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I am in need of some help!
Fra : Hank Bento

Dato : 15-03-02 10:09


I am just starting to play with HTML, JavaScript and such stuff so I don't
know much. I would like to load the contents of a text file into a table of
an HTML page when the page is opened. The page has to work on Linux so I
can't use ASP as the Linux box does not support ASP. Does anyone know how to
do this and if possible give me an example.

Thank you

Rasmus Bang Grouleff (15-03-2002)
Fra : Rasmus Bang Grouleff

Dato : 15-03-02 10:49

> I am just starting to play with HTML, JavaScript and such stuff so I don't
> know much. I would like to load the contents of a text file into a table
> an HTML page when the page is opened. The page has to work on Linux so I
> can't use ASP as the Linux box does not support ASP. Does anyone know how
> do this and if possible give me an example.

I'm sorry Hank, but this posting is off topic. This group is about the Java
programming language.
But anyway you are able to get the Apache webserver to support asp. It is
only with Perl scripting, though.

/Rasmus Bang Grouleff

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