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Wild West is the best mod to Wolfenstein
Fra : Morten

Dato : 07-05-03 12:12

Hi, i have played a lot of games now but always turn back to Wild West which
is a wolfenstein mod (westerngame) with 5 maps. Voices are quite different
than in normal Wolf and there is no big wopens like panzerfaust and flamers.
You really have to pratice to be a good shooter. If you want to play it you
must install two files:

WildWest_1.12.exe (85,3 Mb)
WildWest114b_patch.exe (8,6 Mb)

You can forexample download them at:


There is about 3-7 servers and about 50 active players. Most playing evening
europe time. But also afternoon is sometimes pretty good.

Soo if you are a Wolfenstein player then come play Westerngames where
mexican bandits fight coyboys. Yeeehow.


sittingduck (07-05-2003)
Fra : sittingduck

Dato : 07-05-03 19:36

"Morten" <dsl72661@vip.cybercity.dk> wrote:

> Hi, i have played a lot of games now but always turn back to Wild West
> which is a wolfenstein mod (westerngame) with 5 maps. Voices are quite
> different than in normal Wolf and there is no big wopens like
> panzerfaust and flamers. You really have to pratice to be a good
> shooter. If you want to play it you must install two files:

I liked it a lot, but it seems I am in the minority... I rarely find servers
to play on.

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