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Final Fantasy XI
Fra : Jesper_wood
Vist : 558 gange
50 point
Dato : 08-08-06 20:29


Jeg har lige startet spillet for første gang.
Jeg har snakked med ridderen i begyndelsen af spillet og han gav mig et papir.
Men nu ved jeg ikke hvor jeg skal gå hen eller hvem jeg skal snakke med.!!!

Håber nogle kan hjælpe !!

Fra : BXTC

Dato : 09-08-06 06:05

Jeg har fundet en guide på engelsk om hvordan du kommer igennem de 3 missioner værsgo;

Mission One

To receive the mission you must talk to one of the gate guards. Go to
Leviathan's Gate in Windurst Woods and you will see three Mithra's to the left
of the gate. Their names will be in green. Talk to the Mithra in the middle.
Her name is Rakoh Buuma. You will be coming to her for many of your Windurst
Missions. You'll get a small cutscene when you talk to her. As she talks
you'll have a few boxes that will pop up and you have to choose an answer.
Just choose the top option every time. Once the gate guard is through talking,
make your way to the Orastery in Port Windurst.

In the Orastery you will find two Tarutaru's up on the stage. Talk to both of
them for a cutscene. Now move to East Sarutabaruta for the last part of the
mission. Check your map and go to the tower looking thing at J-7. Walk inside
the building and look around at the walls. You will eventually find a cracked
wall. Move on through the cracked wall and into the next area. Here you will
find a gate. Select the gate and press enter for another cutscene. After the
cutscene, search all of Inner Horutoto for the magical Gizmo's. There are
four in all. Examine all four of them and return to the Taru's on the stage in
the Orastery to complete the mission.

Mission Two

To receive the second mission talk to the Mithra at Leviathan's gate like the
first mission. Next, go to the Manustery in Windurst Woods. Behind the
counter is the Tarutaru that you need to talk to. His name is Apururu; it will
be in green. Now go to J-11 in East Sarutabaruta. At J-11 you will find
another tower. Talk to the Tarutaru named Pore Ohre at the entrance before you
go in. Inside you will notice that Outer Horutoto looks a lot like Inner

Walk around the entire area and examine all six of the magical gizmo.
Remember, some of the gizmos are behind cracked walls. Once you've examined
all of them, search behind the cracked walls for "The Door of the Magical
Gizmo". Open the door for a cutscene. After the scene examine all six of the
magical gizmo once more. Now you can exit and return to East Sarutabaruta.
When you leave you will be greeted by two cards. Return to the Orastery in
Windurst Woods and talk to Apururu to complete the mission.

Mission Three

Get the mission from the same gate guard as missions one and two. Then run to
the Rhinostery in Windurst Waters. There is a Tarutaru on the roof of the
building that you need to talk to. His name is Leepe Hoppe. To get to the
roof, climb the stairs on the left side of the Rhinostery. Leepe Hoppe will
give you food and water (These items do not appear in your inventory).

For the next part of the mission you'll have to go to Giddeus. You'll find the
entrance to Giddeus in the north west corner of West Sarutabaruta. In Giddeus
you'll find two yagudo NPC's, each at opposite ends of the area. Talk to both
of them to give them the food and water. Now return to Leepe Hoppe on the roof
of the Rhinostery and talk to him. Then talk to the gate guard for Rank 2 and
1000 gil!

Fra : Jesper_wood

Dato : 09-08-06 08:22

Tak tak.
Hvor har du fundet det ?

Accepteret svar
Fra : annfriis

Modtaget 50 point
Dato : 09-08-06 12:17

Søgpå Google. Skriv spillets navn, derefter "walkthrough"

Godkendelse af svar
Fra : Jesper_wood

Dato : 11-08-06 07:49

Tak for svaret annfriis.
Hmm havde jeg sku prøvet.....
Fik ikke noget jeg kunne bruge.... Men var vist ikke grundig nok... men tak.

Fra : annfriis

Dato : 11-08-06 07:58

Thanx - Men husk nu - kun når man sidder uhjælpelig fast

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