Når forældre hader sig selv, kan det gå i arv pr nedsat immunforsvar med
somatisk til følge - eller på mange andre måder.
Een er at forældrenes selvdestruktive , usikre fumler-tumler-mentalitet
bliver kopieret
HYSTERISKE KVINDER er vigtig brik i spillet. Både som syge og som overførere
af sygdom til deres børn. Selvdestruktion kan ske ved at de allerede i
svangerskabet har været så splittet om det delvis uønskede barn, at dette
fødes sygt, fx blindfødt, eller dødfødt.
Lag på lag af fortrængninger og selvbedrag gør selvhadet svært at
gennemskue. Grotesk er "Münchhausen Syndrom" hvor hysterikere fysisk eller
kemisk direkte skader sig selv, for at komme på operationsbordet. Eller få
deres barn under behandling, fx ved at indsprøjte det beskidt vand i
blodårerne (Münschausen by proxy")
Langt flere mænd, der lige er blevet skilt, dør af eneulykker i trafikken.
Igen selvhad
Hysteria is a natural phenomenon, the common denominator of the female
nature. It's the big female weapon, and the test of a man is his ability to
cope with it. Tennessee Williams
"Man brækker sjældent benet , medens man klatrerop ad besværlige stier.
Faren opstår , når vi begynder at tage let om tingene og vælger de
behagelige stier." Nietzsche´
"Må jeg ikke tale om mine smerter, har jeg ingen fornøjelse af dem. H.C.
"A bodily disease which we look upon as whole and entire within itself, may,
after all, be but a symptom of some ailment in the spiritual part.
Hawthorne (1804-1864)American Novelist and Short Story Writer
"Life is a disease; and the only difference between one man and another is
the stage of the disease at which he lives. George Bernard Shaw
"Pain is the outcome of sin. Buddha (B.C. 568-488Indian -
Founder of Buddhism
"The diseases of the mind are more destructive than those of the body.
Marcus Tullius Cicero
"The sick woman opressing, tyrannising especially;no one surpasses her in
refinements for ruling, Nietzsch e
"Thinking is the most unhealthy thing in the world, and people die of it
just as they die of any other disease. Oscar Wilde
"Hjertet har sine grunde, som forstanden ikke kender til.
Blaise Pasca
"Show him death, and he'll be content with fever. Persian
"The best cure for hypochondria is to forget about your own body and get
interested in someone else's. Goodman Ace
"In danger. When we have just gotten out of the way of a vehicle, we are
most in danger of being run over.Nietzsche
" Much of your pain is self chosen. It is the bitter potion by
which the physician within you heals your sick self. Kahlil
"Raske mennesker er syge, der ikke er sig deres sygdom bevidst.
Claud Bernard,Jules Romain, Forfatter til "Dr Knock"
"Hypochondria. There are people who become hypochondriacs out of compassion
and concern for another;
the kind of pity which results is nothing less than a gesture .
Similarly, there is a Christan hypochrondria which befalls those lonely,
religious-minded people
who continually visualize to themselves the suffering and death of
"Self-anmiration is healthy. Has a beautiful woman who knew she was
well-dressed ever caught cold.? Nietzsche
"`It is impossible to make anything foolproof because fools are so
ingenious.' Murphy's Second Corollary
"A sick man lives more carelessly when under medical observation than when
he attends to his own health.Nietzsche
"Men die of the diseases which they have studied most...It's as if the
morbid condition was an evil creature which, when it found itself closely
hunted, flew at the throat of its pursuer. Doyle
(1859-1930)British Writer and Physician
Hvert organ må betragtes som udtryk for en bestemt længsel, en viljesakt
Bo Warming
Bjelkes Alle 46, 2200 København N
Tel: 3586 1000, fax: 3586 1001