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Hiring Web Graphic Artist
Fra : Derek

Dato : 04-08-02 19:38

I know this is a primarily non-English board, but I know there are talented
graphic artists in other countries who might be interested in this job and this
board had the perfect name to look for them. I'd like everyone who reads this
to know that I only understand English, and am here just looking for a web
graphic artist.
I will be unable to reply to posts in another language, not because I don't
want to, but because I am simply unable to. That being said, onto the main

My dad and I are wanting to open an online action figure store, but we need a
graphic artist.

The artist most likely needs to be fluent in photoshop. Being able to draw in
anime-style is also a HUGE plus. It's not a requirement, but since I do plan on
expanding the store to cover anime(among other things) eventually, I think it
would be the most awesome thing to have a special anime character mascot unique
to our site. If the mascot ends up being a human/humanoid or animal, then being
able to keep anatomy proportions intact(except for the anime-specific stuff, of
course) is definitely necessary.
The current ideas right now are an anime boy(Every site with an anime mascot
makes it a girl. I want to be different.) or a superdeformed(chibi)
kitsune(multiple-tailed fox-spirit). If you're into anime style, you probably
know what that means. ^_~
These ideas are NOT set in stone, however, and I'm open to new ideas and other
art styles if they can fit the feel I'm trying to create for the site.

I've scoured a few websites, and here's a listing of the bare minimum graphics
I'm going to need:
site banner w/ mascot
site banner w/o mascot
ad banner
ad button
button(perhaps 2 if I use mouseover or onclick features, but I probably won't)
black and white correspondance and invoice graphic
background image(maybe)
I'm still not certain about a background image or not. I'm going to allow some
artistic license there. If a non-invasive background can be made that fits the
site's feel, then great. If a loud invasive(would make text hard to read)
banner that also fits the site's feel can be made, then also great. I'm more
than capable of using tables to eliminate that problem. And if a background
color is all that's needed, also great. I'm flexible here.
As for color schemes, I'm thinking most likely red/purple/black. It somewhat
depends on what the mascot ends up being. If it ends up being a kitsune(a
possibility I'm poring over), it might end up being something like blue/gold.

I'm not sure I'll be able to talk my dad into paying 100% up front(but maybe I
can), though I'm sure something can be worked out. Another possibility would be
to pay a percentage of our monthly sales to you until the art is paid off. This
would, of course, have a monthly minimum to it. That way the artist won't lose
out just because my dad and I ended up being incompetent sellers. So no matter
what, you WILL get paid everything you're owed, even if it's from our own
personal non-business accounts.
Also, if you're still worried about payment, trust me on this. If I feel that
your art style totally fits the feel I'm trying to create with this website,
something *will* be worked out. Um...but don't tell my dad I said that, ok? LoL

Let's face it; websites need minor updating, and sometimes they need images you
didn't anticipate. And sometimes they just need an entire site redesign. Of
course we'll pay you for it. ^_^
The best case would be someone who can help us out for the long haul. My dad
and I shouldn't be in need of new images too often, but it'd be great to have a
regular person we can contact when in need.

We also realize that sometimes people want to leave, or they're hearts just
aren't in the job anymore. If you are wanting to not work for us anymore, but
have not contacted us to say so, and we ask for a new image, please be willing
to do that one last image and let us know you won't be able to help anymore.
An exception to this is if we ask you to do a completely new set of images for
the site. In this instance, just let us know you aren't wanting to work for us
anymore, and we'll understand. If you can let us know someone else who might be
interested whom you think can mesh well with the feel/content of the site, that
would be appreciated, but not necessary.

If you're interested in this job after reading everything above, don't hesitate
to email me at AutomaticGadget@aol.com, or just reply to this thread and I'll
be sure to check the board occasionally. My name is Derek Cardwell, and I'm the
frontman for our business. I'm in charge of screening for artists, but I have
to consult my dad on the final decision, so please be patient if I don't
respond to you right away. Oh, and I need to sleep sometimes, too. ^_~

Thank you for reading this, and I hope to hear from you soon.

~Derek Cardwell~

PS - Let me reiterate. I do NOT need a website designer. I'm handling that
particular aspect of the site myself. I just need the artwork. Thanks.

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