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Héy Denmark...!
Fra : Thylle
Vist : 551 gange
225 point
Dato : 19-12-04 12:28

Today technology is indispensable, and not in many parts of the world, does the population not know nothing about, computer, mobile phone, DVD and video. The larst ten years have it been even more popular, and now researchers at Carnegie Mellon in Pittsburgh have invented an new invention. An invention which, according to what the researchers have said, should make it quite simple for grandparents to keep in touch with their far-flung children and grandchildren. Or to keep up the intimate communication, between boyfriends and girlfriends who live in a long-distance relationship. But is it really true?

If you read the article “Does Grandma Need a Hug? A Robotic Pillow Can Help”, by Jeffrey Selingo, which had been published, in “The Ney York Times Electronic Edition” on Novebmer 11 th, 2004, is there no doubt about it. The invention called the Hug, is almost like a teddybear. It has two arms, a small torso, and the most important; it is soft and sensitive.

To “send” a hug, both “players” have to have a Hug. One “player” squeeze the left paw, and say the name of who he/she would like to hug. Afterwards the technology identifies the name and make connection between the two Hug’s. It is allmost like a mobile phone, but the contact is not only “voice- contact”. The Hug’s makes contact at a physically level, and makes it possible to sent “love”.

If you not is home, or not have the Hug close at hand, the hug will not be lost. The Hug have program who save to hug’s, and you can let the “love” come out, whenevre you want.

In which ways can robots improve the lives of elderly people?
What is your personal reaction to the hug pillow?
Do you think robots can improve our lives generally?

Fra : dova

Dato : 19-12-04 12:42

Hvad er spørgsmålet, rettelser eller oversættelse
mvh dova

Fra : Guild

Dato : 19-12-04 12:46

.. ja, jeg fatter ejheller !

Accepteret svar
Fra : dova

Modtaget 235 point
Dato : 19-12-04 13:22

Du får det med rettelser
Today technology is indispensable, and in most parts of the world, the population know something about computers, mobile phones, DVD and video. For the latest ten years it has been even more popular, and now researchers at Carnegie Mellon in Pittsburgh, have invented a new invention.
Næste afsnit frem til But is it really the truth? er ok.
Efter November 11th 2004, there is no doubt about it.
Udelad "the" i "and (the) most important.
To send a "hug", both "players" must have a Hug.
One "player" squeezes the left paw and says the name of whom .....
Og makes connection..
The Hugs makes contact at a physical level, and makes it possible to send love.
If you are not at home or do not have the Hug close at hand...
The Hug has a program that save two Hugs...........whenever....

Håber det var det du manglede
mvh dova

Ps, er lidt i tvivl om mobiltelefoner hedder cellular phones, det kommer an på om det er i England eller USA

Fra : emesen

Dato : 19-12-04 14:07

The answer is.............YES

Fra : Guild

Dato : 19-12-04 14:57

Thylle !
What is your question ?

Fra : emesen

Dato : 19-12-04 15:01

Guild se her:
Do you think robots can improve our lives generally?

Fra : Guild

Dato : 19-12-04 15:38

Det er nok den længste indledning på et simpelt sprørgsmål .. jeg længe har set !
But you are right ... YES

Fra : emesen

Dato : 19-12-04 15:42

Fra : dova

Dato : 19-12-04 16:19

Thylle skriver "jeg er sød" i sin profil, så det tror jeg da er en dansker

mvh dova

Fra : emesen

Dato : 19-12-04 16:23

Jammen det er du da Dova....................

Fra : Thylle

Dato : 19-12-04 16:31

he.. he..! en ven låner bare min profil.:! Tror gerne han vil have det rettet... Men yes er da et langt svar på sådan et kort spørgsmål..!

Fra : dova

Dato : 19-12-04 17:30

Jamen så har jeg rettet det
mvh dova

Fra : Thylle

Dato : 19-12-04 20:21

Hey Dova... er du frisk på lidt mere...!

I have no doubts that robots can improve the lives of elderly people, but only if they want to. Generally are elderly people very old-fashioned, and find it hard to live like the young people nowadays. But the few who get to know the technology or the robots better, is completely sure; the technology is given them a better live.
The article, by Jeffrey Selingo, deal with how the Hug can keep up the contact, between elder people and their children and grandchildren, and on page 2 line 13 it tells that; “The reaction was generally positive”. It is not only the Hug who makes their lives better, today the elder people can buy robots who can, cook, vacuum, cut grass or play (for instance, you can buy a robot chess player, who play as Kasparo)

My personal reaction to the hug pillow is quite plain. A man is a man, and the Hug is a teddy bear, and it cannot be compared with the human race. The human race has a heart of gold, and the Hug cannot substitute for that. And to tell the true, I think we have to be careful with develop to many robots, what will be the next- to have a robot child, like in the movie “Al” or to go to a robot hooker and have sex. I am not the only one who have that opinion about it, even the performer Peter André use his voice to communicate the message out, in one of his songs he sings “Where are we going, does anyone care, ”

Obvious can robots improve our lives generally. Today it almost impossible to find something that not is based on robots. Cars, computer, mobile phone and DVD are all assemble by robots. But what does it mean to improve our lives, is it to improve our lives to go unemployed because the robots have throw them out of work, or to do as they do in the United States- let robots do all the hard work, while the unemployed go at Md, and get obese

Håber.. mvh Thylle..!

Fra : dova

Dato : 19-12-04 21:31

Generally elderly people are very oldfashioned, and find it hard to live the same way as the young people do nowadays.
...are completely sure: the technology gives them a better life.
..deals with the ways that the Hug is able to make elder people, their children and grandchildren stay in contact...
....robots that are able to cook, vacuum, cut the lawn or play games (for.....that plays like Kasparo).

...And the Hug cannot be a substitute. And to ...we must be carefuldeveloping too many robots, what will be next? To have..

Peter Andre uses..

Obviously robots can improve..
Today it is almost......that is not based ...
mvh dova

Fra : dova

Dato : 19-12-04 21:33

ups en lille fejl
We must be careful not developing ....

mvh dova

Fra : Thylle

Dato : 20-12-04 09:42


du er sq en knag...!

Fra : dova

Dato : 20-12-04 11:58

Selv tak Thylle.
Men hvis spørgsmålet er besvaret, skal du huske at lukke ved at acceptere som svar.

Mvh dova

Godkendelse af svar
Fra : Thylle

Dato : 04-01-05 08:26

Tak for svaret dova.

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