Jeg ved ikke hvor god du er til engelsk, men her er et uddrag fra MS support:
>>This error is returned if any one of the following conditions exists:
The processor tries to decode a bit pattern that does not correspond to any legal computer instruction.
The processor attempts to execute an instruction that contains invalid operands.
The processor attempts to execute a protected-mode instruction while running in virtual 8086 mode.
The processor tries to execute a LOCK prefix with an instruction that cannot be locked.<<
Noget tyder på en fejl som ikke umiddelbart kan overvindes da en anden søgning fortæller dette om løsningen:
To resolve this issue, disable McAfee VirusScan or Norton AntiVirus. To do so, follow these steps:
Restart your computer, press and hold down the CTRL key until the Windows 98 Startup menu appears, and then choose Command Prompt Only.
At the command prompt, type edit c:\autoexec.bat, and then press ENTER.
Type rem, and then a space at the beginning of the line that contains Vshield.exe.
If you are using Norton AntiVirus, type rem and then a space at the beginning of the line added by Norton AntiVirus.
Save and then close the Autoexec.bat file.
Restart your computer. Setup should continue.<<
Hvad fortæller det dig??