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Fra : claus Christian Lars~

Dato : 31-07-02 14:53

> claus Christian Larsen wrote:

Jeg kan godt se at der er et problem men jeg ved ikke hvordan jeg skal
undersøge det han spørger om. Det vil jeg gerne have hjælp til.

Hilsen Claus

> Dave Shiels wrote:
> Not this file the one from your dhcp server - dhcpd.conf . sorry about the naming miss.
> linux:/etc # cat dhcpd.conf
> ddns-update-style interim;
> default-lease-time 21600;
> max-lease-time 21600;
> option subnet-mask;
> option broadcast-address;
> option routers;
> option domain-name-servers;
> option domain-name "yourdomain.com";
> option root-path "";
> option option-128 code 128 = string;
> option option-129 code 129 = text;
> shared-network WORKSTATIONS {
> subnet netmask {
> }
> }
> group {
> use-host-decl-names on;
> option log-servers;
> host ws001 {
> hardware ethernet 00:E0:06:E8:00:84;
> fixed-address;
> filename "/lts/vmlinuz-2.4.9-ltsp-6";
> option option-128 e4:45:74:68:00:00;
> option option-129 "NIC=eepro100";
> }
> host ws002 {
> hardware ethernet 00:D0:09:30:6A:1C;
> fixed-address;
> filename "/lts/vmlinuz-2.4.9-ltsp-6";
> option option-128 e4:45:74:68:00:00;
> option option-129 "NIC=tulip";
> }
> }
> linux:/etc #
> In your previous post you had a 3c509 card:
> 000021.0000 done
> rom segment 0x0800 length 0x4000 reloc 0x9400
> a20 enabled via bios
> Etherboot 5.0.6 (GPL) Tagged ELF for for [3c5x9]
> Boot from (N)etwork or from (L)ocal? N
> Probing...[3c5x9]3c5x9 board on isa at 0x0300 - 10baseT
> Ethernet address: 00:20:AF:21:6b:D4
> Searching for server (DHCP)...
> ..Me:, Server:, Gateway
> Loading
> Looks like another DHCP server is offering addresses in a 10.0.0.X networks where your dhcpd.conf is in a 192.168.0.X network. Definitely a configuration problem.
> Is this a 10.xxx.xxx.xxx net?
> Do you have a router/dhcp asdl that servers up address behind it?
> More information is required. Tell us more about the network this resides in.

Rasmus Bøg Hansen (31-07-2002)
Fra : Rasmus Bøg Hansen

Dato : 31-07-02 18:46

claus Christian Larsen wrote:

> Jeg kan godt se at der er et problem men jeg ved ikke hvordan jeg skal
> undersøge det han spørger om. Det vil jeg gerne have hjælp til.

>> Looks like another DHCP server is offering addresses in a 10.0.0.X
>> networks where your dhcpd.conf is in a 192.168.0.X network. Definitely a
>> configuration problem.
>> Is this a 10.xxx.xxx.xxx net?
>> Do you have a router/dhcp asdl that servers up address behind it?
>> More information is required. Tell us more about the network this resides
>> in.

Isoler DHCP-serveren og klienten, så du er *helt* sikker på, at der ikke er
sluttet en anden DHCP-server til lokalnettet (f. eks. i form af en router).


-- [ Rasmus "Møffe" Bøg Hansen ] ---------------------------------------
Is there anything else I can contribute?
The latitude and longtitude of the bios writers current position, and
a ballistic missile.
-- Alan Cox
----------------------------------[ moffe at amagerkollegiet dot dk ] --

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