Martin Ammentorp <> wrote:
> Nu vil filen der ligger på mit skrivebord ikke smides ud: "Emnet xx
> bruges til en anden opgave nu (af opgaver kan nævnes at flytte kopiere
> eller tømme papirkurven)." Har prøvet at give det et andet navn - at
> slette fra Explorers download-liste - begge dele uden resultat.
> Det irriterer mig at den ikke kan komme væk - den kan ikke engang
> flyttes.
Ved ikke om du kan bruge det. Sakset fra:
Sometimes a file becomes damaged, for instance when a file isn't
completely downloaded from the Internet. When you go to trash such a
file you may get a message that it can't be trashed because it is "being
used by another application." You can try using a utility like TrashIt!
(see #3, above) to force-trash this file, or you could move the file to
the desktop, restart into OS 9, and trash it from there. Another option,
if you don't want to have to restart, is to use
to check its file type.
If the file type is "bzy0" OS X treats such a file as an active file.
Change the file type to "text" in X-RAY or Modifier and then you can
delete it.
Held og lykke
Per,-...der søger lejl.i Kbh.