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Fra : nullerbullerpige
Vist : 657 gange
50 point
Dato : 01-06-04 13:15

Jeg søger teksten til "FUCK IT" med "Eamon" og
"F U you right back" med "Frankee"

Fra : tedd

Dato : 01-06-04 13:16

Prøv at søg på eamon her på Kandu, så har du den ene tekst

Fra : SonjaAS

Dato : 01-06-04 13:30
Fra : nullerbullerpige

Dato : 01-06-04 13:32

Jeg kunne jo også bare søge på google, men det gider jeg da ikke når man kan få andre til det her på kandu.dk...

Fra : tedd

Dato : 01-06-04 13:35


Accepteret svar
Fra : Pelle79

Modtaget 50 point
Dato : 01-06-04 15:42


Whoa oh oh
Ooh hooh
No No No

[Verse 1:]
See, I dont know why I liked you so much
I gave you all, of my trust
I told you, I loved you, now thats all down the drain
Ya put me through pain, I wanna let u know how I feel

Fuck what I said it dont mean shit now
Fuck the presents might as well throw em out
Fuck all those kisses, they didn't mean jack
Fuck you, you hoe, I dont want you back

Fuck what I said it dont mean shit now
Fuck the presents might as well throw em out
Fuck all those kisses they didn't mean jack
Fuck you, you hoe, I dont want you back

[Verse 2:]
You thought, you could
Keep this shit from me, yeah
Ya burnt bitch, I heard the story
Ya played me, ya even gave him head
Now ya askin for me back
Ya just another act, look elsewhere
Cuz ya done with me

Fuck what I said it dont mean shit now
Fuck the presents might as well throw em out
Fuck all those kisses they didn't mean jack
Fuck you, you hoe, I dont want you back

Fuck what I said it dont mean shit now
Fuck the presents might as well throw em out
Fuck all those kisses they didn't mean jack
Fuck you, you hoe, I dont want you back

Oh oh
Uh huh yeah
Oh oh
Uh huh yeah
Oh oh
Uh huh yeah
Oh oh
Uh huh yeah

Ya questioned, did I care
You could ask anyone, I even said
Ya were my great one
Now its, over, but I do admit I'm sad.
It hurts real bad, I cant sweat that, cuz I loved a hoe

Fuck what I said it dont mean shit now
Fuck the presents might as well throw em out
Fuck all those kisses they didn't mean jack
Fuck you, you hoe, I dont want you back

Oh oh
Uh huh yeah
Oh oh
Uh huh yeah
Oh oh
Uh huh yeah
Oh oh
Uh huh yeah
[Until the end]

Frankee FUCK U right back

Oh oh
No no no

(You know there is two sides to every story)

See I don't know why you cryin' like a bitch
Talkin' shit like a snitch
Why you write a song 'bout me
If you really didn't care
You wouldn't wanna share
Tellin' everybody just how you feel

Fuck what I did was your fault somehow
Fuck the presents, I threw all that shit out
Fuck all the cryin' it didn't mean jack
Well guess what yo, fuck you right back

Fuck what I did was your fault somehow
Fuck the presents, I threw all that shit out
Fuck all the cryin' you didn't mean jack
Well guess what yo, fuck you right back

You thought you could really make me moan
I had better sex all alone (ha ha ha ha)
I had to turn to your friend
Now you want me to come back
You must be smokin' crack
Im goin' else where and thats a fact

Fuck all those nights I moaned real loud
Fuck it, I faked it, aren't you proud
Fuck all those nights you thought you broke my back
Well guess what yo, your sex was wack

Fuck all those nights I moaned real loud
Fuck it, I faked it, aren't you proud
Fuck all those nights you thought you broke my back
Well guess what yo, your sex was wack

Whoa whoa
Uh uh yea

Whoa whoa
Uh uh yea

Whoa whoa
Uh uh yea

Whoa whoa
Uh uh yea

You questioned did I care
Maybe I would have if you woulda gone down there
Now it's over
But I do admit i'm glad I didn't catch your crabs
I can't sweat that cause I got to go

Fuck what I did was your fault somehow
Fuck the presents, I threw all that shit out
Fuck all the cryin' you didn't mean jack
Well guess what yo, fuck you right back.

You made me do this

Fra : gril

Dato : 05-06-04 00:15

hey nullerbullerpige accepter lige et af svarene

Godkendelse af svar
Fra : nullerbullerpige

Dato : 16-06-04 08:48

Tak for svaret Pelle79.

Fra : Findusdu

Dato : 05-07-04 14:36

Er Der Såå Nogen der Har arkorderne Til Den?????
HVis JA... SÅ Skriv inten link eller Dem ned.. Takz..

Fra : Findusdu

Dato : 05-07-04 14:36

Er Der Såå Nogen der Har arkorderne Til Den?????
HVis JA... SÅ Skriv inten link eller Dem ned.. Takz..

Fra : Findusdu

Dato : 05-07-04 14:36

Er Der Såå Nogen der Har arkorderne Til Den?????
HVis JA... SÅ Skriv inten link eller Dem ned.. Takz..

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