Hej Torben
Tak for dine kommentarer - herunder svarer jeg på de kommentarer, hvor
jeg er stødt på information, som afklarer:
Torben Ægidius Mogensen wrote:
> =?windows-1252?Q?Glenn_M=F8ller-Holst?= <glenn@c.dk> writes:
>>Ingen bilk=F8er forsinker mere.
> SkyCar skal ifølge beskrivelsen køre på hjul indtil den kommer til en
> startpladsog tilsvarende køe fra landingsplads til endeligt mål, så
> man kan sagtens forestille sig kø til/fra disse. Men problemet bliver
> sikekrt mindre.
Overview of Skycar and transportation:
Citat: "...The Skycar operates under adverse conditions - its compact
shape makes it flyable at night, in fog, in most storms, high winds,
microbursts, and conditions other light aircraft cannot handle -
however, tornadoes, thunderstorms, severe icing, and hurricanes will
need to be avoided.[den tomme linie er tilføjet af mig] ..."
>>Ingen d=E6k rullest=F8j.
> Men til gengæld stor støj fra propeller/rotorer, og den kan ikke
> afskærmes af støjvolde.
Det troede jeg også indtil jeg fandt dette:
Overview of Skycar and transportation:
Citat: "...
Is quiet
The Skycar's fans inside ducts (nacelles) utilize Moller's patented
muffler technology - the Skycar is expected to be as quiet as a delivery
truck on takeoff and landing - 70 decibels at 50 feet [ca.16m].
With quick, vertical takeoff and landing, Skycar noise will be heard on
the ground for only 10 seconds or less - the Skycar doesn't require
long, noisy flight at low altitudes to take off and land as do other
aircraft, so it can be used in or near residential areas.
The Skycar can take off and land on a sound-insulated roof, where its
low noise won't disturb office workers or apartment/condo residents
Vibration and noise in the cabin will be at lower levels than for
conventional small aircraft - the nacelles are also mufflers, the
propulsion system has very few moving parts, and the rotary engines have
less vibration than conventional engines - the remaining noise will be
reduced by using phase cancellation technology already in use on some
commercial aircraft.
Overview of Skycar and transportation:
Citat: "...Comparison of Aircraft...Noise at 500 feet [ca.160m] 65 dBA..."
>>N=E6sten ingen snerydning er n=F8dvendig.
> Den er vel nødvendig på start/landingspladser.
Ja men ikke meget.
Overview of Skycar and transportation:
Citat: "...
Skycars are more like high-tech bats than conventional aircraft. Both
can land almost anywhere, quickly change direction, fly without crashing
into other members of the flock, are not dependent on ground control,
and are able to sense range to other objects.
The Skycar design permits very fast changes in speed and/or direction.
The thrust can be changed by 10% in velocity or direction in 1/10 of a
The M400 Skycar will be much less dangerous for bystanders than a
helicopter or small airplane. The whirling fan blades are contained in
housings lined with kevlar. Screens provide protection to passengers
and vehicle even if the blades should self-destruct.
Takeoff and landing area 35 ft diameter
If a parachute landing is needed over water the Skycar will float,
enabling passengers to debark with life preservers. The proposed design
should be able to land and take off from water.... The Skycar has more
operational flexibility than other small aircraft - it is designed to be
used for all lengths of trips, from the short commute in a congested
city to the several thousand mile cross-country trip requiring hops of
up to 900 miles between fuel stops.
> Desuden vil SkyCars
> formentlig blive grounded betragteligt tidligere end normale biler ved
> dårligt vejr.
Overview of Skycar and transportation:
Citat: "...The Skycar operates under adverse conditions - its compact
shape makes it flyable at night, in fog, in most storms, high winds,
microbursts, and conditions other light aircraft cannot handle -
however, tornadoes, thunderstorms, severe icing, and hurricanes will
need to be avoided.[den tomme linie er tilføjet af mig] ..."
>>8km/liter blyfri benzin er ikke d=E5rligt?
> Men heller ikke ligefrem godt. Desuden er der begrænset
> bagagekapacitet, så sammenligningen med en normal personbil er
> tvivlsom. Og hvis man flyver længere end man ville køre (fordi det
> går hurtigere), vil brændstofforbruget øges. Formentlig bliver 8km/l
> kun opnået, når SkyCar har nået sin flyvehøjde. Opstigning vil
> formentlig koste en del mere, så det er kun ved lange rejser, at man
> når i nærheden af dette.
Overview of Skycar and transportation:
Citat: "...
The Skycar has more operational flexibility than other small aircraft -
it is designed to be used for all lengths of trips, from the short
commute in a congested city to the several thousand mile cross-country
trip requiring hops of up to 900 miles between fuel stops.
For trips over 30 miles, the M400 fueled by gasoline will produce 4
times fewer nitrogen oxides that contribute to acid rain, 10 times fewer
hydrocarbons that create smog, and 3 times less carbon dioxide that may
contribute to global warming. Use of liquid natural gas or liquid
hydrogen as fuels would produce even less of these pollutants.
The Skycar would complement environmentally sound, short distance ground
transportation systems using nonpolluting bicycles, electric cars, and