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Land of Hope and Glory? Jeg kan ikke fin~
Fra : Franksp
Vist : 640 gange
20 point
Dato : 03-06-04 00:09

Nu har jeg brugt over en time på at finde teksten til " Land of Hope and Glory", skrevet af Edward Elgar. Jeg kan ikke finde den. Er der en der kan hjælpe?
En af mine kolleger, skal bruge den til week-enden.

De venligste hilsener


Dato : 03-06-04 00:14

What's the time?
I was trying to get some sleep

Attention, urrraaah, bridges
Sharkey, Nutley, Jackson, Thompson,Master

Well, as you can see we've got a new recruit to this land of hope and glory
Hands behind backs and legs apart and tell us all of your unfortunate story.

Who me sir?
Yes, you ssssir!

I was an innocent man till someone grassed me of a plan
Of earning some big a money
If I hadn't mouthed it about, I am sure without doubt
I'd 'ave missed this land of hope and glory

Well you poor poor sod, here you're up sharp at six thirty
Cold shower down to breakfast, can't have you looking dirty
I suggest you eat what's given you even if it doesn't agree with you
Cos It's all you're be getting up until twelve thirty
In between this time stay up in your room, you can dream of life
good things

Two years of my teen age life given to this stand to attention life
Of land of hope and glory
I get so bored as time goes by, I think I'll do something dirty
I pick at the floor for juicy butts and I'll make myself a smoke
A bog roll and envelope stick it, all this helps to pass my time

As the evening drags on, you can watch a little telly
Hot Gossip pans people with a little bit of belly
A hot drink served cold with the heat of yesterday's
Don't complain learn the game and I'll get through another day

I watch the second hand on the clock at long last is nine thirty
Off to bed straight to sleep as I leave this land of hope and glory
But only for a few seconds I'm in n ecstasy
Before the bell rings to let me know, sharp at six thirty

A the, a two, a six, a ta

Quiet, come on you lot, come on, lights out

Accepteret svar
Fra : tedd

Modtaget 30 point
Dato : 03-06-04 00:32
Fra : agnerhnielsen

Dato : 03-06-04 13:09

Land of hope and glory findes i politikens lystige viser nr. 12 ,politikens melodibog samt wilhelm Hansens sangbogen.Dette var bare de første 3 steder jeg kikkede efter den
venlig hilsen Agner Høj Nielsen

Godkendelse af svar
Fra : Franksp

Dato : 03-06-04 22:00

Tak for svaret tedd. Jeg stillede spørgsmålet, for en kvindelig kollega. Da jeg gav hende dit SUPERGODE og rigtige svar, fik jeg både KNUS & KRAM og en flaske god rødvin.
Derfor opretter jeg lige et ? mere i dit navn "tedd", da jeg ikke kan dele rødvinen med dig. Jeg vil gerne gi' dig nogle flere point. Det bliver i samme KATAGORI. Endnu engang tak for din "SUPERHJÆLP"

De venligste hilsener


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