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Sexuel frihed er imod kvindens natur (Og i~
Fra : HrSvendsen

Dato : 20-09-03 02:02

"Sexual Liberation" is Anti-Woman
By Henry Makow Ph.D.
September 14, 2003

An item in a story on blind dates in a local university newspaper caught
my eye.

The young female author advised girls to bring "protection" on the date,
"just in case."

The blithe notion that a girl might jump into bed with a stranger on a
first date shows how far females have been hoodwinked by "sexual

To begin with, the term "sexual liberation" is typical Masonic double
speak. Liberation is when you don't have to think about sex all the
time. Casual sex ensures that you do.

Sexual liberation is part of a feminist strategy to make young women
devote their most fertile years to building a career instead of a
family. The deceitful logic, expressed in books like "Sex and the Single
Girl" is, "If you can have sex outside of marriage, why get married?"
(So your life is devoted to something greater than career?)

The world elite is using feminism to reduce population and do away with
the family. Their media bombards us with young fertile women pursuing
demanding careers and supplanting men as providers. We are inundated
with young women flaunting themselves "no strings attached."

Young women are being tricked into thinking promiscuity is "cool" and
the way to get love. When they succumb, they usually feel used, empty
and angry.


"Sexual liberation" is incompatible with feminine psychology, which is
based on biology.

One male ejaculation produces 200 million sperm. A woman produces one
egg a month.

Thus man who could populate a planet, tends to care about abstractions
and principles. Woman, on the other hand, has a unique ability to care
for a few real people.

A woman needs a man to focus on her (and his offspring) to the exclusion
of all the other women. Sexual liberation obviously does not serve her.
Love and marriage do.

Furthermore, for a woman sexual intercourse is total self-surrender. She
doesn't only remove her clothes; she surrenders her whole being. This is
why a woman becomes so radiant and beautiful in the sex act. She is
sacrificing herself for love, for the survival of the species.

Love is self-surrender. Sexual intercourse is the act of love. Even if
conception doesn't take place, it has the same psychic significance. How
many times can a woman be disappointed before she loses the ability to

This is why traditional morality reserved sexual intercourse for love.
Love naturally takes time to grow. Courtship is the process by which a
man earns a woman's trust and love. Women should insist on it.


For a man, the sex act is planting his seed, which is his essence. He
should not plant it indiscriminately, symbolically or not.

For a man, love is a different kind of self-surrender. He devotes
himself to providing leadership and sustenance to his family. He
acquires stability and meaning from this sacrifice, and from intimacy
with his wife.

In order to develop psychologically, a man needs a woman to accept his
leadership. Obviously a woman who has been burned by successive men will
find it difficult to love (trust and acquiesce.)

Sexually, a woman responds best when she can lose herself completely.
(See "The Power of Sexual Surrender") A woman's arousal is what arouses
a man. That is why "sexual liberation" is bad for both sexes.


By eschewing love, "sexual liberation" has debased all male-female
relationships. But young women especially have been degraded by this
false satanic ideology.

They have been taught to bare their souls to males who only want to use
their bodies. For women, this is the spiritual equivalent of rape.

The recent fashion of baring the midriff is a metaphor for feminine
degradation. Most women do not have the body for this. It makes them
look silly and cheap, and feel more insecure than ever.

It's time young women stopped being fashion victims. Like feminism,
"sexual liberation" is a cruel elite-sponsored hoax.

It's time young women obeyed their own instincts, and insisted on true
sexual liberation based on courtship and marriage.

Hentet fra: http://www.savethemales.ca/

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