Måske lidt bagud, men her er adressen for en anden gangs skyld:
Og her lidt af teksten, men ikke et ord om alle de fonte, der ligger på
det lager:
Have you ever seen a font in a magazine and said, "Hey, that's cool!"
But you didn't know the name of that font? Let the Myfonts.com
WhatTheFont Tool help you out. Upload a scanned image of the font and
we'll show you the closest matches in our database!
Upload Your Search Image
Please read the usage notes (below) for best results.
WhatTheFont supports most common image formats, for example GIF, JPEG,
TIFF, BMP. The maximum image size is around 360 x 275 pixels. You may
upload images with a greater width and lower height.
In the upload file dialog box, select files of type *.*
The ideal letter height for the best search result is about 100 pixels.
The minimum letter height is 40 pixels. Larger letters increase search
Try to get the text horizontal.
WhatTheFont only requires a few letters of the alphabet to identify the
font. More letters will only increase search time, not search accuracy.
Try to submit just one example of each character. Duplicate characters
only increase search time. Do not try to scan an entire page of letters.
Your search will either be rejected, or your web browser will timeout
before the search is complete.
Make sure letters are not touching. All touching letters will be treated
as a single letter.
WhatTheFont will only recognize uppercase and lowercase letters. Other
objects on the image (e.g. numbers) will either be rejected, or confused
with valid characters.
WhatTheFont can accept color, gray-scale and black-and-white images. The
letters can be dark on light, or light on dark. Try setting your scanner
to sample in gray-scale to reduce upload time. Avoid scanning in just
WhatTheFont currently indexes 98.6% of Adobe, Apple, Bitstream, Brian
Sooy, Chank, ITC, Letraset, JY&A, Linotype, Microsoft, Paratype and
URW++ fonts listed on Myfonts.
Example Image
This is an ideal scanned image for WhatTheFont. The characters are about
100 pixels in height and the baseline is horizontal. Click on it to
download a copy without the Windows border.
If you have any queries or comments about WhatTheFont or have any
difficulties, please contact us.
Venlig hilsen
"Torben Olsen" <to@svendts.dk> wrote in message
> Hej NG
> Hvordan finder jeg ud af hvilken skriftype jeg skal bruge, Jeg har en
> scannet tekst og skal bruge samme fonttype som denne tekst er skrevet
> men jeg kan ikke umiddelbart genkende den...
> mvh.
> Torben Olsen