 | Nigeria breve Fra : molokyle  | Vist : 579 gange 50 point Dato : 26-11-03 15:18 |
Skal man anmelde denne slags skidt, fup og svindel? :
Citat From the desk of Engr,Livi Chima.
We are sending this letter to you based on information gathered from
the foreign trade office of the Nigerian Chamber of Commerce and
We believe that you would be in a position to help us in our bid to
transfer the sum of forty-0ne million, five hundred thousand dollars ($41.5m
USD)into a foreign account.
We are members of the special committee for budget and planning of the
Ministry of Petroleum, this committee is principally concerned with
contract appraisals and approval of contracts in order of priorities as regards
capital project of the federal government of Nigeria. With our
positions,we have successfully secured for ourselves the sum of forty-one
million,five hundred thousand united state dollars(us$41.5M). The present
government in my country are seeking re-election for that they want the support
of foreign government so they have given directive to all federal
parastatals to settle all foreign contractors being owed for contract that they has
done, so our plan is to include the name that you will provide as one
of the contractors being owed in my corporation.
What we need from you is to provide a safe account into which the funds
will be transferred since government officials are not allowed by our
laws to operate foreign account. It has been agreed that the owner of
the account will be compensated with US$8.3 Million of the remitted
funds,we keep US$31.125Million while US$2.075Million will be set aside to
offset expenses and pay the necessary taxes.
It may interest you to know that two years ago a similar transaction
was carried out with one Mr. Patrice miller, the president of crane
international trading corporation at number 135, east 57th street, 28th
floor, New York 10022 with telephone (212)308-7788 and telex number
6731689,after the agreement between both partners in which he was to take 25%
the money was duly transferred into his account only to be disappointed
on our arrival in New York as we were reliably informed that Mr.
Patrice Miller was no longer on that address while his telephone and telex
numbershave been reallocated to somebody else, that is how we lost US$27.5M
to Mr. Patrice Miller.
This time around we need a more reliable and trustworthy person or a
reputable company to do business with hence this letter to you, so if
you can prove yourself to be trusted and interested in this deal then
we are prepared to do business with you. What we want from you is the
assurance that you will let us have our share when this amount of
US$41.5M is transferred into your account.
If this proposal satisfies you, please contact me through e-mail stated
above so we can advice you on the modalities of the transaction. All
modalities of the transfer have been worked out and once started will
not take more than 7 working days with the absolute support of all
this transaction is 100% safe now and after the transfer.
Please treat as urgent and very confidential. God be with you as I look
forward to your reply.
Best regards.
Engineer, Livi Chima.
alternative email (_engr_dr_livichima@loovemail.com)
..eller bare ignorere skidtet ?
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 | Kommentar Fra : nyfigen  |
Dato : 26-11-03 16:08 |
Hej molokyle,
Mig bekendt fortæller politiet dig bare, at du skal ignorere det, hvis du prøver at anmelde.
mvh nyfigen
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 | Kommentar Fra : ibasa  |
Dato : 26-11-03 18:53 |
Hej molo !
Efter min mening bør det anmeldes.
S  ren i R  skilde
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 | Kommentar Fra : Teil  |
Dato : 26-11-03 20:30 |
Efter min mening må de gerne låne min bankkonto og efterlade nogle millioner.
Men det sker vel ikke.
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 | Accepteret svar Fra : Rellom  |  Modtaget 50 point Dato : 26-11-03 20:32 |
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 | Kommentar Fra : Rellom  |
Dato : 26-11-03 20:33 |
PS! husk i mailen at gøre opmærksom på, at du ikke selv har ladet
dig snyde, men at der blot er tale om en orientering.
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 | Godkendelse af svar Fra : molokyle  |
Dato : 27-11-03 11:26 |
Tak for svaret Rellom. Det er hermed gjort !!!
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 | Du har følgende muligheder | |
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