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Saybia, tekst til...
Fra : Toupie
Vist : 518 gange
100 point
Dato : 02-06-04 23:33

Nu har jeg ledt og ledt efter teksten til "The second you sleep" med Saybia og kan bare ikke hitte den

Er der nogen herinde der er bedre end mig?? ......til at finde teksten altså

// Toupie

Accepteret svar
Fra : Luke2000

Modtaget 110 point
Dato : 02-06-04 23:37

You close your eyes
And leave me naked by your side
You close the door so I can’t see
The love you keep inside
The love you keep for me

It fills me up
It feels like living in a dream
It fills me up so I can’t see
The love you keep inside
The love you keep for me

I stay
To watch you fade away
I dream of you tonight
Tomorrow you’ll be gone
It gives me time to stay
To watch you fade away
I dream of you tonight
Tomorrow you’ll be gone
I wish by God you’d stay

I stay awake
I stay awake and watch you breathe
I stay awake and watch you fly
Away into the night
Escaping through a dream

I stay
To watch you fade away
I dream of you tonight
Tomorrow you’ll be gone
It gives me time to stay
To watch you fade away
I dream of you tonight
Tomorrow you’ll be gone
I wish by God you’d stay


I stay
To watch you fade away
I dream of you tonight
Tomorrow you’ll be gone
It gives me time to stay
To watch you fade away
I dream of you tonight
Tomorrow you’ll be gone
It gives me time to stay
To watch you fade away
I dream of you tonight
Tomorrow you’ll be gone
I wish by God you’d stay

Stay awake

I wish by God you’d stay

Godkendelse af svar
Fra : Toupie

Dato : 02-06-04 23:40

Tak for svaret Luke2000, det var du ikke lang tid om Herligt, selvom det er pinligt for mig

Tusind tak for hjælpen

// Toupie


Fra : tedd

Dato : 03-06-04 00:56

Øv skulle ellers lige til at synge den for dig

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