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Ny fejlmeddelelse...
Fra : Claus Larsen

Dato : 05-09-02 21:30

Efter at have installeret netværksprinter, kan jeg ikke komme ind på fruens
Får denne fejlmeddelelse:
"Der er ikke serverlager nok til rådighed til at udføre denne kommando"

Den er ny for mig.....nogen der ved hvad det betyder ???

Lidt praktiske oplysninger:
- WIN XP Home på begge maskiner
- Fast IP 192.168.0.x /
- De øvrige 2 PC'er på netværket er der ingen problemer med.
- Kan dog godt bruge "Fjernskrivebord", men altså ikke via stifinder

Nogen der kan hjælpe ???

Med venlig hilsen/best regards

Claus Larsen, Hvidovre

Claus Larsen (05-09-2002)
Fra : Claus Larsen

Dato : 05-09-02 22:01

Fandt selv løsningen her:
Windows XP Networking Snafus Fixed (maybe)

Many of you have written to me about problems with File Sharing on Windows
XP computers. I feel your pain! I've experienced the same problem and for
the life of me, I could not figure out what the deal was. Jim Brady wrote in
to me and shared this very helpful info:

A frustrating problem I often see on message boards for XP goes like this:

On my home/office network, I used to be able to access files and subfolders
that are in my XP machine, which is the server. Now, I get an error that
doesn't make any sense: "you may not have permission to access this
resource. Check with your network administrator." And in the same error box,
a second note: "Not enough server storage to process this command" Turns
out, it's a cure for the common anti-virus. When installing NAV and other
antivirus programs, they alter a registry key that XP depends on for simple
network tasks. Elusive, because MS lists the fix under NT. Of course,
Windows XP networking is based on the NT kernel. SO HERE IS THE FIX that
worked for me.

Quoting MS:
To resolve this behavior, increase the IRPStackSize value on the server:
Click Start , and then click Run . Type regedt32 , and then click OK .
Navigate to the following key:

HKEY LOCAL MACHINE\System\CurrentControlSet\Services\LanmanServer\Parameters

In the right pane, double-click the IRPStackSize value.

NOTE: If the IRPStackSize value does not already exist, use the following
procedure to create it:

In the Parameters folder of the registry, right-click the right pane. Point
to New, and then click DWord Value. Type IRPStackSize.

IMPORTANT: Type "IRPStackSize" exactly as it is displayed because the value
name is case-sensitive.

Change the Base to decimal. In the Value Data box, type a value that is
larger than the value that is listed. If you created the IRPStackSize value
using the procedure described in step 4, the default value is 15. It is
recommended that you increase the value by 3. Therefore, if the previous
value was 11, type 14 , and then click OK. Close the Registry Editor.
Restart the computer. If the problem persists after you complete the
preceding procedure, try to increase the value of IRPStackSize even more.
The maximum value for Windows 2000 is 50 (0x32 hex)"

Thanks Jim! It fixed my Windows XP SMB/CIFS networking problem.

Håber der er andre end mig der blev klogere...det virker i hvert tilfælde

Med venlig hilsen/best regards

Claus Larsen, Hvidovre

"Claus Larsen" <c.l@cool.dk> skrev i en meddelelse
> Efter at have installeret netværksprinter, kan jeg ikke komme ind på
> PC.
> Får denne fejlmeddelelse:
> "Der er ikke serverlager nok til rådighed til at udføre denne kommando"
> Den er ny for mig.....nogen der ved hvad det betyder ???
> Lidt praktiske oplysninger:
> - WIN XP Home på begge maskiner
> - Fast IP 192.168.0.x /
> - De øvrige 2 PC'er på netværket er der ingen problemer med.
> - Kan dog godt bruge "Fjernskrivebord", men altså ikke via stifinder
> Nogen der kan hjælpe ???
> --
> Med venlig hilsen/best regards
> Claus Larsen, Hvidovre
> c.l@cool.dk

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