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[The Night of Numeric Arts]
Fra : SICHI Stéphane

Dato : 02-01-03 23:57

For the second year we organize The Night of Numeric Arts. It is a 3 hours
spectacle of films of the whole world, of any formats. The program
alternates Web - cartoons and computer generated images, classical and
This animation comes within the framework of the Internet French Cup
(www.coupe-internet.com) and will be broadcasted in several cities:
Onet-le-Château, Pau, Ferté-Bernard (festival ARTEC - trophies E=M6)... and
should concerned a public of about 50 000 persons.

A billboard of presentation for every animation, will indicate the source
and the authors.
All the realizations will be also presented on the site of Night of the
Numeric Arts : (http://www.coupe-internet.net/cfi2003/ncn/) with the
indication of sources and authors.

We get in touch with you because the quality of your realizations held our
attention and we would like to diffuse them on big screen within the
framework of this animation.

We would like to know if you are interested a broadcasting of your
realizations and if you can send to us some of it.

You can register your realizations on the site of the Night of Numeric Arts:

If you want more information about this demonstration, do not hesitate to
contact me. Thank you for the attention you show for our demonstration and I
hope we will collaborate soon.

Kind regards,

Spørgsmål : 177620
Tips : 31970
Nyheder : 719565
Indlæg : 6409360
Brugere : 218890

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