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Per.Frede.. 4668
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10  Fijala 1204
Average danish salary
Fra : cuentadeecorreo@my-d~

Dato : 06-02-01 14:25


I'm working as a system and network administrator. I currently hold
Microsoft Certified Systems Engineer, Cisco Certified Network Associate
and Cisco Certified Dessign Associate certifications. I have 2 years
experience as IT consultant/administrator.

I'm planning to move to Copenhagen to work. I'd like to know what's
the average salary I should expect for a full time work as either
system or networking administrator based on that background.

I'd like also to know if there are any enterprises where english is
broadly spoken, or if you think that it would be a problem not knowing
danish to find an IT related job there (though I'd like to learn it :)

Also, I would be very grateful if you could point me to the most
relevant job search engines in Denmark, specially if they are IT

Thanks for your comments.

Sent via Deja.com

Asbjorn Hojmark (07-02-2001)
Fra : Asbjorn Hojmark

Dato : 07-02-01 01:02

[This message both posted in the group and copied via mail]

On Tue, 06 Feb 2001 13:25:01 GMT, cuentadeecorreo@my-deja.com

> I'm planning to move to Copenhagen to work. I'd like to know what's
> the average salary I should expect for a full time work as either
> system or networking administrator based on that background.

The salary should be somewhere around 30 k but will vary heavily
with benefits (pension, company car, phone, payment for overtime,
bonuses etc).

> I'd like also to know if there are any enterprises where english is
> broadly spoken, or if you think that it would be a problem not knowing
> danish to find an IT related job there (though I'd like to learn it :)

English is broadly spoken in the entire IT industry in Denmark,
so I don't you'd have to hard a time finding a job where that is
a problem. (I might still affect the *positions* that you can get
but as longs as it's technically oriented I don't think it'll be
a problem).

I know one company where english is actually the corporate
language, try http://www.maerskdata.dk/

> Also, I would be very grateful if you could point me to the most
> relevant job search engines in Denmark, specially if they are IT
> related.


Unfortunately all in english, but the last two are headhunters
and shouldn't have trouble accepting a CV in english.

Heroes: Vint Cerf & Bob Kahn, Leonard Kleinrock, Robert Metcalfe, Jon Postel
Links : http://www.hojmark.org/networking/
FAQ : http://www.net-faq.dk/

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