 | Helloween/Rage aflyst Fra : Dag Stinus |
Dato : 27-10-03 20:20 |
Koncert tirsdag aften i Amager Bio er desværre blevet aflyst. Helloween
"Unfortunately Andi Deris was taken ill on Friday in Berlin. Although he was
able to do the show in Berlin he has been diagnosed with a chest and throat
infection and is having to take a complete rest. He is taking prescribed
medicine and it is hoped he will be fit again in a few days, although we
wont know for another 48 hours or so.
Meantime, Helloween has reluctantly been forced to cancel the shows in
Krakow (25th), Oslo (27th) and Copenhagen (28th). As it is the weekend it
has not been easy to talk to all parties concerned but the band is
determined to try and reschedule these dates as soon as time will allow and
we will be discussing the possibility of this with local promoters on
Monday. We are sorry for the inconvenience this will have caused them.
We want to especially apologise to all our fans and ask them to be patient
with us as we try and sort things out. We will be back!"
Venlig hilsen
Dag Stinus
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S. Sørensen (27-10-2003)
 | Kommentar Fra : S. Sørensen |
Dato : 27-10-03 22:43 |
"Dag Stinus" <dag@REMOVEstinus.dk> wrote in message
> Koncert tirsdag aften i Amager Bio er desværre blevet aflyst. Helloween
> skriver:
> "Unfortunately Andi Deris was taken ill on Friday in Berlin. Although he
> able to do the show in Berlin he has been diagnosed with a chest and
> infection and is having to take a complete rest. He is taking prescribed
> medicine and it is hoped he will be fit again in a few days, although we
> wont know for another 48 hours or so.
> Meantime, Helloween has reluctantly been forced to cancel the shows in
> Krakow (25th), Oslo (27th) and Copenhagen (28th). As it is the weekend it
> has not been easy to talk to all parties concerned but the band is
> determined to try and reschedule these dates as soon as time will allow
> we will be discussing the possibility of this with local promoters on
> Monday. We are sorry for the inconvenience this will have caused them.
> We want to especially apologise to all our fans and ask them to be patient
> with us as we try and sort things out. We will be back!"
> Venlig hilsen
> Dag Stinus
Jeg kunne ikke få billeter til Ozzy!
Jeg kunne ikke få billetter til Maiden!
Men jeg KUNNE få billetter til HELLOWEEN og det skulle bare være sååå coool
at se dem igen...
OG SÅ AFLYSER DE!.. møgunger =/
Hva hulen gør man så med billetterne? De kommer vel op og spiller på et
andet tidspunkt?
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-V- (28-10-2003)
 | Kommentar Fra : -V- |
Dato : 28-10-03 00:27 |
S. Sørensen wrote:
> Hva hulen gør man så med billetterne? De kommer vel op og spiller på
> et andet tidspunkt?
Det håber jeg sandelig, og når de gør så råber du og andre lige højt, så jeg
kan høre det. OK?
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 S. Sørensen (28-10-2003)
 | Kommentar Fra : S. Sørensen |
Dato : 28-10-03 22:55 |
"-V-" <Diplomaten@snotmail.com> wrote in message
> S. Sørensen wrote:
> > Hva hulen gør man så med billetterne? De kommer vel op og spiller på
> > et andet tidspunkt?
> Det håber jeg sandelig, og når de gør så råber du og andre lige højt, så
> kan høre det. OK?
> -V-
Will do..
Jeg skråler, de spiller...
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