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TTT forlængede scener (lang SPOILER)
Fra : C. H. Engelbrecht

Dato : 07-08-03 21:14

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The Lord Of The Rings: The Two Towers: A scoop over at Ain't It Cool has
revealed more deleted scenes you'll find in the extended edition of The Two
Towers. Take a look:

- Extended opening, in which the hobbits scale a cliff face using the rope
Galadriel gave Sam, including a better build-up to the arrival of Gollum.

- More friction between the Uruk-Hai and the Orcs as they transport Merry
and Pippin back to Isengard, which better sets up the fight over food that
takes place later.

- More scenes of Saruman breeding his army, creating better pacing as the
invasion of Rohan begins

- Terrific scene in which Eomer finds the body of Theodred, Theodens son.

- Additional scenes with Merry and Pippin, including extensions to existing
Treebeard scenes and the Ent Draught sequence, in which the hobbits grow. In
another scene, Treebeards soporific poetry works its magic.

- Theodreds funeral scene, with Eowyn singing a lament.

- A wonderful introduction to Aragorns horse Brego, who we learn was
Theodreds horse. Aragorn requests Brego be set free, which places his later
rescue in better context.

- Additional scenes between Eowyn and Aragorn, including one in which he
attempts to eat a bowl of evil-looking stew.

- More scenes between Gandalf, Aragorn, Legolas and Gimli, which expand upon
the films politics (including the union between the two towers Gandalf scene
from the trailer, though that line is missing from what I can remember).

- More of Sarumans musings, setting up themes that will be explored in The
Return of the King.

- Flashback to the circumstances surrounding Boromir being sent to Rivendell
for the Council of Elrond, taking place during the re-taking of Osgiliath by
the Gondorian army. This sequence briefly introduces John Noble as Denethor,
a major character in The Return of the King. I was worried this sequence
would seem like an indulgence, but its difficult to imagine the film without
it; not only is the character of Faramir, much maligned by fans of the book,
given added depth, so too is Boromir enriched by this addition.

- Just before the Ents storming of Isengard, the Huorns mobilise and leave
to attend to business elsewhere; they reappear at Helms Deep to kill the
Uruk-Hai as they flee.

- New ending, with Merry and Pippin finding a larder at Isengard, including
two barrels of pipe-weed; a hilarious scene in which Gimli and Legolas
compare their scores after the battle of Helms Deep; Frodo, Sam and Gollum
are shown the way out of Osgiliath by Faramir, who threatens Gollum; theres
even a brief moment in which Sam and Gollum appear to make peace.

- Along with all these major additions, many more scenes are subtly extended
to give more information or reinforce themes already present.


Det ser rigtigt godt ud. Har hørt meget brok om Huornerne der blev udeladt,
glæder mig faktisk til at se hvad de går ud på.

Kong Kent (07-08-2003)
Fra : Kong Kent

Dato : 07-08-03 21:38

<snip> en masse ekstra søde sager

> Det ser rigtigt godt ud. Har hørt meget brok om Huornerne der blev
> glæder mig faktisk til at se hvad de går ud på.

Jeg glæder mig også meget til at se Denethor, som rigtig nok er en større
person i "Kongen vender tilbage". Men specielt den underholdende scene med
Gimli og Legolas, hvor de praler overfor de andre med hvor mange de har
slået ihjel. Dén glæder jeg mig til.

I det hele taget. BRING 'ET ON!!!!!!! :)

Endnu bedre bliver det i sidste film, hvor jeg glæder mig til at se når
Gollum bider Frodo i fingeren :)


Kent Kirkegaard Jensen

C. H. Engelbrecht (07-08-2003)
Fra : C. H. Engelbrecht

Dato : 07-08-03 22:06

> Endnu bedre bliver det i sidste film, hvor jeg glæder mig til at se når
> Gollum bider Frodo i fingeren :)

Glæder mig til at se Sam slæbe rundt på Frodo (fandt et promobillede af det
på nettet). Glæder mig til det endelige opgør med den øverste Nazgül. GLÆDER

Louise KL (07-08-2003)
Fra : Louise KL

Dato : 07-08-03 23:04

"C. H. Engelbrecht" <chrisengeldk@dkik.dk> skrev i en meddelelse
> > Endnu bedre bliver det i sidste film, hvor jeg glæder mig til at se når
> > Gollum bider Frodo i fingeren :)
> Glæder mig til at se Sam slæbe rundt på Frodo (fandt et promobillede af
> på nettet). Glæder mig til det endelige opgør med den øverste Nazgül.

Jeg glæder mig til at se Frodo ligge nøgen i det der ork tårn (Cirtith
Ungol?)... hmmm... og så alligevel ikke

Mvh. fra Louise

- Frodo Lives

C. H. Engelbrecht (10-08-2003)
Fra : C. H. Engelbrecht

Dato : 10-08-03 23:05

> Jeg glæder mig til at se Frodo ligge nøgen i det der ork tårn (Cirtith
> Ungol?)... hmmm... og så alligevel ikke

Ja ja, hver sine lyster, jeg glæder mig til at se Aragorn i fuld
krigsudrustning med det hvide træ på maven, sådan tænder vi på forskellige
ting... (her kom manddomsbrølet!)

'Cirith Ungol' (med c udtalt som k), betyder 'Edderkoppens Pas', Shelobs
domæne. Frodo bliver slæbt op i 'the Tower of Cirith Ungol'.

sniper_Nolight (14-08-2003)
Fra : sniper_Nolight

Dato : 14-08-03 12:03

"C. > 'Cirith Ungol' (med c udtalt som k), betyder 'Edderkoppens Pas',
> domæne. Frodo bliver slæbt op i 'the Tower of Cirith Ungol'.

og glæder vi os bare lidt - det tror jeg nok vi gør!
VH sniper_Nolight

Louise KL (16-08-2003)
Fra : Louise KL

Dato : 16-08-03 23:29

"C. H. Engelbrecht" <chrisengeldk@dkik.dk> skrev i en meddelelse
> > Jeg glæder mig til at se Frodo ligge nøgen i det der ork tårn (Cirtith
> > Ungol?)... hmmm... og så alligevel ikke
> Ja ja, hver sine lyster, jeg glæder mig til at se Aragorn i fuld
> krigsudrustning med det hvide træ på maven, sådan tænder vi på forskellige
> ting... (her kom manddomsbrølet!)

*lol* Jeg tror ikke jeg kan tage ham så seriøst efter at have mødt ham i

> 'Cirith Ungol' (med c udtalt som k)

Ved det godt

, betyder 'Edderkoppens Pas', Shelobs
> domæne. Frodo bliver slæbt op i 'the Tower of Cirith Ungol'.

Næææh, så huskede jeg ret. Det er ellers ved at være et år siden jeg læste
lotr sidst.

Louise KL (07-08-2003)
Fra : Louise KL

Dato : 07-08-03 23:04

"C. H. Engelbrecht" <chrisengeldk@dkik.dk> skrev i en meddelelse
> Fandt nedenstående på
> http://www.lightsoutentertainment.com/dvd/news.php?id=1399:
> S
> P
> O
> I
> L
> E
> R
> ---
> The Lord Of The Rings: The Two Towers: A scoop over at Ain't It Cool has
> revealed more deleted scenes you'll find in the extended edition of The
> Towers. Take a look:
> - Extended opening, in which the hobbits scale a cliff face using the rope
> Galadriel gave Sam, including a better build-up to the arrival of Gollum.
> - More friction between the Uruk-Hai and the Orcs as they transport Merry
> and Pippin back to Isengard, which better sets up the fight over food that
> takes place later.
> - More scenes of Saruman breeding his army, creating better pacing as the
> invasion of Rohan begins
> - Terrific scene in which Eomer finds the body of Theodred, Theodens son.
> - Additional scenes with Merry and Pippin, including extensions to
> Treebeard scenes and the Ent Draught sequence, in which the hobbits grow.
> another scene, Treebeards soporific poetry works its magic.
> - Theodreds funeral scene, with Eowyn singing a lament.
> - A wonderful introduction to Aragorns horse Brego, who we learn was
> Theodreds horse. Aragorn requests Brego be set free, which places his
> rescue in better context.
> - Additional scenes between Eowyn and Aragorn, including one in which he
> attempts to eat a bowl of evil-looking stew.
> - More scenes between Gandalf, Aragorn, Legolas and Gimli, which expand
> the films politics (including the union between the two towers Gandalf
> from the trailer, though that line is missing from what I can remember).
> - More of Sarumans musings, setting up themes that will be explored in The
> Return of the King.
> - Flashback to the circumstances surrounding Boromir being sent to
> for the Council of Elrond, taking place during the re-taking of Osgiliath
> the Gondorian army. This sequence briefly introduces John Noble as
> a major character in The Return of the King. I was worried this sequence
> would seem like an indulgence, but its difficult to imagine the film
> it; not only is the character of Faramir, much maligned by fans of the
> given added depth, so too is Boromir enriched by this addition.
> - Just before the Ents storming of Isengard, the Huorns mobilise and leave
> to attend to business elsewhere; they reappear at Helms Deep to kill the
> Uruk-Hai as they flee.
> - New ending, with Merry and Pippin finding a larder at Isengard,
> two barrels of pipe-weed; a hilarious scene in which Gimli and Legolas
> compare their scores after the battle of Helms Deep; Frodo, Sam and Gollum
> are shown the way out of Osgiliath by Faramir, who threatens Gollum;
> even a brief moment in which Sam and Gollum appear to make peace.
> - Along with all these major additions, many more scenes are subtly
> to give more information or reinforce themes already present.
> ---
> Det ser rigtigt godt ud. Har hørt meget brok om Huornerne der blev
> glæder mig faktisk til at se hvad de går ud på.

WHEEE! Ved du så hvornår den kommer? Jeg glæder mig til det hele!

No Humor Man (08-08-2003)
Fra : No Humor Man

Dato : 08-08-03 16:32

"Louise KL" <louisemailFJERNDETTE@esenet.dk> wrote in message
> "C. H. Engelbrecht" <chrisengeldk@dkik.dk> skrev i en meddelelse
> news:3f32b2d1$0$32532$edfadb0f@dread16.news.tele.dk...
> > Fandt nedenstående på
> > http://www.lightsoutentertainment.com/dvd/news.php?id=1399:
> > [snip]
> WHEEE! Ved du så hvornår den kommer? Jeg glæder mig til det hele!

No Humor Man - Corporation for Bad Swimmers
ICQ: 67778624
The Insane Asylum: http://www.fortunecity.com/marina/anchor/986/
- trademark of the Watertight Precautions & The Jellyfish Association
Model Kit Search: http://nohumorman.stormloader.com/

René Schnoor (09-08-2003)
Fra : René Schnoor

Dato : 09-08-03 01:57

"Louise KL" <louisemailFJERNDETTE@esenet.dk> skrev i en meddelelse
> WHEEE! Ved du så hvornår den kommer? Jeg glæder mig til det hele!

Dvdoo siger 18. november:



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