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Fra : Claudio Solis

Dato : 30-12-02 12:16

Infinity Presses & presents: an article by Klaudio Zic

= Cloning History =

This article is (C) 2003 Klaudio Zic, all rights reserved.
Quaoar HQ http://puck.dhs.org /quaoar mailto:t8@puck.dhs.org

The assumption that cloning was impossible in the past is silly.
The shumerans had precise ephemeris and an advanced system in
most respects. Bharata and the vedas are excellent examples of
advanced civilizations. Indian astrology was taking account of
the _aspects_between_various_stars_. we cannot even conceive
the purpose of such a concern. The speeds the vedic sages were
able to measure beat our quantum physics.

I Ching is clearly a genetic device. Based on 64 binary combinations,
what else can it be?

Since when we know history? How do we interpret the vedas? Were those
writer(s) hallucinating or something?

Cloning was not by far `man's greatest achievement.

This article is (C) 2003 Klaudio Zic, all rights reserved.
Quaoar HQ http://puck.dhs.org /quaoar mailto:t8@puck.dhs.org

Flame prevention

Ogni can move la coa e ogni cogion vol dir la soa (venethian saying)

As of late I don't have time for flame and answers to stupid insults.
Taisha's book is available even in the less civilized areas of this
planet. I did not write it. She did. We have been reading (yes) CC
and Florinda Donner for some time. Some of us continue to do so after
30 years or so. You read yours, I read mine. It's a mysterious

The author has been manipulating The Book of Mutations since early
1976. He knew it by heart in a month and we mutually know each other
by heart ever since and even before. So please no lectures about this
point, you don't stand a chance. I'll listen to a texan guy I know,
though, but let us not get hard on this point (I Ching). Know that if
I get an answer in a second, this means 250 answers in a minute. I
tested in that area. You don't stand a chance. Don't lecture I Ching
to me. Close that book and meditate on Episode II. I'll be around.

The clone was implanted at the time of 2002 AA29 discovery. If you
not familiar with our `third moon', or are an italian reader (meaning
perhaps temperament only), please don't lecture me on astrology.


The author is not a woman but will improve. Neither is he ugly.
is he less than adored by women. He is also even christian. So I
really know what you will invent this time. The last time I posted on
Quaoar in Italy, one woman called me `ladro' (thief). Now, really...

This article is (C) 2003 Klaudio Zic, all rights reserved.
Quaoar HQ http://puck.dhs.org /quaoar mailto:t8@puck.dhs.org
Sun Dec 29 00:15:04 GMT 2002

Sun Dec 29 00:44:09 GMT 2002

At the risk of being aware of trying to squeeze cosmetics from a
mere icy rock, I suppose `all man in each man' and something human
even in God. In that way the prophets could approach God and in the
same way, probing like a bunch of Ewoks, we approach giant icy

Infinity Presses & presents: an article by Klaudio Zic

= Severino Antiori =

This article is (C) 2003 Klaudio Zic, all rights reserved.
Quaoar HQ http://puck.dhs.org /quaoar mailto:t8@puck.dhs.org

The italian scientist dismisses the birth of the clone. In his
words, the lady announcing the birth of Eve didn't even know
what cloning is only months ago, then dismissed it herself.

At the same time, the scientist who announced a clonebirth
a month ago, announces one for January 2003. Ah, those mad

People very often look the same from my viewpoint. Cloning
them won't do much for me (or for my clone).

My clone will take care of this mailing list by far better
than I do, being experienced. DNA tends to change ||:

This article is (C) 2003 Klaudio Zic, all rights reserved.
Quaoar HQ http://puck.dhs.org /quaoar mailto:t8@puck.dhs.org
Sat Dec 28 22:42:35 GMT 2002

Infinity Presses & presents: an article by Klaudio Zic

= Cloning and the Womb =

This article is (C) 2003 Klaudio Zic, all rights reserved.
Quaoar HQ http://puck.dhs.org /quaoar mailto:t8@puck.dhs.org

Cloning has more sense than regular impregnation, in that it
does not exhaust the woman. As Our Lady Taisha Abelar informs
us, ladies suffer for seven years after the intercourse; they
feed the male with thir subtle energy, but their astral body
is wrecked ever after; _unless_ after seven years of celibacy
they remain untouched. This is not far fetched at all, in yoga
ashrams there is a saying `the first six years are the hardest'.

Those who have in mind Taisha Abelar begin to suspect she's
right. Cloning is natural to women. Who ever needed males anyway?
Cloning is a good policy to stop males inventing organized mass
religions based on their hate, jealousy and fear of women' s
superiority. In the harem and at the stake, women will ever prove
they are closer to God the way the male will never be. The ALHIM
TzBAVTh (Elohim Tsabaoth) of the Bible is a female deity. One
wonders in whose mind came the idea of a male creator. Most absurd
and yet so many people believe this utter corruption. Some say it
is the `male plural of a female noun', but it is clear that ALHIM
is feminine, eventually a host (TzBA) of creating godesses (cloners).

And look who's `worried' for us, for `mankind' (that excludes the
abos, niggers, indians, eskomoes, me and you), the very same people
with fresh blood on their hands. The same institutions that
the planet, slaughter whole tribes, kill for a barrel, hate the
despise women, prostitute in politics; they are `worried'; sitting on
their atomic bombs they fear this innocent female child, a messiah.

Various signs this year, 2002 AA29 our third moon, 2002 MS4 a sign of
a new religion and of course the `womb to womb' giant Quaoar. Are we
able to accept the challenge of something new or do we sheeply
those who haremize, prostitute, beat us and burn at a stake?

Flame prevention

Ogni can move la coa e ogni cogion vol dir la soa (venethian saying)

ALHIM is a plural but it does not mean `gods' as some would
Check Zecharia Sitchin on that point and your local rabbi, of course.

As of late I don't have time for flame and answers to stupid insults.
Taisha's book is available even in the less civilized areas of this
planet. I did not write it. She did. We have been reading (yes) CC
and Florinda Donner for some time. Some of us continue to do so after
30 years or so. You read yours, I read mine. It's a mysterious

The author has been manipulating The Book of Mutations since early
1976. He knew it by heart in a month and we mutually know each other
by heart ever since and even before. So please no lectures about this
point, you don't stand a chance. I'll listen to a texan guy I know,
though, but let us not get hard on this point (I Ching). Know that if
I get an answer in a second, this means 250 answers in a minute. I
tested in that area. You don't stand a chance. Don't lecture I Ching
to me. Close that book and meditate on Episode II. I'll be around.

The clone was implanted at the time of 2002 AA29 discovery. If you
not familiar with our `third moon', or are an italian reader (meaning
perhaps temperament only), please don't lecture me on astrology.


The author is not a woman but will improve. Neither is he ugly.
is he less than adored by women. He is also even christian. So I
really know what you will invent this time. The last time I posted on
Quaoar in Italy, one woman called me `ladro' (thief). Now, really...

This article is (C) 2003 Klaudio Zic, all rights reserved.
Quaoar HQ http://puck.dhs.org /quaoar mailto:t8@puck.dhs.org
Sun Dec 29 00:15:04 GMT 2002

Never heed what they say. Faith I have and put in you.
Every day is something new. And nothing else matters!
Fealty, capable of long waiting, firstborn, old fashioned
love, never give up on that girl! Sex might suffer because
of religious and finantial drawbacks. Missionary posture.

Infinity Presses & presents: an article by Klaudio Zic

= Cloning =

This article is (C) 2003 Klaudio Zic, all rights reserved.
Quaoar HQ http://puck.dhs.org /quaoar mailto:t8@puck.dhs.org

If God does not want us to clone anything, how come he created
us able to?

This article is (C) 2003 Klaudio Zic, all rights reserved.
Quaoar HQ http://puck.dhs.org /quaoar mailto:t8@puck.dhs.org

The original Quaoar delineation strangely mentions `firstborn'.
Sat Dec 28 22:58:28 GMT 2002

Infinity Presses & presents: an article by Klaudio Zic

= Chinese Cloning =

This article is (C) 2003 Klaudio Zic, all rights reserved.
Quaoar HQ http://puck.dhs.org /quaoar mailto:t8@puck.dhs.org

As for our naive predecessors, taking the primitive chinese
for example, diagram :|::|: reads:

`three black ropes entwined'

a clear reference to our ancients' lack of any knowledge of
RNA or DNA. That's why they never wrote The Book of Mutations.

There are several books starting with `citozone in the first
line of ||||||' and so on. Try a search on `tai hsuan ching'
and meet my texan friend (T'ai Hsuean Ching).

This article is (C) 2003 Klaudio Zic, all rights reserved.
Quaoar HQ http://puck.dhs.org /quaoar mailto:t8@puck.dhs.org
Sat Dec 28 22:37:38 GMT 2002
CLONEWARS> cloning now; cloning your futurities with o5;

F Futuro Firmato - t8@puck.dhs.org (C) 2003 Klaudio Zic

Futurity specialists since 1977

Showrooms: Venezia - Seattle - Internet http://puck.dhs.org

= Cloning Astrology =

This article is (C) 2003 Klaudio Zic, all rights reserved.
Clone Wars http://puck.dhs.org /clone mailto:t8@puck.dhs.org

2002 was a copious year as concerns astronomical discoveries.

An object was discovered early this year, designated `2002 AA29'.
This object acts as a `quasi sattelite' of our planet, as much as
Cruithne (discovered six years ago) acts as `trojan' or (some say)
`second moon'. Therefore 2002 AA29 is our `third moon'. The object
has closer approaches than Cruithne and is probably bound to be our
first mining imperia in outer space.


Approach and ephemeris calculation = integration was enabled by Jon
Giorgini's HORIZONS integrator, NASA JPL, Pasadina, CA; Cruithne and
2002 AA29 information by Korado Korlevic (Korlevic comet) astro.hr

The largest discovery after Pluto happened this year. The object is
a giant transneptune named Quaoar.

It is most intriguing that the `clonine' must have been implanted at
the time of 2002 AA29 discovery. Cruithne had this delineation: `the
secondary use of the vagina' and Quaoar delineations swarm with

The current list of large asteroids looks like this:


All major transneptunes have received at least a provisory

This article is (C) 2003 Klaudio Zic, all rights reserved.
Clone Wars http://puck.dhs.org /clone mailto:t8@puck.dhs.org

___ per il tuo futuro visita il sito http://puck.dhs.org
F Futuro Firmato - t8@puck.dhs.org (C) 2003 Klaudio Zic
O5 Futuro fatto a mano - Custom future
IC Futuro a scielta - The futurity of your choice
AA Futuro cinque stelle * * * * * A starry future


Infinity Presses & presents

An article by Klaudio Zic

= New Giant Transneptunes =

This article is (C) 2003 Klaudio Zic, all rights reserved.
Quaoar HQ http://puck.dhs.org /quaoar mailto:t8@puck.dhs.org

This article is meant to be mostly informative for the general
reader as to an update and choice of information given.

The good question is:

`Which are the largest asteroids today (and do they feature in
astrological analysis)'. The answer is:

These are the lagest asteroids nowday (and they _do_ appear
in astrological analysis).


Vesta and Ceres will be familar with some astrologer, and Pallas;
but where is Juno? Far down the list is Juno (where Chaos and
Rhadamanthus transneptuners hold sway). Juno is relatively a small
object nowdays. What happened?

It was back in 1992 that it all begun to unwrap behind Neptunes
The back door slammed open Nov 28th 2000 when Varuna was found, then
Ixion and lo! Quaoar is the king of the moment.

However it might seem strange to new readers, `2002 MS4 conjunct
Virginis _does_ figure in president George Bush'd chart, as 2002
twin conjunctions seem very significative in Saddam Hussein's

Varuna, Ixion and Quaoar have received due attention and
Quaoar!) have their rather clear (perhaps somewhat omnious?)

What might seem a breaktrough is that we are able to calculate
position for Krishna, the Buddha and Jesus Christ with more than
accuracy. Therefore the transneptuners (since 1992 QB1) have been
accepted in the world of astrology.

If the centaurs miss from the list, it is because of their inferior
size. The centaurs list can be fpund in the appendixes below.

Why do we use such objects? The answer cannot be simplier! Quaoar is
by far the largest asteroid. Three transneptuners are larger than
and Ceres; Varuna and three newly discovered objects are larger than
Pallas, and the next main belt asteroid is nowhere at sight!

Size is what matters in this case. There are 600 transneptuners out
there, but it is size that determines the object of our study,
there might be other reasons (such as eccentricity).

The centaurs are quite a few and are all to be taken into account.
This they do, named or `unnamed', numbered or not.

This concludes this info sheet for the general reader.
Have fun and enjoy the research!

This article is (C) 2003 Klaudio Zic, all rights reserved.
Quaoar HQ http://puck.dhs.org/quaoar mailto:t8@puck.dhs.org


The major asteroids
(mostly transneptunes)


Example listing of the first (`terrorist') transneptuner 1992 QB1
and the largest objects (in order of appearance; Quaoar first)
as concerns asteroids (mostly transneptuners) in our system.

George Bush

Date: 6.47/7/1946 Equinox of date Julian
file: Dist(au) to Heli-
Object perih e period Sun Earth LongÜ ra
dec mag

A¨Quaoar 2002.11¨41.648¨.03¨283.61¨44.702¨44.904¨182Ü51¨12h 4.5¨-
A¨2002TX300 2002.11¨38.011¨.12¨284.17¨38.271¨37.299¨288Ü
A¨Ixion 2002.11¨29.751¨.24¨246.57¨48.933¨48.968¨192Ü13¨13h 7.2¨
A¨2002AW197 2002.11¨41.437¨.12¨327.25¨52.588¨53.508¨ 82Ü31¨ 5h25.4¨
A¨Vesta 1990.11¨ 2.147¨.09¨ 3.62¨ 2.313¨ 1.876¨335Ü57¨ 0h16.7¨-
5Ü46¨ 7.4
A¨Ceres 2002.05¨ 2.548¨.07¨ 4.60¨ 2.943¨
2.000¨300Ü16¨20h56.5¨-27Ü45¨ 7.7
A¨2002TC302 2002.10¨28.032¨.77¨ 1351¨32.013¨31.261¨251Ü17¨16h
9.1¨-50Ü 5¨18.6
A¨2002UX25 2002.11¨36.569¨.14¨279.53¨48.471¨47.725¨323Ü 4¨21h21.9¨
3Ü 0¨20.2
A¨Varuna 2002.11¨40.979¨.05¨284.41¨41.040¨41.281¨ 27Ü17¨ 2h 9.3¨-
4Ü 1¨20.0
A¨Pallas 2002.05¨ 2.136¨.22¨ 4.62¨ 3.327¨ 2.538¨283Ü17¨18h39.4¨
22Ü50¨ 9.4
A¨2002VE95 2002.11¨27.901¨.29¨247.48¨41.144¨40.186¨295Ü12¨19h38.2¨-
A¨2001UR163 2001.10¨36.124¨.39¨462.40¨66.458¨65.859¨337Ü12¨22h37.7¨-
A¨2001QF298 2001.07¨34.999¨.10¨244.73¨42.317¨41.364¨282Ü24¨18h46.3¨-
2002.11¨38.181¨.11¨284.18¨40.316¨39.416¨297Ü59¨20h28.5¨-44Ü 4¨20.6
A¨2002KX14 2002.05¨39.219¨.08¨282.00¨42.117¨42.771¨154Ü12¨10h19.9¨
10Ü 6¨21.1
A¨2000EB173 2002.05¨28.561¨.27¨246.96¨43.799¨44.783¨109Ü48¨ 7h17.5¨
9Ü 1¨21.2
A¨1999DE9 2001.04¨32.232¨.42¨415.85¨41.832¨42.369¨ 45Ü16¨ 2h46.6¨
A¨2001UQ18 2001.11¨29.667¨.54¨530.78¨70.512¨70.478¨ 11Ü18¨ 0h43.1¨

= Centaurs Size =


An unofficial update in centaurs size, based on Harvard MPC /1/
issue for Dance of the Planets program would estimate the main
centaurs in the following sequence:

Centaur H

1995 SN55 6.0
Chariklo 6.4
Chiron 6.5
2002 GZ32 6.7
Pholus 7.0
2002 CR46 7.2
1998 BU48 7.2
1999 OX3 7.5
2000 QC243 7.6

The centaurs are therefore relatively small (but `near') objects,
while the transneptunes are by far larger objects.

This article is (C) 2003 Klaudio Zic, all rights reserved.
Quaoar HQ http://puck.dhs.org /quaoar mailto:t8@puck.dhs.org

The HORIZONS online JPL NASA program has been widely used to check
for minor planets positions, as well as to produce the ephemeris.
telnet://ssd.jpl.nasa.gov:6775 (via browser)
telnet ssd.jpl.nasa.gov 6775 (via command-line)
http://ssd.jpl.nasa.gov horizons@ssd.jpl.nasa.gov

Coffieur done? Get a NEW HOROSCOPE! http://puck.dhs.org

You have them all the loves in your life awaiting for you at
time proper. With O5 you can change and produce events. Some
events have been calculated to the minute and you sure do have
all your major years scheduled. What possibly can you go for more?

Astrological services that are always updated for the latest
astronomical discoveries and come in wealthy and detailed
`simscan' format, meaning you are able to check for the real
position of every major object in your horoscope.

Original delineations and unique approach. Wild insights based
on solid accuracy. NASA based ephemeris for your own research.
Custom made services include megabytes of simscans in gif format.

The most beloved parts of your NEW HOROSCOPE are the latest
giant discovery Quaoar, as well as Ixion and Varuna transneptunes;
the lovely centaurs Pholus, Chariklo, Chiron, Hylonome, Nessus,
Asbolus and others; finally you have a precisely calculated
nativity with the correct local Moon's position, and even the
second moon Cruithne and third moon, too.

Trashing time for your old natal chart as your NEW HOROSCOPE
gives you the precision and update you craved for the last 15
years. Dwarf them, trash them, update! Dispose of an old way
of thinking and wake up into this new amber morning glory!

Klaudio Zic, t8@puck.dhs.org Showroom: http://puck.dhs.org/reports1

(C) 2003 Klaudio Zic, all rights reserved. http://puck.dhs.org
This material may not be reproduced without written permission.

ASTROLOGICAL TUITION t8@puck.dhs.org http://puck.dhs.org

A) Preparing a chart. How to obtain the _exact_ natal positions.
Precise Moon's position. Topocentric ephemeris. Our calculations
will excell in precision and the predictions will be exact to
the minute. Why most of the charts on Earth are miscalculated?
B) "Handsfree Astrology". How to predict the year and the month
of the event without any use of tools like ephemeris or PC
programs. Primary directions. I Ching Aspectarian. Kabala.
C) Orbital simulation and NASA JPL HORIZONS. Obtaining the ephemeris
of any new object. Calculating the horoscope from any object
Eroscentrical). Using Harvard MPC data in orbital simulation.
Updating the asteroid data base on daily basis.
D) Centaur Objects. Chariklo, Chiron, Pholus, Nessus, Hylonome,
Asbolus, 1994 TA Pylenor, 2000 QC243, 2001 PT13 and others.
E) Giant transneptune objects. Quaoar is esteemed as larger than all
of the asteroids put together. 2002 AW197 finantial asteroid.
2002 TX300. 2002 MS4. 2002 VE95. Ixion. Varuna. Chaos.
WTC terrorist 1992 QB1. 2002 GV31. 2002 KX14. 2001 UR163.
F) Bavarian hypotheticals; the "Dark Planets". The Rathke Planets.
G) Special objects and groups of objects, e.g. Earth's `second
moon' trojan Cruithne, third moon 2002 AA29, Damocles and
damocloids, recent comets, deep space objects, Cassini Lilith,
Amors, Atens, Apollos, brown dwarfs, Nibiru, black holes, novas,
supernovas, planetary nodes, Janus, Chiron, Vesta, Pholus nodes,
HPMHC - RTzIAL (Hermes - Ratziel), Devil's Rose (rose = eros).
H) Stargate. Major stars. Primary direction of a star.
I) The use of the Lords of the Houses in directional and horary
Astrology. Charting extreme latitudes.
J) ASTROMAJIK Majikal initiation into the secrets of Astrologix?
What in fact are the 360 degrees? Inorganic initiators. Majikal
evocation. Star spirits. Enchanted degrees. The Coocoon. Vedas.
Omniverse. Triangulating your own guardian angel. Treasure maps.



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Astrology centaureana: Chariklo, Pholus, Hylonome, Asbolus, Nessus
Astrology transneptun: Quaoar, Ixion, Varuna, Chaos, Rhadamanthus

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Sun Dec 08 21:27:27 GMT 2002

Sun Dec 29 11:07:04 GMT 2002
CLONEWARS> cloning now; cloning your futurities with o5;

F Futuro Firmato - t8@puck.dhs.org (C) 2003 Klaudio Zic

Futurity specialists since 1977

Showrooms: Venezia - Seattle - Internet http://puck.dhs.org

= Clone Lilit =

This article is (C) 2003 Klaudio Zic, all rights reserved.
Clone Wars http://puck.dhs.org /clone mailto:t8@puck.dhs.org

Our clonine has a copious set of Cassini Lilit aspects. True
Lilit is an _observed_ object (Cassini, Piccioli), or rather
_was_ an observed object, used in rituals, being popular in
learned (and occult) european quarters (Germany, Switzerland).

True Lilit for Our Clonine:

60 Jupiter (CR105)
150 Venus Pholus Mars
180 Pluto (exact)
0 Saturn (approaching Adebaran)
150 Nessus
90 Iris

True Lilit at 18 gemini tropical. Reading the delineations:

Jupiter: frequent consultation of oracles, lectures on `morality',
smiling in public but intimately unhappy, fictious results
Pluto : dangerous proximity of sexually aroused majikians, virginity
under threat from occultists, weird ritual sex stages
Venus : unregular menstrual cycle, love with a childhood friend

That were the closest aspects and their `classical' delineations
for the clonine born around Dec 26th 2002. The object is a formerly
observed `True Lilit' of which one can find copious material using
http://groups.google.com search `treu lilit' or `Cassini lilit'.
http://puck.dhs.org/usenet.html Cassini Lilit (True Lilit)

This article is (C) 2003 Klaudio Zic, all rights reserved.
Clone Wars http://puck.dhs.org /clone mailto:t8@puck.dhs.org

La nostra clonina ha LILIT VERA al 18mo grado dei Gemelli tropicali.

Leggiamo le delineazioni per i aspetti di Plutone, Giove e Venere.

Prossimita a rischio di occultisti in grado di agreddire
Consultazione di oracoli compulsiva e constante. Sorriso in publico,
intimamente insodisfatta, ciclo menstruale corrotto, amor con un

This article is (C) 2003 Klaudio Zic, all rights reserved.
Clone Wars http://puck.dhs.org /clone mailto:t8@puck.dhs.org

___ per il tuo futuro visita il sito http://puck.dhs.org
F Futuro Firmato - t8@puck.dhs.org (C) 2003 Klaudio Zic
O5 Futuro fatto a mano - Custom future
IC Futuro a scielta - The futurity of your choice
AA Futuro cinque stelle * * * * * A starry future

The HORIZONS online JPL NASA program has been widely used to check
for minor planets positions, as well as to produce the ephemeris.
telnet://ssd.jpl.nasa.gov:6775 (via browser)
telnet ssd.jpl.nasa.gov 6775 (via command-line)
http://ssd.jpl.nasa.gov horizons@ssd.jpl.nasa.gov

Infinity Presses & presents: an article by Klaudio Zic

= 2002 AA29 =

This article is (C) 2003 Klaudio Zic, all rights reserved.
Quaoar HQ http://puck.dhs.org /quaoar mailto:t8@puck.dhs.org

At the birthtime of the supposed clonine, 2002 AA29 third
moon brushes by Chariklo (in the chalice Crater or Graal
constellation), cutting Hydra (the snake :|:) constellation
as it also conjuncts our primary Moon.

This article is (C) 2003 Klaudio Zic, all rights reserved.
Quaoar HQ http://puck.dhs.org /quaoar mailto:t8@puck.dhs.org

Infinity Presses & presents: an article by Klaudio Zic

= Quaoar, Cruithne and Cloning =

This article is (C) 2003 Klaudio Zic, all rights reserved.
Quaoar HQ http://puck.dhs.org /quaoar mailto:t8@puck.dhs.org

The Quaoar position (astrologically speaking) ensures a `safe
nest', the womb (or womb replicator) itself, while Cruithne
gives the right timing (birthtime).

2002 AA29 is a womb replicant and DNA replicant. It also
provides the necessary flux and liquids for the baby to
`float' in.

This article is (C) 2003 Klaudio Zic, all rights reserved.
Quaoar HQ http://puck.dhs.org /quaoar mailto:t8@puck.dhs.org
Sat Dec 28 22:16:34 GMT 2002


'Rael welcome, we are the Lamia of the pool,
we have been waiting for our waters to bring you cool.'
The Lamb Lies Down on

Infinity Presses & presents: an article by Klaudio Zic

= Clone Wars =

This article is (C) 2003 Klaudio Zic, all rights reserved.
Quaoar HQ http://puck.dhs.org /quaoar mailto:t8@puck.dhs.org

The news of the Xmas birth of the little clonine filled me
with immense joy. I don't even care if the event is a real
one! The idea is more than good. Now arise the moralists
and their arguments. Let us look at some arguments.

There is talk of `ethics'. Anybody seen ethics lately?
In a world filled with wars, famine, nuclear weapons
they are speaking about ethics, the same guys who order
a massacre and get away with it since time immemorial.

There is talk of `family values'. I guess they didn't
want a female! All organized religions have something
against females. The reason is plain, women are by far
superior than men (I'm one but improving) as Florinda
Donner and Taisha Abelar clearly inform us.

The `experts' that commented are clearly jealous, perhaps
even jealous at the courage and lead this (perhaps false)
news imply. The wicked charm of Brigitte Boisselier (what
a name, what a nose) is commanding.

And they call 55 000 people a `sect'? What's wrong with that `sect'.
We've seen corruption in Hare Krsna, blood on the hands of popes, I
don't see anything wrong or right in one little sect. In fact I
could Peter Gabriel be in the sect himself? Inteligent, has shown us
his skull with no problem, sings of `Rael'...

Yes Puck Occult Mailing List (more or less occult nowdays)
and every intelligent being on this planet is informed as
to Zecharia Sitchin's theory of human cloning and Zimbabve
Eve. The birth of Eve has been scientifically proven as to
time and place. But the jealous scientists don't seem to
embrace a broader (360 degrees, inhale expand go with it)
of the event(s). Yes, events, one baby is to be born an
arab (a rich arab), and there's at least six of them `announced'.

Imagine Clonapet working and `I don't want to be burried in a pet
cemetery'. Who said I don't want to live my life again? As ananta
(my initiatic name) all infinities are sacred. And anantadeva is
a snake deity.

The Libra sign is in fact a birthgiving device. So the annunaki
decided to take over. Good. The nonsectarian straight man could
not resolve his family problems, fix his wife or trash his atom
bombs. They cloned a baby and are monsters.

This little messiah has not killed yet and people who actually
ordered air raids (or stimulated them in Xmas time) judge it
monstrous. Whoever prayed for the assasinated afghans and iraquis
at midnight Dec 24th 2002? The arabs gave us perhaps more than
we gave them. Starting with 1234567890 Mr. Rock'n'feel'her.

So the lamb is a female. And who is Claude Vorihnon, the founder
of the sect? We are talking 25 000 B.C., which I'm not sure comes
from Zecharia's quarters? Lady Pylenor should be handing ol'Sitchin
a letter from us by now, perhaps including some extra questions for
the expert?

I like it, I like it, I like it!

They probably condemned the computer before they started hacking
themselves. And whoever clones the Turin Shrewd knows the risk
of having a gay Leonardo coming up or, better, the Baptist himself.

This article is (C) 2003 Klaudio Zic, all rights reserved.
Quaoar HQ http://puck.dhs.org /quaoar mailto:t8@puck.dhs.org

Dark Planets


'Rael welcome, we are the Lamia of the pool,
we have been waiting for our waters to bring you cool.'
The Lamb Lies Down on

Sat Dec 28 22:13:54 GMT 2002

Flame prevention

Ogni can move la coa e ogni cogion vol dir la soa (venethian saying)

ALHIM is a plural but it does not mean `gods' as some would
Check Zecharia Sitchin on that point and your local rabbi, of course.

As of late I don't have time for flame and answers to stupid insults.
Taisha's book is available even in the less civilized areas of this
planet. I did not write it. She did. We have been reading (yes) CC
and Florinda Donner for some time. Some of us continue to do so after
30 years or so. You read yours, I read mine. It's a mysterious

The author has been manipulating The Book of Mutations since early
1976. He knew it by heart in a month and we mutually know each other
by heart ever since and even before. So please no lectures about this
point, you don't stand a chance. I'll listen to a texan guy I know,
though, but let us not get hard on this point (I Ching). Know that if
I get an answer in a second, this means 250 answers in a minute. I
tested in that area. You don't stand a chance. Don't lecture I Ching
to me. Close that book and meditate on Episode II. I'll be around.

The clone was implanted at the time of 2002 AA29 discovery. If you
not familiar with our `third moon', or are an italian reader (meaning
perhaps temperament only), please don't lecture me on astrology.


The author is not a woman but will improve. Neither is he ugly.
is he less than adored by women. He is also even christian. So I
really know what you will invent this time. The last time I posted on
Quaoar in Italy, one woman called me `ladro' (thief). Now, really...

This article is (C) 2003 Klaudio Zic, all rights reserved.
Quaoar HQ http://puck.dhs.org /quaoar mailto:t8@puck.dhs.org
Sun Dec 29 00:15:04 GMT 2002

Quaoar delineation, October 2002:

One note: whenever `the womb' is mentioned, it is (like in the
case of Cruithne) handled and meant rather as an aditional tool
of power women shamans have, than in it's (secondary?) reproductive
function. Therefore the womb becomes the re-productive majikal

Infinity Presses & presents: an article by Klaudio Zic

= Clonine =

This article is (C) 2003 Klaudio Zic, all rights reserved.
Quaoar HQ http://puck.dhs.org /quaoar mailto:t8@puck.dhs.org

Why don't they ever ask the astrologer? The clonine will be
jealous of other women because of Venus conjunct (Alpha Serpentis)
Unukalhai (The Heart of the Snake, devil's degree). The baby messiah
is imensely sensitive to poison. Not a good position for family
affairs, either. Well, Christ had such a strange family, too.

Let us hope nobody dare poison her. I'll pray for her life. She's
such a treasure. Cruithne conjuncts Ixion and goes on to conjunct
Quaoar, whose delineations spoke of wombs, wombs, wombs!

Cruithne had this `delineation', actually: "the secondary function
of the womb", now `2002 AA29', our `third moon' was discovered at
the time the baby was (im)planted!

This article is (C) 2003 Klaudio Zic, all rights reserved.
Quaoar HQ http://puck.dhs.org /quaoar mailto:t8@puck.dhs.org
Sat Dec 28 22:26:50 GMT 2002

Flame prevention

Ogni can move la coa e ogni cogion vol dir la soa (venethian saying)

ALHIM is a plural but it does not mean `gods' as some would
Check Zecharia Sitchin on that point and your local rabbi, of course.

As of late I don't have time for flame and answers to stupid insults.
Taisha's book is available even in the less civilized areas of this
planet. I did not write it. She did. We have been reading (yes) CC
and Florinda Donner for some time. Some of us continue to do so after
30 years or so. You read yours, I read mine. It's a mysterious

The author has been manipulating The Book of Mutations since early
1976. He knew it by heart in a month and we mutually know each other
by heart ever since and even before. So please no lectures about this
point, you don't stand a chance. I'll listen to a texan guy I know,
though, but let us not get hard on this point (I Ching). Know that if
I get an answer in a second, this means 250 answers in a minute. I
tested in that area. You don't stand a chance. Don't lecture I Ching
to me. Close that book and meditate on Episode II. I'll be around.

The clone was implanted at the time of 2002 AA29 discovery. If you
not familiar with our `third moon', or are an italian reader (meaning
perhaps temperament only), please don't lecture me on astrology.


The author is not a woman but will improve. Neither is he ugly.
is he less than adored by women. He is also even christian. So I
really know what you will invent this time. The last time I posted on
Quaoar in Italy, one woman called me `ladro' (thief). Now, really...

This article is (C) 2003 Klaudio Zic, all rights reserved.
Quaoar HQ http://puck.dhs.org /quaoar mailto:t8@puck.dhs.org
Sun Dec 29 00:15:04 GMT 2002

With Quaoar in a good position and feminine aspects, we plunge into
the Return of the Matriachal Queendom. Perhaps we've been born out
there first, out in the wilderness and not on this Earth. If Quaoar
is to be as feminine as Moon on the Ascendant (Moon Earth

Infinity Presses & presents: an article by Klaudio Zic

= Rael welcome =

This article is (C) 2003 Klaudio Zic, all rights reserved.
Quaoar HQ http://puck.dhs.org /quaoar mailto:t8@puck.dhs.org

Is it so strange to be connected to the omniverse? There's
a sect on this planet that thinks vedas are holy books. In
this weird books there is tons of accounts of planets not
of this world, astral planets. Prahlada Maharaj is one such
scout that informs us in person. Most saints of this strange
sect travelled. They even ascended devahans using vimanas or
swanlike `airplanes'. One sect more or less. Official religions
believe even stranger things, the better to bog down the only
guru we have

the female.

This article is (C) 2003 Klaudio Zic, all rights reserved.
Quaoar HQ http://puck.dhs.org /quaoar mailto:t8@puck.dhs.org
Sat Dec 28 22:32:41 GMT 2002

The HORIZONS online JPL NASA program has been widely used to check
for minor planets positions, as well as to produce the ephemeris.
telnet://ssd.jpl.nasa.gov:6775 (via browser)
telnet ssd.jpl.nasa.gov 6775 (via command-line)
http://ssd.jpl.nasa.gov horizons@ssd.jpl.nasa.gov

Flame prevention

Ogni can move la coa e ogni cogion vol dir la soa (venethian saying)

ALHIM is a plural but it does not mean `gods' as some would
Check Zecharia Sitchin on that point and your local rabbi, of course.

As of late I don't have time for flame and answers to stupid insults.
Taisha's book is available even in the less civilized areas of this
planet. I did not write it. She did. We have been reading (yes) CC
and Florinda Donner for some time. Some of us continue to do so after
30 years or so. You read yours, I read mine. It's a mysterious

The author has been manipulating The Book of Mutations since early
1976. He knew it by heart in a month and we mutually know each other
by heart ever since and even before. So please no lectures about this
point, you don't stand a chance. I'll listen to a texan guy I know,
though, but let us not get hard on this point (I Ching). Know that if
I get an answer in a second, this means 250 answers in a minute. I
tested in that area. You don't stand a chance. Don't lecture I Ching
to me. Close that book and meditate on Episode II. I'll be around.

The clone was implanted at the time of 2002 AA29 discovery. If you
not familiar with our `third moon', or are an italian reader (meaning
perhaps temperament only), please don't lecture me on astrology.


The author is not a woman but will improve. Neither is he ugly.
is he less than adored by women. He is also even christian. So I
really know what you will invent this time. The last time I posted on
Quaoar in Italy, one woman called me `ladro' (thief). Now, really...

This article is (C) 2003 Klaudio Zic, all rights reserved.
Quaoar HQ http://puck.dhs.org /quaoar mailto:t8@puck.dhs.org
Sun Dec 29 00:15:04 GMT 2002

Infinity Presses & presents: an article by Klaudio Zic

= Tiamat =

This article is (C) 2003 Klaudio Zic, all rights reserved.
Quaoar HQ http://puck.dhs.org /quaoar mailto:t8@puck.dhs.org

Checking the two months `old' Quaoar delineations, something
catches my interest. Tiamat.

Years ago a book, the `Winter Queen' and `Summer Queen' was
perhaps popular. The summer queen discovers she is the clone
of the winter queen. The event happens on Tiamat.

This article is (C) 2003 Klaudio Zic, all rights reserved.
Quaoar HQ http://puck.dhs.org /quaoar mailto:t8@puck.dhs.org
Sat Dec 28 23:15:30 GMT 2002

Flame prevention

Ogni can move la coa e ogni cogion vol dir la soa (venethian saying)

ALHIM is a plural but it does not mean `gods' as some would
Check Zecharia Sitchin on that point and your local rabbi, of course.

As of late I don't have time for flame and answers to stupid insults.
Taisha's book is available even in the less civilized areas of this
planet. I did not write it. She did. We have been reading (yes) CC
and Florinda Donner for some time. Some of us continue to do so after
30 years or so. You read yours, I read mine. It's a mysterious

The author has been manipulating The Book of Mutations since early
1976. He knew it by heart in a month and we mutually know each other
by heart ever since and even before. So please no lectures about this
point, you don't stand a chance. I'll listen to a texan guy I know,
though, but let us not get hard on this point (I Ching). Know that if
I get an answer in a second, this means 250 answers in a minute. I
tested in that area. You don't stand a chance. Don't lecture I Ching
to me. Close that book and meditate on Episode II. I'll be around.

The clone was implanted at the time of 2002 AA29 discovery. If you
not familiar with our `third moon', or are an italian reader (meaning
perhaps temperament only), please don't lecture me on astrology.


The author is not a woman but will improve. Neither is he ugly.
is he less than adored by women. He is also even christian. So I
really know what you will invent this time. The last time I posted on
Quaoar in Italy, one woman called me `ladro' (thief). Now, really...

This article is (C) 2003 Klaudio Zic, all rights reserved.
Quaoar HQ http://puck.dhs.org /quaoar mailto:t8@puck.dhs.org
Sun Dec 29 00:15:04 GMT 2002

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