 | Kommentar Fra : Sunowich  |
Dato : 27-03-04 12:01 |
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 | Kommentar Fra : Nik_  |
Dato : 27-03-04 12:18 |
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 | Kommentar Fra : refi  |
Dato : 27-03-04 12:20 |
Nej for du kender ikke min email.
Men du kan lægge den her på kandu.
Bare kopier det hele - og sæt ind.
Er der personlige ting du ikke vil vise kan du bare udskifte dem med xxxxx
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 | Kommentar Fra : Nik_  |
Dato : 27-03-04 12:22 |
Dear ….
I’m looking forward for you to come to Denmark.
I know you don’t know Denmark so well, so I will start with telling you something about Denmark.
Denmark is a small country, so many people don’t even know it. Some have heard the name and maybe know where it is, but that’s all. We are about 5-6 million inhabitants in Denmark, and the country consist of islands. I really like Denmark because there’s so much water around. I don’t think I could live in a big country like *** where there’s no water at all. I live in a city with 25.500 people, and very close to the water. I also like to sail. It’s so quiet and peaceful out on the water, and you can just relax and enjoy it, you have to try that.
Our summers if very different, some year we have a really good warm summer, and other years we have a really bad cold one. It’s the same with snow. Some year almost nothing but we have also had a few years with very much. I can’t remember those years, where we had a couple metres, but I have seen pictures of it.
Everyday life in Denmark depends on where you live. If you live in a smaller city like the one I live in, or for example in our capital Copenhagen. I couldn’t live in Copenhagen, there’s too much traffic, noise and people. But if you’re born there, or have been there for a long time, you get use to it. I think you should visit it when you’re here. You can go see “the little mermaid” which it very famous, the Japanese always takes a lot of pictures of it when there’re here. You can also visit Lalandia which is a big waterpark with tropical temperatures, and it’s no so far from here.
I think we spend our sparetime like anybody else. Some goes to a kind of sport or have another kind of hobby. Many spend a lot of time in front of the computer. Technology is a big part of our live, like it is in many countries. Young people go to clubs, parties and discos with their friends. You can buy alcohol when you’re 15, but you have to be 18 to get it served.
You can go to discos when you’re 18, but many starts already when they’re about 15.
We normally start in school when we’re about 5-6 years old, and you can leave school after ninth degrade if you want to, then you’re about 15-16. You can also those to take another year, or you can go to collage.
I’m looking forward to your visit, and I’m sure that you’ll get a great time here.
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Lige en detalje, du skriver at Danmark består af øer, og det er jo fint, men hvad med Jylland????
En halvø hedder forresten peninsula
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 | Kommentar Fra : bibsamie  |
Dato : 27-03-04 12:30 |
sparetime skal være i to ord = spare time ellers ok.
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 | Kommentar Fra : refi  |
Dato : 27-03-04 12:38 |
start with telling > start by telling
summers if very > summers is very
some year we > some years we
Some year almost > Some years almost
couple metres > couple of metres
you get use to it > you get used to it
which it very famous > which is very famous
when there’re here > when they’re here
it’s no so > it’s not so
time in front of the computer > time with there computers
go to clubs > goes to clubs
and discos > and discoes
go to discos when > go to discoes when
those to > thoose to
Kan have overset enkelte fejl - men ellers ser det godt ud.
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Der er rettet nogle skønhedsfejl, og så skal du lige skifte college ud med gymnasium, og skrive en forklaring på hvad det er.... Vi har ikke noget der modsvarer college direkte i Danmark, og derfor er betegnelsen ukorrekt
Dear ….
I’m looking forward for you to come to Denmark.
I know that you don’t know Denmark so well, so I will start with telling you something about Denmark.
Denmark is a small country, a lot of people don’t even know it. Some have heard the name and maybe know where it is, but that’s all. We are about 5-6 million inhabitants in Denmark, and the country consist of islands and one peninsula. I really like Denmark because there’s so much water around. I don’t think I could live in a big country like *** where there’s no water at all. I live in a city with 25.500 people, and very close to the water. I also like to sail. It’s so quiet and peaceful out on the water, and you can just relax and enjoy it, you have to try that.
Our summers are very different, some years we have a really good warm summer, and other years we have a really bad cold one. It’s the same with snow. Some years almost nothing but we have also had a few years with very much. I can’t remember those years, where we had a couple metres, but I have seen pictures of it.
Everyday life in Denmark depends on where you live. If you live in a smaller city like the one I live in, or for example in our capital Copenhagen. I couldn’t live in Copenhagen, there’s too much traffic, noise and people. But if you’re born there, or have been there for a long time, you get used to it. I think you should visit it when you’re here. You can go see “The little mermaid” which is very famous, the Japanese always takes a lot of pictures of it when they are here. You can also visit Lalandia which is a big waterpark with tropical temperatures, and it’s not so far from here.
I think we spend our spare time like anybody else. Some goes to a kind of sport or have another kind of hobby. A lot of people spends a lot of time in front of the computer. Technology is a big part of our life, as it is in many countries. Young people go to clubs, parties and discos with their friends. You can buy alcohol when you’re 15, but you have to be 18 to get it served.
You can go to discos when you’re 18, but many starts already when they’re about 15.
We normally start in school when we’re about 5-6 years old, and you can leave school after ninth grade if you want to, then you’re about 15-16. You can also chooseto take another year, or you can go to college.
I’m looking forward to your visit, and I’m sure that you’ll get a great time here.
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 | Kommentar Fra : bibsamie  |
Dato : 27-03-04 12:45 |
så skulle diverse stavefejl og grammatik være i orden.
Dear ….
I’m looking forward for you to come to Denmark.
I know that you don’t know Denmark so well, so I will start with telling you something about Denmark.
Denmark is a small country; a lot of people don’t even know it. Some have heard the name and maybe know where it is, but that’s all. We are about 5-6 million inhabitants in Denmark, and the country consist of islands and one peninsula. I really like Denmark because there’s so much water around. I don’t think I could live in a big country like *** where there’s no water at all. I live in a city with 25.500 people, and very close to the water. I also like to sail. It’s so quiet and peaceful out on the water, and you can just relax and enjoy it, you have to try that.
Our summers are very different, some years we have a really good warm summer, and other years we have a really bad cold one. It’s the same with snow. Some years almost nothing but we have also had a few years with very much. I can’t remember those years, where we had a couple metres, but I have seen pictures of it.
Everyday life in Denmark depends on where you live. If you live in a smaller city like the one I live in, or for example in our capital Copenhagen. I couldn’t live in Copenhagen, there’s too much traffic, noise and people. But if you’re born there, or have been there for a long time, you get used to it. I think you should visit it when you’re here. You can go see “The little mermaid” who is very famous, the Japanese always takes a lot of pictures of it when they are here. You can also visit Lalandia which is a big waterpark with tropical temperatures, and it’s not so far from here.
I think we spend our spare time like anybody else. Some goes to a kind of sport or have another kind of hobby. A lot of people spend a lot of time in front of the computer. Technology is a big part of our life, as it is in many countries. Young people go to clubs, parties and discos with their friends. You can buy alcohol when you’re 15, but you have to be 18 to get it served.
You can go to discos when you’re 18, but many starts already when they’re about 15.
We normally start in school when we’re about 5-6 years old, and you can leave school after ninth grade if you want to, then you’re about 15-16. You can also choose to take another year, or you can go to college.
I’m looking forward to your visit, and I’m sure that you’ll get a great time here.
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 | Kommentar Fra : bibsamie  |
Dato : 27-03-04 12:48 |
det kommer jo også lidt an på til hvilket land det er du skriver engelsk er jo ikke altid engelsk, der er lande hvor der er en del modifikationer i sproget og i skrift.
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I det danske skolesystem undervises man oftest i britisk engelsk, men jeg er da nysgerrig efter at vide hvilke lande der har hvilke modifikationer??
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 | Kommentar Fra : Nik_  |
Dato : 27-03-04 12:56 |
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Du kan eksempelvis skrive:
choose to take another year, or you can continue at the gymnasium, or a trade school of some kind, these are institutions of further education of different types, and with a degree from a gymnasium, you might want to continue at the university.
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 | Kommentar Fra : Nik_  |
Dato : 27-03-04 13:00 |
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 | Kommentar Fra : Nik_  |
Dato : 27-03-04 13:01 |
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 | Kommentar Fra : refi  |
Dato : 27-03-04 13:08 |
Commercial = Reklame
Så det er ikke så godt.
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 | Kommentar Fra : Nik_  |
Dato : 27-03-04 13:10 |
okay, siger min ordbog bare...
Nå men, hvordan oversætter jeg...: med flere hundrede kilometer til det nærmeste vand?
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Det kan sagtes være "School of commerce"
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 | Kommentar Fra : refi  |
Dato : 27-03-04 13:14 |
Det har du ret i "Better_Performance" men det er jo også noget andet end commercial.
With several hundreds of kilometers to the nearest water.
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 | Kommentar Fra : Nik_  |
Dato : 27-03-04 13:19 |
Dear ….
I’m looking forward for you to come to Denmark.
I know you don’t know Denmark so well, so I will start by telling you something about Denmark.
Denmark is a small country, so many people don’t even know it. Some have heard the name and maybe know where it is, but that’s all. We are about 5-6 million inhabitants in Denmark, and the country consist of islands and one peninsula. I really like Denmark because there’s so much water around. I don’t think I could live in the middle of a big country with several hundreds of kilometres to the nearest water. I live in a city with 25.500 people, and very close to the water. I also like to sail. It’s so quiet and peaceful out on the water, and you can just relax and enjoy it, you have to try that. Our summers is very different, some years we have a really good warm summer, and other years we have a really bad cold one. It’s the same with snow. Some years almost nothing but we have also had a few years with very much. I can’t remember those years, where we had a couple of metres, but I have seen pictures of it.
Everyday life in Denmark depends on where you live. If you live in a smaller city like the one I live in, or for example in one like our capital Copenhagen. I couldn’t live in Copenhagen, there’s too much traffic, noise and people. But if you’re born there, or have been there for a long time, you get used to it. I think you should visit it when you’re here. You can go see “the little mermaid” which is very famous, the Japanese always takes a lot of pictures of it when they’re here. You can also visit Lalandia, which is a big waterpark with tropical temperatures, and it’s not so far from here.
I think we spend our spare time like anybody else. Some goes to a kind of sport or have another kind of hobby. Many spend a lot of time with their computers. Technology is a big part of our live, like it is in many countries. Young people go to clubs, parties and discos with their friends. You can buy alcohol when you are 15, but you have to be 18 to get it served.
You can go to discos when you’re 18, but many starts already when they’re about 15.
We normally start in school when we’re about 5-6 years old, and you can leave school after ninth degrade if you want to, then you’re about 15-16. But you can also choose to take another year, or you can continue at the gymnasium, or a School of commerce of some kind, these are institutions of further education of different types, and with a degree from a gymnasium, you might want to continue at the university.
I’m looking forward to your visit, and I’m sure that you’ll get a great time here.
_ Der er sikkert stadig noget jeg har glemt..
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 | Kommentar Fra : refi  |
Dato : 27-03-04 13:29 |
Det ser meget FLOT ud.
Det kan du roligt sende.
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 | Kommentar Fra : Nik_  |
Dato : 27-03-04 13:33 |
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 | Kommentar Fra : bibsamie  |
Dato : 27-03-04 13:36 |
den mest kompetente hjælp du har fået er nok fra B_P
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