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FP 2003
Fra : Nils Nyvang Bacher

Dato : 02-11-03 21:21

Er lige begyndt at bruge FP2003 og er løbet ind i et problem: Nu er det ikke
muligt at lave ændringer i en Access database som ligger ude på nettet, men
FP2003 fortæller at databasen ligger på et "usikkerts websted" og vil have
mig til at tage databasen hjem til min egen maskine lave ændringer og
derefter uploade igen. Der er ingen manualer til FP2003 med i pakken så jer
er lidt på spanden. Kan nogen hjælpe med at komme rundt om dette problem?


Arne H. Wilstrup (02-11-2003)
Fra : Arne H. Wilstrup

Dato : 02-11-03 22:57

Nils Nyvang Bacher wrote:
> Er lige begyndt at bruge FP2003 og er løbet ind i et problem: Nu
> det ikke muligt at lave ændringer i en Access database som ligger
> på nettet, men FP2003 fortæller at databasen ligger på et
> websted" og vil have mig til at tage databasen hjem til min egen
> maskine lave ændringer og derefter uploade igen. Der er ingen
> manualer til FP2003 med i pakken så jer er lidt på spanden. Kan
> hjælpe med at komme rundt om dette problem?

Ja, du kan læse en af følgende bøger - (som er med beskrivelse). De
kan alle fås hos f.eks. forlaget GAD-
Microsoft FrontPage 2003 Savvy

Forfatter: Christian Crumlish; Kate Chase. Forlag: Sybex.
Microsoft FrontPage 2003 Savvy gives you comprehensive coverage of
Microsoft's newest web site creation and management program, in a
visually appealing package at a reasonable price. Learn how to plan
and create information-packed, commercial-quality web sites by
following hands-on tutorials. Examine the full-color insert to
observe the techniques used to create impressive websites. Prepare
yourself to solve technical challenges by reading the extensive
troubleshooting sections. Authors Crumlish and Chase, who have
written numerous well-regarded books, have once again made complex
topics both enjoyable and accessible.

Microsoft Office FrontPage 2003 Step by Step

Forlag: Microsoft Press.

This practical, hands-on tutorial expertly builds your skills with
FrontPage 2003-one step at a time! With STEP BY STEP, you work at
your own pace through easy-to-follow lessons and practice exercises
to learn exactly the tools and techniques you need. Master the core
skills needed to format and organize Web pages; add hyperlinks,
database search capabilities, and user input forms; track and
analyze site traffic; create a Web site to manage group projects
and collaborate; and more. The book also makes a great on-the-job
desk reference. Designed for beginning and intermediate level
users, STEP BY STEP puts you in charge of developing the skills you
need, exactly when you need them!

Key Book Benefits:

a.. Learn how to use the core tools and functions in FrontPage
2003-including new features and enhancements-one step at a time

b.. Master the fundamentals of creating and managing a
professional-quality Web site

c.. Work at your own pace through just the lessons you need

d.. Includes practice files on CD-ROM to help make learning fast
and easy

e.. Helps prepare you for the Microsoft Office Specialist exam

FrontPage 2003 Bible

Forfatter: Curt Simmons. Forlag: Wiley.

a.. Explains how to put the Web to work using the latest
version of Microsoft FrontPage.

b.. Features coverage of design, organization, animation, Web
components, database connectivity, client-side scripting,
SharePoint Team Services, and much more.

c.. Offers the tips, tricks, and lessons that Web design
professionals know, without the years of experience or formal

d.. The companion CD-ROM includes sample code from the
book,third-party tools, and add-ons to help build dynamic Web

Microsoft Office FrontPage 2003 Inside Out

Forfatter: Jim Buyens. Forlag: Microsoft Press.
Hey, you know your way around Microsoft FrontPage-so now dig into
FrontPage 2003 and really put the Web to work! This supremely
organized reference packs all the information you need to master
every major tool and task in Microsoft's powerfully enhanced Web
site creation program-without the fluff. Quickly advance your
expertise with the mechanics of building and managing Web sites;
create animations and special effects; enable search, user
registration, and feedback features; run a Web server; work with
HTML, XML, scripting, and more-gaining hundreds of timesaving
solutions and troubleshooting tips in concise, fast-answer format.
You also get the entire book on CD-ROM, along with the FrontPage
Productivity Kit, which includes bonus content; author-developed
add-ins and other extras; the Microsoft Computer Dictionary, Fifth
Edition; and dozens of other resources, including several direct
from the FrontPage product group. With INSIDE OUT, you'll discover
the best and fastest ways to perform everyday tasks-and challenge
yourself to new levels of FrontPage mastery!

Faster Smarter Microsoft Office FrontPage 2003
William R. Stanek, Greg Holden

FrontPage 2003 has loads of new functionality to allow users to do
everything from publishing a basic Web page to designing and
managing a sophisticated, data-driven Web site. So dive in! Written
by the same 3rd-party experts who created the in-the-box product
guide that accompanies the software, this friendly, high-energy
guide was written from the ground up for FrontPage 2003 and helps
you make the new version work for you. In addition to essential Web
site creation and management capabilities, you can also dig into
advanced tasks such as enhancing the look of your site with new
layout tools, creating style sheets, keeping your content
up-to-date with live data, using new coding features, registering
your visitors, inserting photos, audio, and video, and more. Each
chapter offers a 10-Second Summary so you can find what you need
quickly, and a Fast Wrap-Up that highlights the best ways to get
things done. Aha! Tips throughout the book fuel readers'
productivity. And putting the information in a real-world context
ensures that readers get exactly the information about FrontPage
2003 they need to get the job done!

Key Book Benefits:

a.. Written by the same technology experts who created the
product guide that accompanies the 2003 release of FrontPage
b.. Delivers expert tips and how-tos for performing essential and
advanced tasks with FrontPage 2003; the ideal concise guide for
home or office
c.. Covers the essentials, plus many new program capabilities,
including better and easier ways of writing and editing code,
testing for multiple browsers, building data-driven Web sites, and
d.. Uses Aha! tips, quick introductions and summaries, numbered
steps, helpful lists, and plenty of real-world examples to deliver
the facts you need to get the job done


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