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Engelsk rettelse
Fra : Bowie112
Vist : 4896 gange
100 point
Dato : 13-12-06 21:26

Hey nogle der giver at rette denne stil? Tak på forhånd

Sarah Hall describes in her text: “Backpackers hit the tourist trail”, that the old idea of a backpacker, does not match with the new idea of a backpacker. Previously backpackers were travelling to experience new cultures, “find themselves”, or even save the world. The backpackers then, were “so called hippies”, experimented with sex, drugs and rock´n ´roll. She mentions Richard Garland’s cult novel The Beach, which deal with the subject – “searching for paradise”.
But as that the phenomenon backpacking has been widespread and popular, the usual backpacker places has been crowded. And therefore are backpackers not what they used to be.
Nowadays most backpacker meccas, are filled with coffee shops with commercial names to lure the tourists. According to Heba Aziz, The backpackers immersed themselves in hip-hop and 1960s music, drugs and of cause sexual relationships. The Backpackers often stay like 5 days at the tourists meccas. They rather prefer to have fun, eat pizza, pancakes and milkshakes, than seeing tourist meccas. But it is still an important part of the trip.

In text 1, Don George tells about his trip to France, and how he suddenly is surrounded by French talking men and women’s. He realizes that he loves being there, because of the great atmosphere and nice people. This text is pretty much opposite text 2. George loves to be with the locals and se things he can see at home, like French restaurants, museums and architecture. In text 2 they talk about the new backpacker culture, and how backpackers don’t want to experience new cultures. So I guess you can say that George belong to the minority which like to experience different cultures.

In text 3, Mark Moxon visits a friend with a bathroom full of peach-things. And he decides that there has to happen something in his life, so he does not end up with a “Peachy-bathroom”. And as a result of that he is planning to run away, and he does that. He travels through Australia, Oceania and Southeast Asia in 33 months. He was travelling to “find him selves”, and find a new lifestyle.

Text 3: Why I Travel by Mark Moxon.
Mark visits his friend who has just bought a new house. In his friend’s house, the bathroom is filled with “Peachy-things”, such as a peach toilet and a peach bath.
I think the whole text is a symbol. Mark Moxon chooses a peach to descripe a boring life. A life he definitely not wants to live. So you can say that the peach symbolises a boring life, and later in the text he writes: But this is not the story of how to avoid the peach bathrooms of life. And by saying that, he means to avoid a boring life, with no real values.

In text 1, Don George writes that he thought that he has to spend the rest of his life in a classroom, but suddenly he realise that to be in France is his classroom. He use the word “classroom” to symbolise a place he can learn things, not necessarily a classroom like they have on schools.

I think that backpacking is an awesome way to experience the world; it’s definitely something I want to do when I graduate from Gladsaxe Gymnasium. I think it is cool because you get to travel a lot, see cool places and you meet a lot of interesting people. When I go for backpacking, I would like to see cultural thing, but also have a lot of fun, meet other people and relax. 2 years ago I went on a world trip with my family. We were in: Egypt, Thailand (Koh Samui), China, New Zealand, Rarotonga, Tahiti and USA. It was a very enjoyable trip, and I love to travel.
When we were in Thailand on the small island Koh Samui, my brother and I went to the full moon party at Ko Pha-Ngan, which is an even smaller island at Thailand. The full moon party is a mecca for backpackers. And we talked with a bunch of American backpackers, which all had in common, that they would like to experience things, and have a good time.
I think the beach party at Ko Pha-Ngan, is a good example of what the backpacker culture has become like. On the beach there were a lot of people, bars with a good atmosphere and many dancing Thai girls offering sex to foreigners. And when you were walking on the beach, you were offered drugs.
If I should say a sad thing about backpacking, it would be that I think it’s a shame, that no place can be holed secret. Fore every year that goes, there will keep coming more and more travellers, I think that’s sad, but it is a fact. And when the local citizens, finds out that they can make money on tourists, the place will at last get too crowed with coffee bars and stuff like that.

Fra : frieda

Dato : 13-12-06 21:32

You still have 6 open questions!

Fra : Bowie112

Dato : 13-12-06 22:06

Det er fordi jeg ikke føler der er blevet svaret på dem som jeg ønskede, ved ikke hvad jeg skal gøre så...

Fra : frieda

Dato : 13-12-06 22:24

Helt ærligt; hvad ønskede du?
Du har fået endda meget udførlige svar på dine engelsk spørgsmåjl. Jeg gav dig et klart svar på det spanske. De andre er ikke mine specialer, så der ved jeg ikke.

Du har det også med at komme med meget krævende (tidskrævende) spørgsmål.

Dit engelsk er godt. Jeg (som engelsklærer) vil lade din lærer rette småfejlene.

Der er nogle ordstillingsfejl og tjek lige reglerne for brug af do i forbindelse med negationer endnu engang.

Pas også på med at bruge for meget talesprog og amerikaniseringer som "awesome" "cool.

I sidste afsnit er nogle (tror jeg) tyrkfejl.

Accepteret svar
Fra : creamcheese

Modtaget 100 point
Dato : 15-12-06 16:17

Jeg kunne ikke komme igennem det hele men her er noget:
Comma after previously, line 6 "But as that the phenomenon ..." makes no sense, what do you mean?..line 7 places HAVE been crowded, line 7 should be "and therefore, backpackers are not what....", line 10 of course, not of cause, further on, "like 5 days", use "around 5 days", line 11, if you say "to have fun..." you have to say "to see tourist meccas"., later on...not se things but see things, later on, George belongS (not belong) to the minority, "who likeS to..." (who because it's people), line 20 "something has to happen in his life"...
Nu gider jeg ikke mere.....hilsen creamcheese

Godkendelse af svar
Fra : Bowie112

Dato : 16-12-06 01:28

Tak for svaret creamcheese.

Fra : creamcheese

Dato : 16-12-06 14:39

Hej og tak for dine point. Jeg har flere rettelser til dig: Du har problemer med 3rd person singular with verbs, som mange andre dansker. Det hedder 'he realizeS' (not he realize) og 'he useS' (not he use), and later on you say 'go for backpacking' when it should be 'go backpacking'. Later on you say 'no place can be holed secret' and it should be 'no place can be kept secret'. Til sidste, du skriver 'local citizens finds out' men du burde skrive: 'local citizens find out...'

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