"J@N" <Nowhere@InSpace.Com> skrev i melding news:8vg3t6$6ph$1@news.inet.tele.dk...
> Lav dig et modul og definer variablen som følger:
> Global Count as integer
> Så kan den ses overalt.
> Men du kunne jo også fra Form1 sætte værdien direkte ind i det berørte felt
> på Form2. Dvs før du åbner den kan du: "Form2.txtFelt.Text=27" og derefter
> åbne Form2. På den måde slipper du for globale variable, som er af det onde
> (taler af egen erfaring)
Ett alternativ er å bruke OO.
Er er ett eksempel fra Element K;
********** THE TIP **********
An OO way to pass Visual Basic variable values to a form
Object oriented programming guidelines stipulate that objects --
including forms -- should maintain their own internal values. With
this in mind, you'll need a way to pass values to loaded forms without
using universally global variables. Fortunately, Visual Basic provides
just such a way with its property Let() and Get() procedures.
For example, suppose you have a button Click() event on Form1 that
loads Form2. Form2 displays a value collected in Form1. In the past,
you may have created a public variable with an application scope, and
then read this variable in Form2 to obtain the proper value. Using
this technique, however, soon results in hard-to-manage, spaghetti code.
As a more elegant alternative, you can add a property to Form2 that
Form1 can then set.
For instance, in Form2 you would add the following property procedures
along with the variable declaration:
Private myVar as Variant
Public Property Get PassVar() As Variant
PassVar = myVar
End Property
Public Property Let PassVar(ByVal vNewValue As Variant)
If IsNumeric(vNewValue) Then myVar = vNewValue
End Property
For these procedures, you can change the property type, but it must
match in both the Get and Let procedures. Also notice that we included
some validation code to ensure that the passed value is a number.
Now, to read or assign a value to this property, use the following
code on Form1
Private Sub Command1_Click()
With Form2
.PassVar = 25
Debug.Print .PassVar
End With
End Sub