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Fra : marchal
Vist : 516 gange
450 point
Dato : 28-07-05 21:41

Hvad hedder den?
Holla, holla holla if you want to I love you... tror jeg nok. Gammel sang. kan kun huske omkvædet

Fra : taliskoko

Dato : 28-07-05 21:51

Og værs´go...

Holla Lyrics
Artist(Band):Ghostface Killah

(featuring Allah Real)

[Ghostface Killah]
I'm from a place where fish was made
Cordoroy Baley's, sportin' those Rakim caves
Rakeem came, high self asteem promised me
A moment in life, just to wreck yall lames
Throw the Tec to your brain, puttin' the best to shame
This is Theodore, best to tuck those Dana Dane's
See me comin' (blaow!) start runnin' and (blaow! blaow!)
Aiyo... (blaow! blaow! blaow!)
Who them fly niggaz when we walk through the party
Pimp talk with the Mac strapped to our body
Bartender's nervous, afraid to serve us, bad service
Un-smacked him on purpose and see this drunk come and berp us
Paper chasers, Starky stayed up in the makings
Theodore conquer the four devils wit the patience
Cellphones is blowin', the crews not available
Ask 'Donna, word in the town, we the realest dudes
We don't need no diamonds rings
All we need is a drum, like, fuck it, he can rhyme, I'll sing
And in my Yankee hat, you can drop five beans
And then run back to momma, like, all I know is..

[Chorus: Allah Real]
Holla holla holla.. if you want to, I love you (I love you)
Holla holla holla if you want to, I love you (I love you)

[Ghostface Killah]
When I walk through any function
You bet your ass that the 4/5'll cook, fuck your wack looks
Fuck platinum, fuck, let me show ya'll crooks
This is legit rap, I.R.S. can suck my books
I'm a family man, Clan mixed with Theodore
My boots hang over the telephone wires on Broad'
Word to MetLife, Tony got insurance on his mics
Smoke mad shit and still got endurance when he fight
Both hands clusty, bank account dusty!
Ever, say, my name, again, you pussy!
Like, an angry, cripple, man, don't push me!
Don't believe the kid, listen to me..


[Ghostface Killah]
Dirty told me to rock the spot (yeah)
Freak the beats cuz the streets is raw (go 'head)
Don't believe what you see, just watch (true)
Speak to the seeds, give 'em lead on jobs (come on)
Educate, keep it peace wit Gods (that's right)
In return, happiness in globs (yeah)
We see the future like a psychic's palm

[Allah Real]
The things I'm saying are true
And the way I explain them to you, yes to you
Listen to me


Fra : refi

Dato : 28-07-05 21:53
Fra : Franksp

Dato : 28-07-05 21:54

[Ghostface Killah]
I'm from a place where fish was made
Cordoroy Baley's, sportin' those Rakim caves
Rakeem came, high self asteem promised me
A moment in life, just to wreck yall lames
Throw the Tec to your brain, puttin' the best to shame
This is Theodore, best to tuck those Dana Dane's
See me comin' (blaow!) start runnin' and (blaow! blaow!)
Aiyo... (blaow! blaow! blaow!)
Who them fly niggaz when we walk through the party
Pimp talk with the Mac strapped to our body
Bartender's nervous, afraid to serve us, bad service
Un-smacked him on purpose and see this drunk come and berp us
Paper chasers, Starky stayed up in the makings
Theodore conquer the four devils wit the patience
Cellphones is blowin', the crews not available
Ask 'Donna, word in the town, we the realest dudes
We don't need no diamonds rings
All we need is a drum, like, fuck it, he can rhyme, I'll sing
And in my Yankee hat, you can drop five beans
And then run back to momma, like, all I know is..

[Chorus: Allah Real]
Holla holla holla.. if you want to, I love you (I love you)
Holla holla holla if you want to, I love you (I love you)

[Ghostface Killah]
When I walk through any function
You bet your ass that the 4/5'll cook, fuck your wack looks
Fuck platinum, fuck, let me show ya'll crooks
This is legit rap, I.R.S. can suck my books
I'm a family man, Clan mixed with Theodore
My boots hang over the telephone wires on Broad'
Word to MetLife, Tony got insurance on his mics
Smoke mad shit and still got endurance when he fight
Both hands clusty, bank account dusty!
Ever, say, my name, again, you pussy!
Like, an angry, cripple, man, don't push me!
Don't believe the kid, listen to me..


[Ghostface Killah]
Dirty told me to rock the spot (yeah)
Freak the beats cuz the streets is raw (go 'head)
Don't believe what you see, just watch (true)
Speak to the seeds, give 'em lead on jobs (come on)
Educate, keep it peace wit Gods (that's right)
In return, happiness in globs (yeah)
We see the future like a psychic's palm

[Allah Real]
The things I'm saying are true
And the way I explain them to you, yes to you
Listen to me


Fra : marchal

Dato : 28-07-05 21:56

Nej refi. Det er ikke den. Men det er delvist rigtigt fundet af taliskoko. Mener bare det er et sample de har snuppet et andet sted fra. Men respekt til dig koko for at finde den frem. Har den selv!

Fra : taliskoko

Dato : 28-07-05 22:00

Tak for de pæne ord, der. Men hvad skal vi så lede efter???????????????

Fra : refi

Dato : 28-07-05 22:05

Hvordan kan man finde noget "delvis rigtigt" ?????

Fra : marchal

Dato : 28-07-05 22:05

Du kender jo sangen med Ghostface Killah.Og det er det stykke som bliver sunget i omkvædet, bare så vi er enige. Det er det stykke som jeg mener kommer et andet sted fra. Måske noget gammelt Motown, lyder lidt sådan. Måske der er skrevet nogen credits på coveret fra ghostface?

Fra : taliskoko

Dato : 28-07-05 22:07

Nu har jeg selv hørt lidt af den på iTunes. Det lyder Motown agtigt under det der rappes.!!!!

Fra : marchal

Dato : 28-07-05 22:08

Til refi: Det kan man ved at finde noget som er rigtigt, men så alligevel ikke er det. Hvad har det iøvrigt med sagen at gøre?

Fra : taliskoko

Dato : 28-07-05 22:08

LOL... Hvor er vi enige marchal.

Fra : refi

Dato : 28-07-05 22:09
Fra : marchal

Dato : 28-07-05 22:12

Nope refi. Lyt hellere til ghostface. så ved du hvad jeg leder efter

Fra : Kazistuta

Dato : 29-07-05 09:44

Delfonics har tilbage i 1963 lavet en sang, som hedder "La-la means I love you", som Ghostface Killa har brugt til deres "Holla"....Det kunne meget vel være den sang, du efterspørger??

Fra : marchal

Dato : 29-07-05 17:03

Super Kazistuta!

Fra : marchal

Dato : 29-07-05 17:04

Hvordan giver jeg point? Mange tak til alle der hjalp til. Det var Delfonics.

Accepteret svar
Fra : Kazistuta

Modtaget 450 point
Dato : 29-07-05 18:42

Ud for hver kommentar står der ude til højre (oven over svaret) et link med "accepter som svar" (mener jeg). Du vælger så den kommentar, som du mener har været bedst, og accepterer ved et simpelt klik, og bedømmer derefter svaret med 1-5 stjerner efter kvalitet. Jeg aner ikke hvorfor man skal bedømme svarene på den måde, men sådan er det nu engang hos kandu....

Men godt at du kunne bruge svaret, havde også svært ved at forestille mig, at det kunne være nogle andre... Delfonics har i øvrigt lavet det fede nummer "Didn't I blow your mind this time", som var med i filmen Jacky Brown af Quentin Tarantino - både film og nummer kan klart anbefales

Fra : marchal

Dato : 29-07-05 18:45

takker. har både film og ost

Godkendelse af svar
Fra : marchal

Dato : 29-07-05 18:46

Tak for svaret Kazistuta.

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