random number in the range 1
>to 6 to DieThrow if that is what you are trying to do,

Quoting order corrected.

Never play dice with an Australian; theirs are evidently configured
never to show a six.

© John Stockton, Surrey, UK. jrs@merlyn.demon.co.uk Turnpike v4.00 MIME. ©
<URL: http://www.merlyn.demon.co.uk/> TP/BP/Delphi/&c., FAQqy topics & links;
<URL: http://www.merlyn.demon.co.uk/clpb-faq.txt> Pedt Scragg: c.l.p.b. mFAQ;
<URL: ftp://garbo.uwasa.fi/pc/link/tsfaqp.zip> Timo Salmi's Turbo Pascal FAQ.

CFB Software (20-04-2001)
Fra : CFB Software

Dato : 20-04-01 01:17

I'm an East-Ender actually which should explain everything - though have
since been neutralised as an Australian. That's the last time I get trapped
by answering the 'easy' questions!

CFB Software

"Dr John Stockton" <spam@merlyn.demon.co.uk> wrote in message
> JRS: In article <3ade7bdb@news.iprimus.com.au>, seen in news:comp.lang.
> pascal.delphi.misc, CFB Software <info@cfbsoftware.com.au> wrote at Thu,
> 19 Apr 2001 14:27:43 :-
> >"Maarten" <mvddonk@wish.nl> wrote in message
> >news:987631802.275373@news.l3.wish.net...
> >> Can anyone help me with this program i'm trying to make !?
> >> The idea of the program is to simulatie the throwing of a die.
> >Randomize; // Call once only to initialise
> >....
> >....
> >DieThrow := Random(5) + 1;
> >
> >Each execution of this statement will assign a random number in the range
> >to 6 to DieThrow if that is what you are trying to do,
> Quoting order corrected.
> Never play dice with an Australian; theirs are evidently configured
> never to show a six.
> --
> © John Stockton, Surrey, UK. jrs@merlyn.demon.co.uk Turnpike v4.00
> <URL: http://www.merlyn.demon.co.uk/> TP/BP/Delphi/&c., FAQqy topics &
> <URL: http://www.merlyn.demon.co.uk/clpb-faq.txt> Pedt Scragg: c.l.p.b.
> <URL: ftp://garbo.uwasa.fi/pc/link/tsfaqp.zip> Timo Salmi's Turbo Pascal

Barney Tyrwhitt-Drak~ (19-04-2001)
Fra : Barney Tyrwhitt-Drak~

Dato : 19-04-01 13:49

In article <3ADED429.1C9CDC4A@privacy.net>, James Roberts
<me@privacy.net> writes
>Wouldn't the results of Random(5) be 0 through 5? If so, then
>Random(5)+1 would yield 1 through 6.
Yes, but dice in Holland have 6 faces with from 1 to 6 spots on them.
Clearly the all-American super whizzo die with choice of toppings is
Barney Tyrwhitt-Drake

Drake Software web site: http://www.tdrake.demon.co.uk

Bruce Roberts (20-04-2001)
Fra : Bruce Roberts

Dato : 20-04-01 15:34

"Barney Tyrwhitt-Drake" <Barney@tdrake.demon.co.uk> wrote in message

> Yes, but dice in Holland have 6 faces with from 1 to 6 spots on them.
> Clearly the all-American super whizzo die with choice of toppings is
> different.

I think they call it "house odds" in Vegas :).

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