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Re: Dear Kirsten
Fra : Kirsten

Dato : 10-02-02 11:42

Wojo <kenw@isoc.net> skrev i en
> Taking full advantage of the rights inherent to each of us, Suebee
> thusly spoke:
> >>>> >Ayup. Our "darling" Vicki was a real PITA during my last incarnation
> >>>> >in this group.
> >>>>
> >>>> Not in *my* opinion she wasn't! I missed her a great deal! I hope
> >>>> Kirsten sticks around!
> >>>
> >>>I will .There is no doubt in my mind my place is among sinners.I like
> >>>pitas too,wiht wurst.
> >>
> >>Yes, your place is among sinners. Now on your knees!!
> >>
> >>Wojo
> >>
> >
> >*chuckle* SOOOOO WRONG Wojo but soo you.
> I almost called her a whore again, but I'm enjoying her

Thank you Wojo!!I think you ARE aware rul that such accusations can not be
said to anyONE who is ^not^ such a beast,for this would be false about a
pure woman,so false as accusing her of a troll,and it would mean
she,innocent as a rose,would be accused of in front of her Father."

"And the daughter of any priest,if she profane herself by playing the
whore,she profaneth her father:she shall be burnt with fire."Leviticus 21:9

Kirsten P.S. I am very happy to see the name of all this posts
Dear Kirsten

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