Michael Holm <michael.holmREMOVE@Removeanthro.ku.dk> wrote:
> hvad er "must have" programer / spil / ekstra hardware til en ipod ?
depending on if it's a new or a regular (old) iPod. i got an original
5gig iPod, and while it's possible to store text files and notes on the
new ones, you need a utility for converting text files into *.vcf-files
(actually a digital business card file) for the old one. i'm using
'Podtext 2.0 X' (look for it on versiontracker.com). the only downside
with this is that it splits text files into 2000-character-segments, but
besides that i like it for reading news or mails on my iPod while on the
as for hardware, check out
www.griffintechnology.com , they're making
some cool iPod add-ons, like a charger for your car etc.
feel free to mail or iChat me for further info or additional questions!
PowerBook G3 500 (pismo)
MacOSX 10.2.6, 384mb RAM, iPod (5gig)
iChat (AIM) "hanslerrr"