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Fra : Erik Engelbrecht Lar~

Dato : 27-06-02 07:03


This is the LAST warning. There will not be another. The Throne Room has
been set up. The twelve foundations have been laid. The streets of gold have
been paved. The gates of gigantic pearls are raised and hinged. Like a
pyramid she stands so fair and glorious. The heavenly beings who have
prepared her watch breathlessly, for she glistens and shines with a glory
that is unearthly. Every facet of her beauty tells a story of amazing grace
and Jesus' love. She is a city prepared for a prepared people. She awaits
only for her inhabitants, and soon they will throng her streets with joy.
Yes, it is the last call. The Spirit will not speak in another age. The ages
are over.

But thank God, at this moment, He is yet crying. And His cry is not only in
the spiritual ears of men by His Spirit, but once again a prophet is in the
land. Once more God will reveal the truth as He did to Paul. In the days of
the seventh messenger, in the days of the Laodicean Age, it's messenger will
reveal the mysteries of God (Rev. 10:7) as revealed to Paul. He will speak
out, and those who receive that prophet in his own name will receive the
beneficent effect of that prophet's ministry. And they that hear him will be
blessed and become part of that bride of the last day who are mentioned in
Revelation 22:17, "The Spirit and the bride say come."
The corn of wheat (the Bride Wheat) that fell into the ground at Nicaea has
come back to original Word Grain again. Praise God forever. The Spirit and
the Prophet and the Bride will be saying the same thing. And what they will
say will have already been said in the Word. They are saying it now, "Come
out from among her now and be ye separate." The cry has gone out. The cry is
going out. How long will the voice cry? We do not know, but one thing we do
know, it won't be long, for this is the last age.

"He that hath an ear, let him hear what the Spirit saith to the churches."
The Spirit has spoken. The setting sun is about to fade into eternity for
the church ages. Then it will be all over. Then it will be too late to come.
But if somewhere in this series God has dealt with you by His Spirit

Erik L

for visdommen er et pust af Guds kraft,
en ren og klar udstrømning af den Almægtiges herlighed,
derfor kan intet urent bane sig vej til hende.

ivan karamazov (27-06-2002)
Fra : ivan karamazov

Dato : 27-06-02 15:37

....and a partridge in a peartree.

"Erik Engelbrecht Larsen" <ErikLarsen@oncable.dk> wrote in message
> http://www.biblebelievers.org/thuslast.htm
> This is the LAST warning. There will not be another. The Throne Room has
> been set up. The twelve foundations have been laid. The streets of gold
> been paved. The gates of gigantic pearls are raised and hinged. Like a
> pyramid she stands so fair and glorious. The heavenly beings who have
> prepared her watch breathlessly, for she glistens and shines with a glory
> that is unearthly. Every facet of her beauty tells a story of amazing
> and Jesus' love. She is a city prepared for a prepared people. She awaits
> only for her inhabitants, and soon they will throng her streets with joy.
> Yes, it is the last call. The Spirit will not speak in another age. The
> are over.
> But thank God, at this moment, He is yet crying. And His cry is not only
> the spiritual ears of men by His Spirit, but once again a prophet is in
> land. Once more God will reveal the truth as He did to Paul. In the days
> the seventh messenger, in the days of the Laodicean Age, it's messenger
> reveal the mysteries of God (Rev. 10:7) as revealed to Paul. He will speak
> out, and those who receive that prophet in his own name will receive the
> beneficent effect of that prophet's ministry. And they that hear him will
> blessed and become part of that bride of the last day who are mentioned in
> Revelation 22:17, "The Spirit and the bride say come."
> The corn of wheat (the Bride Wheat) that fell into the ground at Nicaea
> come back to original Word Grain again. Praise God forever. The Spirit and
> the Prophet and the Bride will be saying the same thing. And what they
> say will have already been said in the Word. They are saying it now, "Come
> out from among her now and be ye separate." The cry has gone out. The cry
> going out. How long will the voice cry? We do not know, but one thing we
> know, it won't be long, for this is the last age.
> "He that hath an ear, let him hear what the Spirit saith to the churches."
> The Spirit has spoken. The setting sun is about to fade into eternity for
> the church ages. Then it will be all over. Then it will be too late to
> But if somewhere in this series God has dealt with you by His Spirit
> ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
> Erik L
> for visdommen er et pust af Guds kraft,
> en ren og klar udstrømning af den Almægtiges herlighed,
> derfor kan intet urent bane sig vej til hende.

Erik Engelbrecht Lar~ (27-06-2002)
Fra : Erik Engelbrecht Lar~

Dato : 27-06-02 20:00

"ivan karamazov" <ivan@yahoo.com> skrev i en meddelelse

> ...and a partridge in a peartree.

Det er vist kun noget af omkvædet til en sang, der synges af kristne

Erik L

for visdommen er et pust af Guds kraft,
en ren og klar udstrømning af den Almægtiges herlighed,
derfor kan intet urent bane sig vej til hende.

> "Erik Engelbrecht Larsen" <ErikLarsen@oncable.dk> wrote in message
> news:3d1aaa98$0$1599$edfadb0f@dspool01.news.tele.dk...
> > http://www.biblebelievers.org/thuslast.htm
> >
> > This is the LAST warning. There will not be another. The Throne Room has
> > been set up. The twelve foundations have been laid. The streets of gold
> have
> > been paved. The gates of gigantic pearls are raised and hinged. Like a
> > pyramid she stands so fair and glorious. The heavenly beings who have
> > prepared her watch breathlessly, for she glistens and shines with a
> > that is unearthly. Every facet of her beauty tells a story of amazing
> grace
> > and Jesus' love. She is a city prepared for a prepared people. She
> > only for her inhabitants, and soon they will throng her streets with
> > Yes, it is the last call. The Spirit will not speak in another age. The
> ages
> > are over.
> >
> > But thank God, at this moment, He is yet crying. And His cry is not only
> in
> > the spiritual ears of men by His Spirit, but once again a prophet is in
> the
> > land. Once more God will reveal the truth as He did to Paul. In the days
> of
> > the seventh messenger, in the days of the Laodicean Age, it's messenger
> will
> > reveal the mysteries of God (Rev. 10:7) as revealed to Paul. He will
> > out, and those who receive that prophet in his own name will receive the
> > beneficent effect of that prophet's ministry. And they that hear him
> be
> > blessed and become part of that bride of the last day who are mentioned
> > Revelation 22:17, "The Spirit and the bride say come."
> > The corn of wheat (the Bride Wheat) that fell into the ground at Nicaea
> has
> > come back to original Word Grain again. Praise God forever. The Spirit
> > the Prophet and the Bride will be saying the same thing. And what they
> will
> > say will have already been said in the Word. They are saying it now,
> > out from among her now and be ye separate." The cry has gone out. The
> is
> > going out. How long will the voice cry? We do not know, but one thing we
> do
> > know, it won't be long, for this is the last age.
> >
> > "He that hath an ear, let him hear what the Spirit saith to the
> > The Spirit has spoken. The setting sun is about to fade into eternity
> > the church ages. Then it will be all over. Then it will be too late to
> come.
> > But if somewhere in this series God has dealt with you by His Spirit
> >
> >
> > ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
> > Erik L
> >
> >
> > for visdommen er et pust af Guds kraft,
> > en ren og klar udstrømning af den Almægtiges herlighed,
> > derfor kan intet urent bane sig vej til hende.
> >
> >
> >
> >

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