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DelTree med FindFirst vil ikke køre på Win~
Fra : Alex B. P.

Dato : 27-02-03 16:09

Hej !

Har I en køreklar DelTree metode, som ikke af afhængig af operativ-system,
bortset fra WIN32 naturligvis, hehe ???


Følgende kode virker fint på Win9x/NT/2000 men compileren giver en hint, om

[Warning] TeleEmail01.pas(410): Symbol 'faVolumeID' is specific to a
[Warning] TeleEmail01.pas(414): Symbol 'FindData' is specific to a platform
[Warning] TeleEmail01.pas(417): Symbol 'FindData' is specific to a platform


og ved kørsel og compilering på WinXP Pro fejler det, med en access
violation på ...

GetShortPath ... -> giver volapyk, og len = 0

procedure TTeleEmail.DelTree(const Directory: TFileName);
DrivesPathsBuff: array[0..1024] of char;
DrivesPaths: string;
len: longword;
ShortPath: array[0..MAX_PATH] of char;
dir: TFileName;
procedure rDelTree(const Directory: TFileName);
// Recursively deletes all files and directories
// inside the directory passed as parameter.
SearchRec: TSearchRec;
Attributes: LongWord;
ShortName, FullName: TFileName;
pname: pchar;
if FindFirst(Directory + '*', faAnyFile and not faVolumeID,
SearchRec) = 0 then begin
repeat // Processes all files and directories
if SearchRec.FindData.cAlternateFileName[0] = #0 then
ShortName := SearchRec.Name
ShortName := SearchRec.FindData.cAlternateFileName;
FullName := Directory + ShortName;
if (SearchRec.Attr and faDirectory) <> 0 then begin
// It's a directory
if (ShortName <> '.') and (ShortName <> '..') then
rDelTree(FullName + '\');
end else begin
// It's a file
pname := PChar(FullName);
Attributes := GetFileAttributes(pname);
if Attributes = $FFFFFFFF then
raise EInOutError.Create(SysErrorMessage(GetLastError));
if (Attributes and FILE_ATTRIBUTE_READONLY) <> 0 then
SetFileAttributes(pname, Attributes and not
if Windows.DeleteFile(pname) = False then
raise EInOutError.Create(SysErrorMessage(GetLastError));
until FindNext(SearchRec) <> 0;
if Pos(#0 + Directory + #0, DrivesPaths) = 0 then begin
// if not a root directory, remove it
pname := PChar(Directory);
Attributes := GetFileAttributes(pname);
if Attributes = $FFFFFFFF then
raise EInOutError.Create(SysErrorMessage(GetLastError));
if (Attributes and FILE_ATTRIBUTE_READONLY) <> 0 then
SetFileAttributes(pname, Attributes and not
if Windows.RemoveDirectory(pname) = False then begin
raise EInOutError.Create(SysErrorMessage(GetLastError));
// ----------------
DrivesPathsBuff[0] := #0;
len := GetLogicalDriveStrings(1022, @DrivesPathsBuff[1]);
if len = 0 then
raise EInOutError.Create(SysErrorMessage(GetLastError));
SetString(DrivesPaths, DrivesPathsBuff, len + 1);
DrivesPaths := Uppercase(DrivesPaths);
len := GetShortPathName(PChar(Directory), ShortPath, MAX_PATH);
if len = 0 then
raise EInOutError.Create(SysErrorMessage(GetLastError));
SetString(dir, ShortPath, len);
dir := Uppercase(dir);
//rDelTree(IncludeTrailingBackslash(dir)); Removed by Helle


Alex B. Pedersen

Alex B. P. (27-02-2003)
Fra : Alex B. P.

Dato : 27-02-03 16:13

Jeg vedlægger lige den function, som kalder min DelTree procedure ...

function TTeleEmail.ClearMailFolders():Boolean;
// Result := FALSE;Removed by Helle

DeleteFile(CurrentDir + '\' + InFileFolder + '\' + '*.*');
DeleteFile(CurrentDir + '\' + OutFileFolder + '\' + '*.*');
DeleteFile(CurrentDir + '\' + TempFileFolder + '\' + '*.*');

/// Rem'et ud indtil der findes en ikke OS-afhængig DelTree metode ...

DelTree(CurrentDir + '\' + InFileFolder);
DelTree(CurrentDir + '\' + OutFileFolder);
DelTree(CurrentDir + '\' + TempFileFolder);

if not DirectoryExists(CurrentDir + '\' + InFileFolder) then
if not CreateDir(CurrentDir + '\' + InFileFolder) then
raise Exception.Create('Cannot create :' + CurrentDir + '\' +

if not DirectoryExists(CurrentDir + '\' + OutFileFolder) then
if not CreateDir(CurrentDir + '\' + OutFileFolder) then
raise Exception.Create('Cannot create :' + CurrentDir + '\' +

if not DirectoryExists(CurrentDir + '\' + TempFileFolder) then
if not CreateDir(CurrentDir + '\' + TempFileFolder) then
raise Exception.Create('Cannot create :' + CurrentDir + '\' +

Result := TRUE;


"Alex B. P." <alexbp@post.tele.dk> wrote in message
> Hej !
> Har I en køreklar DelTree metode, som ikke af afhængig af operativ-system,
> bortset fra WIN32 naturligvis, hehe ???
> Forklaring:
> --------------
> Følgende kode virker fint på Win9x/NT/2000 men compileren giver en hint,
> at:
> [Warning] TeleEmail01.pas(410): Symbol 'faVolumeID' is specific to a
> platform
> [Warning] TeleEmail01.pas(414): Symbol 'FindData' is specific to a
> [Warning] TeleEmail01.pas(417): Symbol 'FindData' is specific to a
> <snip>
> og ved kørsel og compilering på WinXP Pro fejler det, med en access
> violation på ...
> GetShortPath ... -> giver volapyk, og len = 0
> --------------------------------------------------------------------------
> ----------------
> procedure TTeleEmail.DelTree(const Directory: TFileName);
> var
> DrivesPathsBuff: array[0..1024] of char;
> DrivesPaths: string;
> len: longword;
> ShortPath: array[0..MAX_PATH] of char;
> dir: TFileName;
> procedure rDelTree(const Directory: TFileName);
> // Recursively deletes all files and directories
> // inside the directory passed as parameter.
> var
> SearchRec: TSearchRec;
> Attributes: LongWord;
> ShortName, FullName: TFileName;
> pname: pchar;
> begin
> if FindFirst(Directory + '*', faAnyFile and not faVolumeID,
> SearchRec) = 0 then begin
> try
> repeat // Processes all files and directories
> if SearchRec.FindData.cAlternateFileName[0] = #0 then
> ShortName := SearchRec.Name
> else
> ShortName := SearchRec.FindData.cAlternateFileName;
> FullName := Directory + ShortName;
> if (SearchRec.Attr and faDirectory) <> 0 then begin
> // It's a directory
> if (ShortName <> '.') and (ShortName <> '..') then
> rDelTree(FullName + '\');
> end else begin
> // It's a file
> pname := PChar(FullName);
> Attributes := GetFileAttributes(pname);
> if Attributes = $FFFFFFFF then
> raise EInOutError.Create(SysErrorMessage(GetLastError));
> if (Attributes and FILE_ATTRIBUTE_READONLY) <> 0 then
> SetFileAttributes(pname, Attributes and not
> if Windows.DeleteFile(pname) = False then
> raise EInOutError.Create(SysErrorMessage(GetLastError));
> end;
> until FindNext(SearchRec) <> 0;
> except
> FindClose(SearchRec);
> raise;
> end;
> FindClose(SearchRec);
> end;
> if Pos(#0 + Directory + #0, DrivesPaths) = 0 then begin
> // if not a root directory, remove it
> pname := PChar(Directory);
> Attributes := GetFileAttributes(pname);
> if Attributes = $FFFFFFFF then
> raise EInOutError.Create(SysErrorMessage(GetLastError));
> if (Attributes and FILE_ATTRIBUTE_READONLY) <> 0 then
> SetFileAttributes(pname, Attributes and not
> if Windows.RemoveDirectory(pname) = False then begin
> raise EInOutError.Create(SysErrorMessage(GetLastError));
> end;
> end;
> end;
> // ----------------
> begin
> DrivesPathsBuff[0] := #0;
> len := GetLogicalDriveStrings(1022, @DrivesPathsBuff[1]);
> if len = 0 then
> raise EInOutError.Create(SysErrorMessage(GetLastError));
> SetString(DrivesPaths, DrivesPathsBuff, len + 1);
> DrivesPaths := Uppercase(DrivesPaths);
> len := GetShortPathName(PChar(Directory), ShortPath, MAX_PATH);
> if len = 0 then
> raise EInOutError.Create(SysErrorMessage(GetLastError));
> SetString(dir, ShortPath, len);
> dir := Uppercase(dir);
> //rDelTree(IncludeTrailingBackslash(dir)); Removed by Helle
> rDelTree(IncludeTrailingPathDelimiter(dir));
> end;
> Mvh
> Alex B. Pedersen

Alex B. P. (04-04-2003)
Fra : Alex B. P.

Dato : 04-04-03 09:54

Hej !

Jeg har selv fundte en løsning, der kører på (alle gængse Win-platforme,
indtil nu) dog ikke Linux, mener jeg ikke



function TTeleEmail.DelTree(const Directory: string; Progress: boolean =
Undo: boolean = true; Confirm: boolean = false): boolean;
ProgressFlag: array[boolean] of cardinal = (0, FOF_SILENT);
UndoFlag: array[boolean] of cardinal = (0, FOF_ALLOWUNDO);
ConfirmFlag: array[boolean] of cardinal = (FOF_NOCONFIRMATION, 0);
sfo: TSHFileOpStruct;
FillChar(sfo, sizeof(sfo), 0);

sfo.wFunc:= FO_DELETE;
sfo.pFrom:= PChar(Directory);
sfo.fFlags:= ProgressFlag[Progress] or UndoFlag[Undo] or

result:= SHFileOperation(sfo) = 0;

"Alex B. P." <alexbp@post.tele.dk> wrote in message
> Jeg vedlægger lige den function, som kalder min DelTree procedure ...
> -----------------------------------------------------------------------
> function TTeleEmail.ClearMailFolders():Boolean;
> Begin
> // Result := FALSE;Removed by Helle
> DeleteFile(CurrentDir + '\' + InFileFolder + '\' + '*.*');
> DeleteFile(CurrentDir + '\' + OutFileFolder + '\' + '*.*');
> DeleteFile(CurrentDir + '\' + TempFileFolder + '\' + '*.*');
> /// Rem'et ud indtil der findes en ikke OS-afhængig DelTree metode ...
> DelTree(CurrentDir + '\' + InFileFolder);
> DelTree(CurrentDir + '\' + OutFileFolder);
> DelTree(CurrentDir + '\' + TempFileFolder);
> if not DirectoryExists(CurrentDir + '\' + InFileFolder) then
> if not CreateDir(CurrentDir + '\' + InFileFolder) then
> raise Exception.Create('Cannot create :' + CurrentDir + '\' +
> InFileFolder);
> if not DirectoryExists(CurrentDir + '\' + OutFileFolder) then
> if not CreateDir(CurrentDir + '\' + OutFileFolder) then
> raise Exception.Create('Cannot create :' + CurrentDir + '\' +
> OutFileFolder);
> if not DirectoryExists(CurrentDir + '\' + TempFileFolder) then
> if not CreateDir(CurrentDir + '\' + TempFileFolder) then
> raise Exception.Create('Cannot create :' + CurrentDir + '\' +
> TempFileFolder);
> Result := TRUE;
> end;
> --------------------------------------------------------------------------
> -------------
> "Alex B. P." <alexbp@post.tele.dk> wrote in message
> news:3e5e29f3$0$4299$edfadb0f@dread14.news.tele.dk...
> > Hej !
> >
> > Har I en køreklar DelTree metode, som ikke af afhængig af
> > bortset fra WIN32 naturligvis, hehe ???
> >
> > Forklaring:
> > --------------
> >
> > Følgende kode virker fint på Win9x/NT/2000 men compileren giver en hint,
> om
> > at:
> >
> > [Warning] TeleEmail01.pas(410): Symbol 'faVolumeID' is specific to a
> > platform
> > [Warning] TeleEmail01.pas(414): Symbol 'FindData' is specific to a
> platform
> > [Warning] TeleEmail01.pas(417): Symbol 'FindData' is specific to a
> platform
> >
> > <snip>
> >
> > og ved kørsel og compilering på WinXP Pro fejler det, med en access
> > violation på ...
> >
> > GetShortPath ... -> giver volapyk, og len = 0
> >
> --------------------------------------------------------------------------
> --
> > ----------------
> > procedure TTeleEmail.DelTree(const Directory: TFileName);
> > var
> > DrivesPathsBuff: array[0..1024] of char;
> > DrivesPaths: string;
> > len: longword;
> > ShortPath: array[0..MAX_PATH] of char;
> > dir: TFileName;
> > procedure rDelTree(const Directory: TFileName);
> > // Recursively deletes all files and directories
> > // inside the directory passed as parameter.
> > var
> > SearchRec: TSearchRec;
> > Attributes: LongWord;
> > ShortName, FullName: TFileName;
> > pname: pchar;
> > begin
> > if FindFirst(Directory + '*', faAnyFile and not faVolumeID,
> > SearchRec) = 0 then begin
> > try
> > repeat // Processes all files and directories
> > if SearchRec.FindData.cAlternateFileName[0] = #0 then
> > ShortName := SearchRec.Name
> > else
> > ShortName := SearchRec.FindData.cAlternateFileName;
> > FullName := Directory + ShortName;
> > if (SearchRec.Attr and faDirectory) <> 0 then begin
> > // It's a directory
> > if (ShortName <> '.') and (ShortName <> '..') then
> > rDelTree(FullName + '\');
> > end else begin
> > // It's a file
> > pname := PChar(FullName);
> > Attributes := GetFileAttributes(pname);
> > if Attributes = $FFFFFFFF then
> > raise EInOutError.Create(SysErrorMessage(GetLastError));
> > if (Attributes and FILE_ATTRIBUTE_READONLY) <> 0 then
> > SetFileAttributes(pname, Attributes and not
> > if Windows.DeleteFile(pname) = False then
> > raise EInOutError.Create(SysErrorMessage(GetLastError));
> > end;
> > until FindNext(SearchRec) <> 0;
> > except
> > FindClose(SearchRec);
> > raise;
> > end;
> > FindClose(SearchRec);
> > end;
> > if Pos(#0 + Directory + #0, DrivesPaths) = 0 then begin
> > // if not a root directory, remove it
> > pname := PChar(Directory);
> > Attributes := GetFileAttributes(pname);
> > if Attributes = $FFFFFFFF then
> > raise EInOutError.Create(SysErrorMessage(GetLastError));
> > if (Attributes and FILE_ATTRIBUTE_READONLY) <> 0 then
> > SetFileAttributes(pname, Attributes and not
> > if Windows.RemoveDirectory(pname) = False then begin
> > raise EInOutError.Create(SysErrorMessage(GetLastError));
> > end;
> > end;
> > end;
> > // ----------------
> > begin
> > DrivesPathsBuff[0] := #0;
> > len := GetLogicalDriveStrings(1022, @DrivesPathsBuff[1]);
> > if len = 0 then
> > raise EInOutError.Create(SysErrorMessage(GetLastError));
> > SetString(DrivesPaths, DrivesPathsBuff, len + 1);
> > DrivesPaths := Uppercase(DrivesPaths);
> > len := GetShortPathName(PChar(Directory), ShortPath, MAX_PATH);
> > if len = 0 then
> > raise EInOutError.Create(SysErrorMessage(GetLastError));
> > SetString(dir, ShortPath, len);
> > dir := Uppercase(dir);
> > //rDelTree(IncludeTrailingBackslash(dir)); Removed by Helle
> > rDelTree(IncludeTrailingPathDelimiter(dir));
> > end;
> >
> > Mvh
> >
> > Alex B. Pedersen
> >
> >

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