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vh Max M
New Leases on Life
"Regenerative medicine is going to transform health care," declared
William Haseltine in his keynote remarks at the third annual conference of
the Society of Regenerative Medicine. "The goal of regenerative medicine
is to repair and restore our bodies to normal youthful function. Our
technologies have their major, but not exclusive, application to aging."
What Causes Prosperity?
What are the things that can be done that cause prosperity? Prosperity
depends on growth, so economists want to understand how to improve the
performance of low-growth countries. However, our knowledge is
frustratingly incomplete. Certainly, there is no simple, one-dimensional
Tech Specs: Less Geek, More Chic
How's this for a stocking stuffer? A portable DVD player that projects the
movie right before your eyes through a device embedded in your glasses.
Life 'began on the ocean floor'
A new and controversial theory on the origin of life on Earth is causing a
stir among scientists. And one of the implications is that life could be
more likely on planets where it was previously thought unlikely to
Mars rover inspires toy robot
Drawing inspiration from the US space agency's Mars rover, scientists in
the US are working on creating a robot that can teach children about
Molecular memory bank draws closer
One day you could be storing data inside molecules. A group of scientists
have found a way to manipulate the atoms in a molecule to store more than
1,000 bits of information.
Cochlear Implants for Young Children Have 95% Success Rate
Cochlear implants for young hearing-impaired children have a 95% success
rate, according to a study by University Clinic of the University of
Decreasing Single Enzyme Could Extend Life as Much as Caloric Restriction
Researchers have discovered that decreasing levels of a single enzyme
extends the life of fruit flies as much as caloric restriction.
Promising Vaccination Approach Using DNA, Oral Delivery Gets Booster
Two major problems with vaccination, the use of live or dead viruses and
the use of injection delivery, could soon be history thanks to new
technology that also offers hope for expanding the number of diseases
against which vaccines are effective.
Exercise improves blood vessel function in patients with coronary artery
Exercise is inversely related to cardiovascular disease (CVD) in both men
and women, even after controlling for other CVD risk factors (smoking,
overweight, etc). This means that the more you exercise, the less likely
you are to get CVD. Even among patients who already have CVD, exercise
lowers mortality (reduces chance of death).
Extrasolar Planet Twice as Big as Jupiter
After two years of painstaking research, scientists have determined the
precise size of a planet beyond our solar system by measuring tiny shifts
in the tilt of light coming from its parent star.
Japanese automakers deliver their first hydrogen-powered cars to California
California, home to the nation's toughest smog-limiting laws, became a
proving ground Monday for the first commercial cars to run on pollution-
free fuel cells.
Space Station's Total Cost Remains an Elusive Number
When President Reagan first proposed it, the International Space Station
was supposed to cost $8 billion. Through the years, that number climbed
like a rocket, even though the station design shrank in size and scope. At
one point, the General Accounting Office, Congress' investigative arm,
estimated the bill for the orbiting research platform and the shuttle
flights to support it was approaching $100 billion.
US Falling Behind in Stem Cell Research
WASHINGTON (Reuters Health) - With the Bush administration's refusal to
fully fund embryonic stem cell research, the US is falling behind in the
effort to find a cure for a range of diseases, one of the nation's leading
scientists and entrepreneurs said on Tuesday.
Videnskabsudvalget udelukkede klonforsker
Videnskabsudvalgets høring forud for folketingsdebatten om dyrekloning var
på forhånd tilrettelagt, så forskerholdet kom til kort. Det endte med en
PR-katastrofe set fra forskerside. Lederen af dyreklonforsøget, professor
Torben Greve, blev nemlig ikke inviteret med den begrundelse, at man
kendte hans synspunkter, oplyser udvalgets formand, Hanne Severinsen (V).