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Udskriv modul?
Fra : Hoegh
Vist : 574 gange
100 point
Dato : 10-06-04 12:54

Hej Alle
Jeg har problemer med at udskrive mit modul i VBA. Det bliver godt nok skrevet ud, men ikke i farver? Printeren er indstillet til at skrive ud i farver, så jeg forstår det ikke lige helt? Nogle der akn hjælpe mig?


Accepteret svar
Fra : Phylock

Modtaget 100 point
Dato : 05-10-04 10:16

hmmm jeg har søgt lidt på nettet .. har ikke kunne finde en gratis men en evalutions version med et max på 3 sider ...
jeg har ikke haft mulighed for at teste det da jeg ikke har vb på denne computer

Name: VBcodePrint v6.26
File Size: 3.16M
Date: 10 Feb 2004
License: Shareware
Price: $59.00
Eval: Prints only 3 pages
System Requirements: Win 95/98/Me/NT/2000/XP

This Add-In to Microsoft Visual Basic 6 significantly enhances its source code printing capabilities. You can print any part of your VB project's source code from within the VB's development environment. You can create and save your own output styles by customizing the fonts and colors settings for keywords, strings, constants, procedure headers, line numbers, page headers/footers. You can customize the page margins, line spacing, print quality, paper orientation, scaling, and much more. You can select a set of procedures, components or projects for printing and the selection can be saved and restored for repeated prints of the same set of items. You can also to print the output in multi-columns, customize the procedure separator to be a blank line, a line draw or a new page, and print each source code line with a line number that can be reset at top of a page, procedure, or continues for ease of code inspections. This version of the product supports drawing connection lines for VB's paired constructs (DO LOOP etc). You can preview the output before printing in many different formats and select pages to be printed. The printed output can be exported to HTML, PDF and RTF format to enable it to be incorporated into a word processors. More info-StarPrint Limited


Godkendelse af svar
Fra : Hoegh

Dato : 05-02-07 21:16

Tak for svaret Phylock.

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