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Telia reklamesang
Fra : LoneS
Vist : 612 gange
148 point
Dato : 03-06-05 22:33

Hejsa ude i det ganske Land
I øjebliket køre der en reklame fra Telia hvor er en mand som hopper rundt med en stor mund

så kommer spørgsmålet er der nogle af jer som kan huske hvad den hedder rigtigt
kan godt huske det fra din ungdom men vi kan bare ikke komme på hvad den hed rigtigt
håber i kan

Hilsen Lone

Accepteret svar
Fra : taliskoko

Modtaget 158 point
Dato : 03-06-05 22:39

Det er Baltimora med Tarzan Boy

Her er teksten:

Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh

Jungle life
I'm far away from nowhere
On my own like Tarzan Boy

Hide and seek
I play along while rushing cross the forest
Monkey business on a sunny afternoon

Jungle life
I'm living in the open
Native beat that carries on

Burning bright
A fire the blows teh signal to the sky
I sit and wonder does the message get to you

Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh

Night to night
Gimme the other, gimme the other chance
Gimme the other, gimme the other
Night to night
Gimme the other, gimme the other world

Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh

Jungle life
You're far away from nothing
It's all right
You won't miss home

Take a chance
Leave everything behind you
Come and join me
Won't be sorry
It's easy to survive

Jungle life
We're living in the open
All alone like Tarzan Boy

Hide and seek
We play along while rushing cross the
Monkey business on a sunny afternoon

Night to night
Gimme the other, gimme the other
Chance tonight
Oh Yeah
Night to night
Gimme the other, gimme the other
Night to night
You won't play
Night to night
Gimme the other, gimme the other
Chance tonight
Oh Yeah
Night to night
Night to night
Gimme the other, gimme the other

Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh

Fra : LoneS

Dato : 03-06-05 22:43

Hej taliskoko

Du er en SVESKE
Sender dig en varm tanke her fra Fredericia

hilsen Lone

Godkendelse af svar
Fra : LoneS

Dato : 03-06-05 22:44

Tak for svaret taliskoko.

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