Iflg. Microsoft's hjælp er SUM default funktion for numeriske data og COUNT default funktion for ikke-numeriske data så konklusionen må vel være at det felt du ønsker at summere på ikke er formateret som et numerisk felt. Prøv at ændre på formateringen af dine grunddata og lav pivot-tabellen igen. Jeg har paste't MS hjælp ind nedenfor.
Summary functions for data analysis
Function Summarizes
Sum The sum of the values. This is the default function for numeric source data.
Count The number of items. The Count summary function works the same as the COUNTA worksheet function.
Count is the default function for source data other than numbers.
Average The average of the values.
Max The largest value.
Min The smallest value.
Product The product of the values.
Count Nums The number of rows that contain numeric data. The Count Nums summary function works the same as
the COUNT worksheet function.
StdDev An estimate of the standard deviation of a population, where the sample is all of the data to be summarized.
StdDevp The standard deviation of a population, where the population is all of the data to be summarized.
Var An estimate of the variance of a population, where the sample is all of the data to be summarized.
Varp The variance of a population, where the population is all of the data to be summarized.