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Episode II
Fra : Claudio Solis

Dato : 28-05-02 14:31

From ixion@sdf-eu.org Tue May 28 08:25:45 2002
Path: news.tmok.com!not-for-mail
From: ixion@sdf-eu.org
Newsgroups: alt.astrology
Subject: Sith Astrology
Date: 28 May 2002 10:57:48 GMT
Organization: TMoK BBS / Public Access Unix
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The Official Star Wars Fact File is (C) 2001/2002 Lucasfilm Ltd. & TM
All rights reserved. http://www.starwars.com
Klaudio Zic, I Ching Specialist, Astrologer, O5 Futurechanger
(C) 2002 Klaudio Zic t8@puck.dhs.org http://puck.dhs.org

||| Sith majik

||: The Sith

||:|:: Emperor Palpatine

||:::| Emperor><Vader

||: Freedon Nado, Sith majik

||:|:| Anakin Skywalker

||::|: Exar Kun

||:::: Korriban (Sith Planet)

This `Sith Aspectarian' deals with Jupiter's aspects only.
||: means spell, wizard, witch, kill, break, ritual humming.
Naga Sadow goes unmentioned and is one original Sith. Ulic
Qel-Drona trained with the Krath sect of the Sith.
Darth Bane and Darth Maul are mentioned esewhere in this
aspectarian http://ghettobox.dhs.org/t8

||| Saturn

||: Jupiter

|:: Mars

::| Venus


|:| Sun

:|: Moon

::: Ascendant

The aspectarian is applicable in astrological directins, transits
including, in nativities (natal chart) and horary astrology.
The aspectarian extends to Uranus, Neptune, Pluto, Ixion, Varuna,
2001UR163, Chaos, 1992QB1, the centaurs (Asbolus, Pholus, ...),
experimental Nibiru moons, Dark Planets, Lilit Vera, Cruithne.

The Official Star Wars Fact File is (C) 2001/2002 Lucasfilm Ltd. & TM
All rights reserved. http://www.starwars.com
Questions? Want me to start on your report before the cheque arrives?
Undecided about futurechanging? Planning your Venice holiday? Mail me


`Planet Scan' your skies with an EXTREMELY Personalized Service!

(C) 2002 La Botega del Klaudio Valentin, Venethia A.D. MMII

May 2002 Menu:

O5 dyads on puck@puck.dhs.org
Ixion, the largest asteroid
1998WW31 and it's moon
Bathing in the Adriatic Sea
Venice `peripatetic' tuition
Mini e-mail courses in recent astrology

Want to discuss this points? Why not join us on our mailing list
by sending an `subscribe puck' message in the body of an e-mail
to majordomo@ghettobox.dhs.org

Klaudio Zic, Astrological Advisor, I Ching Expert, O5 Futurechanger
(C) 2002 Klaudio Zic t8@puck.dhs.org http://puck.dhs.org

* All the loves of one's life
* Relationship predictions
* Timing love affairs
* Marriage, children, compatibility
* Surprises, windfalls, lottery
* Business issues
* Timing your decisions
* Life choices
* Spiritual guidance
* Direct intervention in the structure of the future
* Empowerment, motivation, initiation
* Manifest what you _really_ want!
* Skywatch including centaurs and transneptuners
* Exclusive: Dark Planets

Mail t8@puck.dhs.org for consultation, tuition and correspondence.

Botega del Klaudio Valentin - Lasse che i stroleghi fazza i lunari
Klaudio Valentin workshops with new minor planets, like Ixion

ASK any number of questions and I will interpret the I Ching
replies. Up to 108 questions.

ASK for any precision in prediction. The year, month, day, hour,
minute of the event. Up to the second.

ASK for any asteroid or object. All asteroids available via Harvard
MPC/NASA JPL for your horoscope. Ixion, Varuna, Chaos specialists.
Centaur objects Pholus, Nessus, Asbolus, ... & the new centaurs.
Resident delineations! http://puck.dhs.org pioneering since 1996.

(C) 2002 Klaudio Zic t8@puck.dhs.org http://puck.dhs.org

Did you know they never told you your _exact_ Moon's position?
They don't know it themselves! Time for some major correction!

They never knew your centaurs! Chiron, Pholus, Nessus, Asbolus
and Chariklo are an integral part of your chart. And so is Ixion.
They never told you but Ixion is the largest asteroid!

So what is the next thing they'll never tell you?

Ixion is the largest asteroid. Do you have it's position in
your natal chart? Do you know the implications? Chaos is a
transneptune of new beginnings. Varuna helps your mission.
The transneptuners are the integral part of your horoscope.

The centaurs are a wild bunch of passionate flashing spots
in your aura. Chiron is not alone! Pholus is the spy in the
house of love. Nessus is Lancelet kidnapping the queen,
Chariklo rules the catwalk, Asbolus is your private Gandalf.

Enrich your astrological experience with the centaurs and
transneptunes, as well as special classes of asteroids,
custom service, plus such wonders as Cruithne, `the second
moon of Earth'. The sky is _not_ the limit!

(C) 2002 Klaudio Zic t8@puck.dhs.org http://puck.dhs.org

Give up your therapist! Why should you dig through years of
emotinal build-up for 45 minutes every week, when you can get
pegged in one I Ching sitting?

Indulge in questions! Rich abundant I Ching forecast. I Ching
and Klaudio know each other by heart since 1977. Answers and
tuition by e-mail.

I Ching Aspectarian (C) 1996-2002 http://ghettobox.dhs.org/t8
expands your astrological experience. For the first time after
the old chinese wizards, I Ching and astrology are one system!

Answers come in seconds, backed up by precise (to the minute!)
astrological predictions. Know the year, month and day of the
event. Plan the hour and minute! Remake your future using O5!

O5 is an unique special technique used to decree an event, mold
the future at hand, discreate unwanted astrological implications.
You decide your own omens! And create your future! So mote it be!

Klaudio Zic, I Ching Specialist, Astrologer, O5 Futurechanger
(C) 2002 Klaudio Zic t8@puck.dhs.org http://puck.dhs.org


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