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Top 10 brugere
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10  Flash77 500
Pop Up Generator 2003. COOL!
Fra : Best Offers

Dato : 10-02-03 06:59

Darn It! Grrrr!! Ok, Forget It!!

How many attempts did it take for YOU to create that perfectly sized,
perfectly proportioned pop up window with that nice little close button
right in the middle?

It took us two minutes.

Solve your pop up headache here.

It's the painless approach.

Visit http://tinyurl.com/5l8o for detailed information.

Eric Jarvis (10-02-2003)
Fra : Eric Jarvis

Dato : 10-02-03 07:49

Best Offers wrote:
> Solve your pop up headache here.

shoot spammers on sight

> It's the painless approach.

sure is

"live fast, die only if strictly necessary"

KarlCore (10-02-2003)
Fra : KarlCore

Dato : 10-02-03 13:55

"Best Offers" <bestoffers@attbi.com> wrote in message
> Darn It! Grrrr!! Ok, Forget It!!
> How many attempts did it take for YOU to create that perfectly sized,
> perfectly proportioned pop up window with that nice little close button
> right in the middle?
> It took us two minutes.
> Solve your pop up headache here.
> It's the painless approach.
> Visit http://SPAMMERSMUSTDIEcom/5 detailed information.

1. Pop-up windows suck.
2. It takes you two minutes? It takes me one.

Karl Core

Barry Adair (10-02-2003)
Fra : Barry Adair

Dato : 10-02-03 16:13

Plus I refuse to go back to a site that has popups, or purchase anything
from them
"KarlCore" <eightninethree@SPELLOUT-893.com> wrote in message
> "Best Offers" <bestoffers@attbi.com> wrote in message
> news:TcH1a.49175$2H6.1247@sccrnsc04...
> > Darn It! Grrrr!! Ok, Forget It!!
> >
> > How many attempts did it take for YOU to create that perfectly sized,
> > perfectly proportioned pop up window with that nice little close button
> > right in the middle?
> >
> > It took us two minutes.
> >
> > Solve your pop up headache here.
> >
> > It's the painless approach.
> >
> > Visit http://SPAMMERSMUSTDIEcom/5 detailed information.
> >
> >
> >
> >
> 1. Pop-up windows suck.
> 2. It takes you two minutes? It takes me one.
> --
> Karl Core

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