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Søge formular
Fra : Martin_c
Vist : 435 gange
56 point
Dato : 08-02-04 18:44


Skulle hører om der var nogle som havde et script så man kunne få en nem søge funktion på sin hjemmeside.
Fordi den der er i Frontpage er da ikke noget hver


Ham der venter

p.s Ved godt det ikke er så mange point men alligevel HJÆLP

Fra : Tooncompany

Dato : 08-02-04 19:48
Accepteret svar
Fra : BjarneD

Modtaget 66 point
Dato : 08-02-04 19:49


<base target="leftframe">

<body BGCOLOR="#ffffff" link="#CC0033" vlink="#333399" alink="#FF0000" <!--content start-->

<p align="center"><img src="http://www.javafile.com/images/banner.GIF"
alt="banner.GIF (2826 bytes)"></p>

<td WIDTH="100%">This script is for building your own website search engine! All you need
to do is change the &quot;keywords&quot; and &quot;url&quot; in the source code and it
will search your site locally...pretty cool! Best part is...it opens in a new
&quot;mini-window&quot;.<font FACE="ARIEL,HELVETICA" SIZE="-1"><p align="center"><script

<!-- Hide Script from Old Browsers

Optimized by Daniel Bergman [http://botw.cjb.net].

Java Search Engine
(c)1997 Adam ALLEN.
Version 2.0
You may use this search engine on your page, but keep this
notice intact, and at the bottom of leave the Copyright notice at
the bottom of this page.
This scripts is my property, so please honnour my requests,
If you do so, you may freely copy, distribute, give this scripts
This is the first Java Script that I have wrote, and am proud of it,
I feel pleased that I can contribute back to the bank of JavaScripts
that I have used on my page from other people, AN EYE FOR AN EYE!

Keyword = new Object();
Descrip = new Object();
Address = new Object();

// Keyword[0] = n (where n is the number of keywords which can be searched
Keyword[0] = 6

// Each entry is split into
// Keyword[n] = text (where text is the keyword of which the entry is to
// be searched by (type Keywords in lowercase)
// Descrip[n] = text (where text is the description associated to this entry
// Address[n] = text (where text is the URL associated to the entry
// n is the entry number.

Keyword[1] = "javascript"
Descrip[1] = "Visit The JavaFILE, the absolutely best JavaScript site."
Address[1] = "http://www.javafile.com"

Keyword[2] = "free"
Descrip[2] = "Free banners, logo, fonts!"
Address[2] = "http://www.graphxisle.com"

Keyword[3] = "free"
Descrip[3] = "Free webservices at Bravenet."
Address[3] = "http://www.bravenet.com"

Keyword[4] = "free"
Descrip[4] = "Your site can go here!"
Address[4] = "http://www.yoursite.com"

function checkDatabase() {

var Found = false
var Item = document.forms[0].searchfor.value.toLowerCase();

stats += 'scrollbars=yes,resizable=yes'
MsgBox = window.open ("","msgWindow",stats)
MsgBox.opener = window;
MsgBox.opener.name = "opener";
MsgBox.document.write("<head><title>Search Results</title></head>");
MsgBox.document.write ("<body bgcolor=white text=black link=blue vlink=darkblue alink=blue><H2><CENTER><font face=arial>Search Results</CENTER></H2>")
MsgBox.document.write ("<font size=3><b><center>For the keyword: "+Item+"</center><hr width=50%></b></font>");
for (var i=1; i <= Keyword[0]; i++) {
if(Item == Keyword[i]) {
Found = true;
MsgBox.document.write ("<li><font face=arial><font size=2><b>"+Descrip[i]+"<BR><A HREF="+Address[i]+" target='opener'>Click Here To Go There</A></font></font>")

MsgBox.document.write ("<H4>Nothing Found</H4>")
// Leave the line below intact if you want to legally use this script
MsgBox.document.write ("<FORM><CENTER>")
MsgBox.document.write ("<font size=2><font color=arial><INPUT type='button' value='Close' onClick = 'self.close()'></font></font>")
MsgBox.document.write ("</CENTER></FORM>")
MsgBox.document.write ("<H6><small><small><small><b></b><font color=white><font face=arial><font size=1><font color=black>Originally created by Adam Allen <br>© 1997 All Rights Reserved</font></font></small></small></small>")
// There must be my notice above if you are to use this script legally.
// It took many hours work, fairs is fair, I just want that little line in
// and you get a fully working Search ENGINE, for FREE, on your site
// In Java Scripts as well, and not crap JAVA!
// Also a copyright notice MUST appear with the form.
// -->

</script> </font><a
href="http://www.javafile.com/javascripts/search/search3.zip"> size="3">Download the
Script</font></a><font FACE="ARIEL,HELVETICA" SIZE="-1"></p>
<form NAME="form1">
<b><div align="center"><center><p>Search for:</b><br>
<input TYPE="text" NAME="searchfor" VALUE="JavaScript" SIZE="20"><b><input type="button"
value="Search" align="absmiddle" onClick="checkDatabase()"></b><br>
<font face="Arial" size="2">To test this search engine, search for <strong>'JavaScript'</strong>.</font></font>
<!--content stop-->

Fra : BjarneD

Dato : 08-02-04 19:50

Der er lidt banner og andet tjavs i koden som bare skal slettes

Fra : Martin_c

Dato : 09-02-04 14:02

Nu har jeg øget point tallet.....

Så kom dog med nogle ordenlige svar...



Fra : BjarneD

Dato : 09-02-04 14:04

Er totalt udgået for sølvfade

Godkendelse af svar
Fra : Martin_c

Dato : 21-05-04 12:33

Tak for svaret BjarneD.

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