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Forklaring på BitBlt
Fra : Lars Thomsen Nielsen

Dato : 07-04-02 18:31

Jeg skal bruge BitBlt, men har svært ved at forstå det. Kender nogen en god,
og gerne dansk hjemmeside, der forklarer om emnet?


Lars Thomsen Nielsen

This emails is made by 100% recycled electrons

Haakon (15-04-2002)
Fra : Haakon

Dato : 15-04-02 15:32

> Jeg skal bruge BitBlt, men har svært ved at forstå det. Kender nogen en
> og gerne dansk hjemmeside, der forklarer om emnet?

Ikke noe dansk hjemmeside, men en snippet fra en god engelsk bok;


VB Declaration

Declare Function BitBlt& Lib "gdi32" (ByVal hDestDC As Long, ByVal x As
Long, _
ByVal y As Long, ByVal nWidth As Long, ByVal nHeight As Long, ByVal hSrcDC
As _
Long, ByVal xSrc As Long, ByVal ySrc As Long, ByVal dwRop As Long)


Copies a bitmap from one device context to another. The source and
destination DCs must be compatible with one another as described in the
chapter text.

Use with VB

Refer to "Using Bitmaps with Visual Basic," earlier in this chapter.

Parameter & Type/Description

Long-Destination device context

x, y
Long-Point describing the upper-left corner of the destination rectangle
within the destination DC. This is specified in logical coordinates of the
destination DC.

nWidth, nHeight
Long-Width and height of the image being transferred

Long-Source device context. If the raster operation does not specify a
source, this should be 0.

xSrc, ySrc
Long-Point describing the upper-left corner of the source rectangle within
the source DC. This is specified in logical coordinates of the source DC.

Long-Raster operation to use during the transfer. Refer to "Raster
Operations," earlier in this chapter.
Return Value

Long-Nonzero on success, zero on failure. Sets GetLastError.

Windows 95, Windows NT, Win16. This function will fail under NT if a world
transformation that involves a shear or rotation is in effect in the source
device context.

If the mapping modes of the destination and source DCs are such that the
size in pixels of the rectangle must be changed during the transfer, this
function will stretch, rotate, shear, fold, spindle, or mutilate the bitmap
as necessary to perform the transfer. Conversions between monochrome and
color bitmaps are discussed in "Color Conversions," earlier in this chapter.

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