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The Pentagon Commentary
Badly damaged by the impact of a hijacked 757 jet airplane on Tuesday,
September 11, 2001 at 9:43am, in the same set of attacks that destroyed the
World Trade Center in New York.
Not considered a distinguished design work, with 34 acres (13.8 hectares) of
space in five concentric rings, the Pentagon is considered to be the largest
office building in the world. It was originally built in record time during
World War II.
The original rapid construction and choice of materials during World War II
lead to a flexible plan with large horizontal spaces. A resulting lack of
firebreaks in the original construction may contribute to difficulty in fire
"Directly across the Potomac River from the District of Columbia in
Arlington County, Virginia, is the building that has become a synonym for
the Department of Defense--the Pentagon. This enormous and busy structure
had its origins during World War II. The outbreak of war in Europe in 1939
placed tremendous demands on the War Department and greatly increased its
needs for office space. By 1941 department personnel worked in at least
seventeen different buildings within Washington D.C. Although the department
opened a new building in the northwest part of the city, it became
inadequate even before it was occupied. The War Department needed a new home
and a big one. ...
"The Chief of Construction Division under the U.S. Army Quartermaster
General in 1941 was Brigadier General Brehon B. Somervell. He became the
prime planner for what would eventually be the War Department's massive
home. As an alternative to temporary facilities proposals in 1941, Brig.
Gen. Somervell and his associates took less than four days to develop plans
for a mammoth three-story facility to house 40,000 people. ...
"Ignoring Roosevelt's expressed size preference, General Somervell broke
ground on the depot site for a building with five sides, three floors, and
four million square feet of floor space. The architect was George E.
Bergstrom and the prime contractor was the John T. McShain Company of
Philadelphia. In October 1941 the President approved Somervell¹s plans and
construction proceeded at a very rapid pace. Immediately after the Pearl
Harbor attack, a fourth floor was added to the plan, and later a fifth. To
conserve steel and other metals, concrete ramps instead of elevators were
used to connect the floors, and the outside walls were made of reinforced
concrete. At times of peak employment 13,000 workers labored on the project.
By 30 April 1942, about eight months after ground breaking, the contractor
completed the first two sections of the building and War Department
personnel began to move in. The building was finished by 15 January 1943. As
predicted in 1941, the structure cost more than originally estimated.
Answering complaints in Congress in February 1944 about the high costs of
constructing the Pentagon, the War Department reported expenditures of $63
million. Later calculations put the figure above $80 million, probably close
to the actual cost."
- U.S. Department of Defense, History of the Pentagon
"A great deal of thought has been given to protecting the Pentagon from
fire. Its steel-reinforced concrete construction makes it a fire resistant
building. In addition, the main interior walls above the basement level are
of masonry. The basement, where the maintenance shops, garage and storage
rooms are located, is divided into fire areas by reinforced concrete
firewalls with double, automatic firedoors. Transformer vaults and machine
rooms throughout the building are protected by masonry walls and firedoors.
"Automatic sprinklers are located on the first floor and in the film-storage
vaults on the top floor as well as on the roof. One hundred twenty-eight
standpipe systems with an average of 125 feet of fire hose in 672 hose
cabinets are distributed throughout the building. portable fire
extinguishers are readily available, as are carbon dioxide fire
extinguishers on wheels, which are located in the corridors, and 465 fire
alarm boxes. Rooms with special fire hazards are equipped with automatic
fire fighting systems. Outside the building there are 41 fire hydrants, and
an additional 14 wall hydrants are inside court areas. Guards trained in
fire fighting are on duty around the clock, more help is available from
nearby fire departments if it is needed."
- Gene Gurney, USAF, The Pentagon - A Pictorial Story, 1964. p26.
"William Donovan, director of the World War II OSS, one of the most famous
cloak-and-dagger operations in history, once remarked that 95 percent of our
"intelligence" lies in the library.
"Many a Pentagon expert would be prone to agree with Mr. Donovan's
observation, particularly when it applies to the Pentagon's Army Library,
which for years has produced valuable information from its heavily laden
shelves for those charged with the task of analyzing the activities of a
foreign power.
"Like the building which houses it, the Army Library is the result of a
sweeping consolidation, completed in 1944, when it absorbed twenty-eight
other Government libraries in the Washington area. The Army Library is a
direct descendant of the old War Department Library, established in 1800,
and so is the second oldest U.S. Government library in existence. The oldest
is the Department of State Library."
"Covering all fields except medicine, fine arts, and fiction, ... the
collection currently [circa 1964] totals 1,005,832 items (232,116 books,
773,716 documents), supplemented by more than 1,800 periodical
"One of the most important activities of the Army Library is its reference,
research, and bibliographic service in Anglo-American, foreign, and
international law and its legislative reference service in Federal law. In
connection with this function, the library maintains some 280 legal
libraries in the field for the Office of the Judge Advocate general. Field
commanders have to have the information provided by these libraries if their
legal officers are to function effectively."
- Gene Gurney, USAF, The Pentagon - A Pictorial Story, 1964. p119 - p122.
Location is across the Potomac River from Washington D.C.
71 feet (21.6 meters) high, five stories tall, plus a mezzanine and
The five concentric rings are named A, B, C, D, E, from the inner ring
facing the courtyard (A ring) to the outside ring (E).
921 feet along each outer side facade
Floor area of 6.5 million square feet, 34 acres, 13.8 hectares, of which 3.7
million square feet are used for offices.
80 million dollar construction cost in 1943 dollars
17.5 miles of corridors
During construction, up to 13,000 workers were employed. 6,000,000 cubic
yards of earth was moved, 41,492 concrete pilings were driven. The
construction documents included 2500 sheets of drawings, typically sized
34"x60". 410,000 cubic yards of concrete went into the building, using
680,000 tons of sand and gravel dredged from the adjacent Potomac River.
"Thomas Thorsen" <> wrote in message
> Bertel Lund Hansen skrev:
> > Jeg husker godt billeder fra Lockerbie med flystumper
> > spredt ud over det hele.
> Jo, men der eksploderede flyet i 10 km's højde. Det vil selvfølgelig
> kunne betyde en spredning af vragstykker over mange kvadratkilometer. Et
> fly der rammer jorden på flad mark vil spredes på et meget mindre
> område, idet en del af vragstykkerne selvfølgelig kan slynges et pænt
> stykke væk. Spredningen af vragdele fra et fly der eksploderer inde i en
> bygning, vil naturligvis blive hæmmet væsentligt af selve bygningen.
> > Ja, på netop denne bygning kan jeg godt forestille mig at den kan
> > holde til det.
> Ja, det er pointen. Pentagon er bygget 1941-43, og er af flere årsager
> en meget solid konstruktion. Et fly der rammer en bygning der er meget
> mere solid end flyet vil blive sammenpresset på en relativ kort længde.
> Det er ikke usandsynligt at det yderste af vingerne og halen vil følge
> den mindste modstands vej og klappe sammen og følge resten af flyet ind
> i det hul der er slået i bygningen.
> World Trade Center var bygget i 70'erne, og var en relativt let
> konstruktion - ellers havde det næppe været økonomisk og teknisk muligt
> at bygge så højt. Det var især de fire hjørnesøjler der var bærende i
> konstruktionen, mens midten var relativt "blød". Et fly der rammer en
> bygning der er relativt blød ved indslagsstedet, vil lave et stort hul i
> bygningen og fortsætte længere ind i bygningen. Faktisk så det på nogle
> af billederne ud til at dele af flyet fortsatte hele vejen igennem
> tårnet.
> Når man tager de to bygningers konstruktion i betragtning, er
> forskellene i de relative skader ikke særlig overraskende for mig.
> Thomas T.