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Troen i Jakobs brev
Fra : YEAH !

Dato : 09-12-00 23:43

Her lidt af hvad jeg samlede op fra min kommentar :

James’ theme is “faith.” But here faith is not saving faith, or justifying
faith. James’ theme is practical: he looked at the lifestyle which is to be
produced by faith in Jesus. James knew, with Paul, that true faith generates

Viewed from the perspective of the Protestant Reformation, James even seemed
to contradict what is taught in the Books of Galatians and Romans. All of
James’ talk of being “justified by works” seemed to deny Paul’s affirmation
that justification is by faith alone. With “salvation” viewed as the
entrance into relationship with God, James’ approach (in which salvation is
viewed as the continual outworking of the meaning of Christ’s presence in
the believer’s life) is easy to misunderstand...

Paul, the obstetrician, was explaining what happens at birth. James, the
practical nurse, was changing diapers and holding the hands of toddlers as
they learned to walk. Because the setting and the purpose of the two writers
differed, a difference in emphasis naturally followed. As John Calvin
pointed out in Luther’s day, “It is not required that all handle the same

Richards, Lawrence O., The Teacher’s Commentary, (Wheaton, IL: Victor Books)

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