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Top 10 brugere
mblm 1770
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Spørsmål om salme
Fra : Knut Klaveness Heide~

Dato : 17-02-02 15:01

Noen her som er kjent med hvilken av metodistenes salmeskatt denne
strofen er hentet fra (forfatteren er Charles Wesley, bror av John):

The Unitarian fiend expel
And chase his doctrine back to hell
Knut Klaveness Heidelberg
1. Som teologer skal vi tale om Gud.
2. Vi er imidlertid mennesker og kan dermed ikke tale om Gud.
(Karl Barth, 1929, Das Wort Gottes als Aufgabe der Theologie)

Benedikte Brisson (17-02-2002)
Fra : Benedikte Brisson

Dato : 17-02-02 16:05

Knut Klaveness Heidelberg <kheidelb@FJERNDETTEonline.no> skrev i en

> Noen her som er kjent med hvilken av metodistenes salmeskatt denne
> strofen er hentet fra (forfatteren er Charles Wesley, bror av John):
> The Unitarian fiend expel
> And chase his doctrine back to hell

Jeg har fundet et link via google, jeg kan godtnok ikke få det til at virke,
men her er det: www.ccel.org/b/bett/methhymns/methhymns/A3.htm .

mgh Dikte

"Receptum est in recipiente secundum modum recipientis"
Thomas Aquinas

Lars Erik Bryld (17-02-2002)
Fra : Lars Erik Bryld

Dato : 17-02-02 20:34

On Sun, 17 Feb 2002 16:04:32 +0100, "Benedikte Brisson"
<dikte@paradis.dk> wrote:

>> The Unitarian fiend expel
>> And chase his doctrine back to hell
>Jeg har fundet et link via google, jeg kan godtnok ikke få det til at virke,
>men her er det: www.ccel.org/b/bett/methhymns/methhymns/A3.htm .

Google er din ven, og når links rådner er Google Cache din ven. Fra
samme side (gemt i Google's cache) findes følgende:

Remarks have often been ignorantly made on the bitter intolerance of
these lines, which many have understood as referring to the teaching
of those whom we now call Unitarians. The fact is, of course, that
they refer solely to Mahometanism. The hymn is headed, in the
Collection of 1780, 'For the Mahometans' (in the pamphlet in which it
was originally published, 'For the Turks'), and it is full of specific
allusions to Mahomet, 'That Arab-thief, as Satan bold, Who quite
destroyed Thine Asian fold.' The use of of Unitarian in reference to
Moslem doctrine is quite correct, and, in the eighteenth century, was
quite common. Gibbon, in describing the rise of Islam, refers again
and again to the march of the Unitarian armies, the advance of the
Unitarian banners. Those Christians who deny the Divinity of Christ
were always called Socinians in Wesley's time; it was only at the end
of the eighteenth century that they began to be generally called
Unitarians. Indeed the next hymn but one to this in the Hymns of
Intercession for all Mankind (1758), is entitled 'For the Arians,
Socinians, Deists, Pelagians, &c.'

Lars Erik

Knut Klaveness Heide~ (18-02-2002)
Fra : Knut Klaveness Heide~

Dato : 18-02-02 10:39

On Sun, 17 Feb 2002 20:33:38 +0100, Lars Erik Bryld
<lars-erik@dadlnet.dk> wrote:

>On Sun, 17 Feb 2002 16:04:32 +0100, "Benedikte Brisson"
><dikte@paradis.dk> wrote:

Takk til både Lars og Benedikte. Nå har jeg en del materiale å gå
videre med.

Knut Klaveness Heidelberg
1. Som teologer skal vi tale om Gud.
2. Vi er imidlertid mennesker og kan dermed ikke tale om Gud.
(Karl Barth, 1929, Das Wort Gottes als Aufgabe der Theologie)

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